View Full Version : Unable to load image files

May 20th, 2022, 12:00
I am creating an FGU version of a D&D 5e module I own. I created a new campaign to do the development in. I was able to create some story entries with no problem, but when I tried to bring an image in I get the following message in the chat box - Image file already exists in campaign. Skipped.

The image doesn't already exist in the campaign, and searching for it doesn't find it. This is a brand new campaign I have just created, no extensions are loaded, and I loaded all the 5e rulesets. I have attached the log files.

When I try to import the image into an existing campaign, it works with no problems.

May 20th, 2022, 15:17
Sounds like the image is already in the campaign assets. Open the Assets window and then open the Campaign bag - see if your image is in there, if it is then open it and click "Create Image Record".

May 20th, 2022, 21:22
I tried that, but the new campaign I created doesn't have a Campaign Bag in Assets, although the Campaign Bag still exists in already existing campaigns. I suspect it is something to do with the creation of the new campaign, but I just clicked on the Create Campaign button the way I previously have.

May 20th, 2022, 21:50
Please upload a Zipped copy of the campaign directory that has this issue.

May 20th, 2022, 21:58
Here is the zipped campaign

May 20th, 2022, 22:22
Here is the zipped campaign
Thanks for providing that. There is a "Handout Necro 1.jpg" file in the images directory. Without the campaign loaded in FGU, delete that file. Then load the campaign and import the file again.

May 20th, 2022, 23:16
I followed the steps suggested in your last reply, but I get the same error, which doesn't surprise me as the image was created after the campaign was, so the first time I tried to load it, it was a brand new image. I have also tried changing the name of the image just in case there was a hidden file somewhere with the same name, but I still got the same error.

May 21st, 2022, 02:00
I can recreate the error you're having if I load up the campaign you provided, and also make a separate copy of Handout Necro 1.jpg in a different directory - this is the image I will try to import. If I load up the campaign in post #5 and try to import Handout Necro 1.jpg from the copy outside the campaign, I get the error.

However, if (before loading FG) I delete Handout Necro 1.jpg from the Homebrew Necro 5e\images directory and then import the file I copied elsewhere, it works.

Let's make sure you're doing the exact same steps.

Make sure you have a copy of Handout Necro 1.jpg outside of your FG campaign diectory.
Without loading FG, go to <FG app data>\campaigns\Homebrew Necro 5e\images and delete Handout Necro 1.jpg
Load up your Homebrew Necro 5e campaign.
Open the Images window and click "Import Files" - select Handout Necro 1.jpg which you copied outside of your campaign directory in step 1 above.

The above steps should import the Handout Necro 1.jpg file and open it in an image window. This should work because the only reference to that file in the campaign uploaded in post #5 was the image file in the campaign images directory, there was no reference to it in the campaign database.

May 21st, 2022, 07:06
That is what I did before, but I did it again and still got the error message. To be clear, with FG closed, I went to the images folder for that campaign and deleted the file. I then started FG and opened the campaign. I copied the file from another directory and tried to import it using the Import Files button - same error as every other time.

May 21st, 2022, 08:58
That is what I did before, but I did it again and still got the error message. To be clear, with FG closed, I went to the images folder for that campaign and deleted the file. I then started FG and opened the campaign. I copied the file from another directory and tried to import it using the Import Files button - same error as every other time.

The highlighted text confuses me. There are two methods of importing a file into your campaign. The first is the one Trenloe outlines in post #8 above. That is open the image window and click on import file and then navigate to where you have the image stored (which won't be in FG data necessarily). The second method is to add the image to the images folder inside the campaign folder and then open Assets > Images > (refresh images) > select the image and in the preview window select create campaign image. So which of these methods are you doing and can you explain the text that I have bolded in more detail.

May 21st, 2022, 15:38
I copied the file from another directory and tried to import it using the Import Files button - same error as every other time.
For the process I have described, do not copy the image file manually into your campaign images directory. Follow the steps I provided above exactly, don't do any other steps.

May 21st, 2022, 21:29
The penny has dropped and I realise what I was doing wrong, trying to use the Import File button for a file already in the Images folder. I was able to successfully import the file via the Assets. It's not really important, but I don't understand why I was able to successfully use the Import File button to import the image into an existing campaign using the same steps. Perhaps it has to do with that campaign having been around for a while and the new campaign having been created since the last major update? Anyway, as I said, not really important.

Thank you both for your help.