View Full Version : Weird Bug doesn't let me join my gm's game

May 24th, 2022, 21:31
When i updated my launcher bugged and it doesn't let me in, instead of letting me join a game it opens the folder of the app. None other player has any problem with the game.
I tried even unninstaling and reinstaling. I deleted everything and updated again.
Every time i click something it clicks like 4 times, so it's even more annoying. I didn't see anyone with the same problem, i didn't touch anything just updated the game :cry:

May 24th, 2022, 21:46
Welcome to FG.

Do you by any chance have a controller or similar device connected to your computer. If so try disabling it - or just unplug it entirely.

If it's not that then check that your anti virus software isn't the problem. Delete any existing rules and add in a new fresh one. Make sure that it hasn't already quarantined FGU.

May 24th, 2022, 21:50
I tried, no changes. I deleted everything and reupdated everything.
Im not so oiled with FGU btw but i don't know what else to do

May 24th, 2022, 21:53
Can you upload your log files? https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1242136781/How+to+Compile+Logs

May 24th, 2022, 21:57
When i try to open the logs it twitches like 5 times and it opens my explorer i don't know why

May 24th, 2022, 22:23
What is your operating system?

Moon Wizard
May 25th, 2022, 03:00
Try uninstalling and reinstalling FG. If that doesn't work, then try disabling any extra controllers other than keyboard/mouse connected to your machine.
