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View Full Version : Looking for players - Long-running Vampire: The Masquerade game

False Epiphany
May 16th, 2022, 01:12
Hey folks!

My name's Calder (pronounced "Call-der"). I'm 30 and I've been playing RPGs for about half my life and GMing a Vampire: The Masquerade campaign called Blood & Bourbon since 2015. The game has three other players, Emily, Pete, and Sam, who are in their 30s to 40s, and we're looking for one or two more players to round out our group. The game is text-based and played over Discord at nonscheduled times: players post in their channels when convenient and the GM responds when convenient. We're all adults with busy lives and scheduling ~5-hour weekly blocks of time to play would be tough!

Blood & Bourbon is seven years old and has produced, by my count, over 11,000 pages of text logs. We also have an Obsidian Portal wiki with 500+ pages and a hundreds-large cast of characters. We seek to emulate authors like George RR Martin and Steve Erikson in depth and complexity, and are looking for players who share our level of passion, enthusiasm, and desire to get involved in something for the long haul. This is not a casual game!

The game itself is set in modern-day New Orleans and is focused on Vampire's bread and butter themes of personal horror and political intrigue. While the GM tailors the former to the personalities and relationships of the game's PCs, the latter's political setup is a three-way struggle between the prince and two rival elders. The prince is an iron-fisted Old World Ventrue who believes in absolute order enforced at any cost, no matter how bloody. His Toreador rival takes a more laissez-fare and easygoing approach to rule, but permits his Kindred subjects within the French Quarter to indulge their most decadent appetites without hindrance. Their mutual foe is a Samedi houngan who protects the city's often poor and disenfranchised Vodouisants, but traffics with dark forces and cares nothing for the lives of those who do not number among his followers.

Due to the actions of PCs, it's come out that the prince is long overdue to enter torpor. Battles have already broken out along the borders of the three elders' territories. The already tense city has become a powder keg with a lit fuse: the prince's supporters now jockey to position themselves as his heir while his rivals smile and sharpen their knives. PCs in Blood & Bourbon's setting immerse themselves in the plots and intrigues of their fellow Kindred to carve out power bases of their own, yet the dark deeds power requires may turn them into monsters as awful as any of the elders they wrest it from.

An ambitious neonate can go far in this city, but all power has a price. What will you pay?

More information about the game can be found on its campaign wiki (https://blood-and-bourbon.obsidianportal.com/). It is a pretty deep rabbit hole.

To apply, fill out the Google Form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpsGEyxC5-l4Yd9utCf_J-0LRZmBa9gOs6xqjmv3qTQQ4Kug/viewform). Applications will remain open until June 15th.

Feel free to ask any questions here!

May 16th, 2022, 14:18
Welcome False Epiphany

This forum is for people using the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software to run their games on. Please do refrain from recruiting for games running on other platforms. Thanks.