View Full Version : Quick load of specific modules

May 24th, 2022, 04:13
Hi all, I have been searching for a way to set up like a list of modules to load every time you start up a new server, and I can't find anything like what I am looking for. My sister is getting into DMing, and she is running games for me and her girlfriend but everytime she switches to my username (since I have bought all the content) she has to reload all of the modules. I'm trying to find a way to just have like one button to press or a macro or something so that she doesn't have to individually load every single module every time. Does anyone know of anything like this? Even just a way to load all modules with one button would be awesome.

May 24th, 2022, 08:10
Welcome to FG.

I'm not sure I'm following what the issue is. Are you talking about logging into someone else's account (which is against the EULA) or are you talking about starting a new campaign on the same account?

May 24th, 2022, 12:31
Make a new campaign, load all your commonly used modules in it. Then every time you want to start a new campaign copy that folder.

May 24th, 2022, 12:41
Thanks Nylanfs, thats what I was looking for.

May 24th, 2022, 17:34
If that is what you want to do then you can also just copy the modulestate.xml file from the campaign with all the open modules and paste that into any other campaign (overwriting the existing file).

May 24th, 2022, 19:06
Depending on which ruleset you're using there will usually be some quick load module sets in the Campaign Setup window on the second screen.

Refer to the Campaign Setup Window section of the Quick Start Guide in the Wiki here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/2028306433/Play+Now+Fantasy+Grounds+Super+Quick-Start+for+Players#Step-Three%3A-The-Campaign-Setup-Window