View Full Version : Iron Kingdoms Ruleset?

October 12th, 2007, 16:16
Has anyone made an Iron Kingdoms ruleset as of yet?

February 2nd, 2008, 21:02
I've been doing one for 1.5 but someone else is working on one for FGII.
However, I have more information in than I think would be allowed under to distribute. I have name lists, prestige classes, and monsternomicon.

February 3rd, 2008, 20:09
Digital Adventures has released an Iron Heroes rulset for 1.5. I believe they may be converting it for FG2 but i am unsure.

February 3rd, 2008, 20:42
Digital Adventures has released an Iron Heroes rulset for 1.5. I believe they may be converting it for FG2 but i am unsure.

Iron "Kingdoms" and Iron "Heroes" are two different systems and companies.

Digital Adventures has the license to produce Iron Heroes for FG only.

February 3rd, 2008, 20:43
I've been doing one for 1.5 but someone else is working on one for FGII.
However, I have more information in than I think would be allowed under to distribute. I have name lists, prestige classes, and monsternomicon.

That is all copyrighted material and cannot be distributed without permission.

Blue Haven
February 11th, 2008, 21:09
Hey Ironrock when the Iron Heroes will be ready?? you said new year and we´re on Feb and nothing... :( i want my ruleset :'(

February 12th, 2008, 15:04
Blue - Thore is pretty busy at the moment, I'm sure he'll post when he surfaces for air. What little I know of this particular project is that we are working on it but the transition from FG to FGII has proved a little more awkward than we expected. Of course, the extra features have benefitted all of us, well done Smite ;-)

Converting all the rulesets has proved far from straightforward; we rather neatly landed ourselves with a large number of conversions and new rulesets to develop plus some other projects in the pipeline. We felt that given the non d20 nature of Savage Worlds and the strong Savage community that this was our first priority. The second was to push out the CSRD to keep the FG CSRD community happy. The Castles and Crusades ruleset followed swiftly (or may have been first ... I cannot remember).

What we now have on the books and have posted about :
1)The Iron Heroes Ruleset
2)Converson of the MSRD which I *think* is pretty close to release but Thore or the particular developers on that may over-rule me.
3)Conversion of the Arcana Evolved (a particular favourite of mine).
4)A new licensed Rolemaster ruleset.

We are working on it Blue but I will refrain from giving a release date based soley on my particular (and well known) ignorance. :o

Thore may well post at some point ... thanks for your interest.

Blue Haven
February 12th, 2008, 15:38
Thanks Stuart :) i have the Arcana Evolved ruleset for FG 1.05f too and i´m waiting for that release too :)
I will wait :D

February 13th, 2008, 12:57
We are officially reviewing "draft" versions of Iron Heroes and Arcana Evolved, weeding out the bugs and such. The plan is to have them out before the end of Q1. The other IH and AE product conversions will follow soon after.

The MSRD is 99.9% done, and will be posted for sale within the next 5-7 days.

Thanks for the interest!

February 24th, 2008, 16:07
I have the Iron Heroes players handbook and would love to get involved in a game/campaign. As I make my own schedule at work i can be free on whichever night works best to play on.