View Full Version : A one (or mabye two) shot.. need help.

October 13th, 2007, 10:48
As the topic says, I am looking to put together a 1 - 2 session adventure to test this program out a little bit. I have been a DM/GM/ST for quite some time, but I have yet to run anything on a VTT. I am looking for a few people willing to give me an evening or two, and allow me to attempt to tell a story. Although I am not particularly fond of 3.5, I will be using it for ease of play, since I am not familiar enough to modify the ruleset myself.

This particular short will take place in a small urban setting, and will be a dungeon crawl of sorts. It will have its fair share of hack and slash, though I would still prefer Roleplayers over Rollplayers. All character classes from the core books will be allowed, and I will have some pregens just in case. All characters will begin at 5th level, and will have gear provided.

If you think you might be interested, please feel free to reply to this post. I am looking at a start date of October 23, 24. Somewhere during that week. The only evening I am not available is Wednesday, any other evening after 6pm EDT, I am good to go.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

October 13th, 2007, 13:49
I am mostly a scifi player on the weekends, but otherwise this sounds like a game I might be interested in.
I hope it goes well!

October 13th, 2007, 15:30
Sure happy to help you out, But I do have games on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday ATM, so any other date than that, I would gladly help you out with the program. Just PM me the time you think is good GMT-6 here.