View Full Version : Testing the load time of maps

May 25th, 2022, 02:14
I was testing the load time of some maps that push the boundaries of recommended pixel, and file size of 1mb by opening FG again and joining a campaign I was also hosting over the cloud.
Will this give an accurate load time?
Would the number of players increase the load time?

Moon Wizard
May 25th, 2022, 02:44
It will not really give you much information; because same machine transfers are super-fast due to not needing to actually traverse any networks outside your machine. Even on the same network, it would be minimal information, since it would only be traversing local network and not Internet links. The number of players will increase the transfer time, because a copy will need to be sent at least once to every player who connects to your session.

But, the bigger consideration is that not all people of high-end machines or graphics cards; so large maps (especially when using large numbers of lighting/LoS points) can affect machines differently depending on their performance characteristics. What runs fine on your local high-end desktop machine may not run well on a 8-year old laptop.


May 25th, 2022, 03:50
Thank you, I understand the restrictions you mention and have read the Best Practices post. All of that helped a lot.

I am trying to figure out the best way to use a large high resolution city map. I did not make it for FG originally. Currently all the images are about 2048 x 2048 at 1MG.

There is an image of the entire city and a small amount of surrounding land. That image is cut into four parts Northwest, NE, SW, and SE. Each of the four parts are cut into nine sections and each of those sections are cut into nine detailed sections that could be used as a battle map. This has become a lot of maps...

The idea being you can sort of zoom into the city image by using the pushpins that will open progressively smaller and more detailed map sections. Making the entire city an open sandbox setting.

May 25th, 2022, 05:30
2048x2048@1MB will usually be fine.It will really depend if you have a slow upload bandwidth, or if one of your players has a slow download bandwidth or a slow computer with minimum specs and RAM. Plus it will all depend upon your expectations and those of your players. People have difference tolerance for computer performance, some folks complain when they have to wait 5-10 seconds. Other don't mind 30-60 download times.

In short, try it with your players and see if you and they are happy with the performance.

May 25th, 2022, 12:17
Look for posts by Weissrolf, he's done some pretty exhaustive research into maps, sizes, & load times. I'll also note that his posts can be a bit aggressive and a bit of a perfectionist but I think his heart is in the right place. :)

May 25th, 2022, 16:24
The RobboNJ69 post: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?52553-All-Encompassing-Image-amp-Module-Memory-Reference-Guide

The question asked (mostly) and the answers LordEntrails and Trenloe gave are what I was looking for.
Thank You Nylanfs

May 25th, 2022, 17:26
Note that 2048x2048 (4 million) pixels with a file size of 1MB were recommendations for FG Classic.

FG Unity has a recommendation of 4K x 4K pixels (16 million) pixels and doesn't have a specific file size recommendation - although keeping it 1-2MB will significantly help share times to the players.

Details on recommended image size in FG Unity here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/2037547009/Developer+Guidelines

May 25th, 2022, 21:35
I am using FG unity
Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal is a great resource and well organized. I had not gone looking for anything like that.
The last time I was around you did not have the Portal and things were a little more chaotic. An excuse or defense, you decide :cry: