View Full Version : Module Battle Maps no longer visible - Big Red Question Mark Instead

May 14th, 2022, 21:39
I have been running a Rise of the Drow campaign for the past several months. For the most part things have been fine.

Between now and two weeks ago when things worked fine, I can only assume an update ripped through that has torched my campaign's battle maps. Of note - I am the DM and am not a player so a player cache issue this is not.

When I try to load ANY battle map - I get a blank window with a red question mark. Doing research I see that this means it can't find my resource.

The new compile logs feature shows me: [ERROR] Graphic: Unable to load file (modules/Rise of the Drow Collectors Edition/BATTLEMAP <whatever map file.jpg) (*) (where <whatever map file.jpg> is literally every map file I try to open).

This is a hard show stopper for us. I had to run empty image files last night and just draw the battle maps but at that point I could just use Roll20 or some other software if thats all I needed.

What can I do to force a re-download of a bought asset such as this? I can unload it and reload it but that does nothing.

Is there a way to internally validate the path to the images and then correct a file structure that somehow got torched during the update?

I don't go through the file structure AT ALL. I use the app and let it do its thing, so its not like I've gone in and moved something by accident and broke my campaign.

I appreciate any help that can be had on this matter.

May 14th, 2022, 21:43
Look in your fg data folder, modules sub folder. See of you have the module in there. Check file details like size and date. Post info and picture if possible

May 14th, 2022, 21:55
I believe this has been reported before and action is being taken to correct the problem. I'll alert James to see if he can shed any light on when this issue will get fixed.

May 14th, 2022, 22:03

The screenshot shows it showing up in my Modules in the application. The data directory however under the Modules sub folder has no reference to anything named Rise of the Drow or anything similar. I confirmed I can pull everything else on the screenshot just fine, even other images (just not battle maps).

#2 shows my Vault sub folder which appears to have a dat file that corresponds to my campaign.

#3 shows my campaign folder and the xml files being used.

Moon Wizard
May 14th, 2022, 23:08
Can you please try these steps?

1. Go to FG launch screen, and make sure you run a Check for Updates.
2. Load your campaign
3. Select Library->Modules from the right-hand sidebar once campaign is loaded.
4. In the Modules window, right click on the "Rise of the Drow Collectors Edition" in the left side of the Modules window.
5. Select the Revert Changes option.
6. Try opening images from the module again.

If that still doesn't work, then use these steps:

1. Go to FG launch screen, and click the folder button.
2. In the modules subfolder, delete any "Rise of the Drow Collectors Edition" files/folders you might find.
3. In the vault subfolder, delete the AAWFG5EROTD.dat file.
4. Go back to FG launch screen, and run a new Check for Updates.
5. Follow the steps above again.


May 15th, 2022, 00:28
Can you please try these steps?

1. Go to FG launch screen, and make sure you run a Check for Updates.
2. Load your campaign
3. Select Library->Modules from the right-hand sidebar once campaign is loaded.
4. In the Modules window, right click on the "Rise of the Drow Collectors Edition" in the left side of the Modules window.
5. Select the Revert Changes option.
6. Try opening images from the module again.

If that still doesn't work, then use these steps:

1. Go to FG launch screen, and click the folder button.
2. In the modules subfolder, delete any "Rise of the Drow Collectors Edition" files/folders you might find.
3. In the vault subfolder, delete the AAWFG5EROTD.dat file.
4. Go back to FG launch screen, and run a new Check for Updates.
5. Follow the steps above again.


Thank you JPG.

I updated FG again as you asked, and reverted changes to the module. That does at this point appear to have fixed the issue. I was able to load battle maps once again.

Thank you very much for your help. Is this something that I will need to do often or is this one-time-fix good to go for the foreseeable future?

May 15th, 2022, 00:38
One time fix :)
I believe there was a mistake made and a "bad" version of the module got pushed out. Once they replaced the bad module, just had to have everyone update and revert that were effected.