View Full Version : Myth Drannor

Max Silver
May 11th, 2022, 05:23
Not sure if this is the forum to post this, but has anyone made a module for this old campaign? I mean the old 2e Ruins of Myth Drannor. Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds would be cool, too.
I've looked on Google, the Smiteworks store, Forge and DMs Guild. No luck.
I could buy the box set and get to converting it to 5e, I guess, but only if my players REALLY want me to take a trip back to my high school days lol.
I'm willing to pay, ofc, but I'm not seeing it already done.
But, then again, I always seem to use the wrong keywords when I'm doing searches.
Any info would be appreciated.

Man... Memories. Hillsfar, Baldur's Gate series, Labyrinth (?) of the mad mage, secret of the silver blades, the list goes on and on with good times around the table and I'd love to bring these cherished times to the people in my life now, almost 30 years later. But I sure as heck don't have books from that long ago.

May 11th, 2022, 05:57
Myth Drannor the boxset has not been converted.

As for the others... https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=WOTC2EFRC1 and https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=WOTC2EFRC2 .

May 11th, 2022, 16:45
I have a small adventure that I created for my home campaign called Escape From Myth Drannor. It only details a few locations (4 maps I made) and is designed as a tier 3 adventure where the party comes in through a one-way portal (in this case, intentional as a shortcut to get to the Anauroch Desert) and have to make their way out of the mostly collapsed dwarven under halls. Each map has multiple locations but is designed to be played in a single character day (long rest between each map).

If you are interested, I can work on cleaning it up so it is publishable (ie. making sure I haven't copied anything not under the OGL) and get it up on the Forge. Maps have Lighting and LOS etc. IT would still be 'rough' but should be useable if it fits what you are looking for. Here's a screen shot;

Max Silver
May 11th, 2022, 20:43
Looks good, LordEntrails. I took a vote of my players last night and only my wife was interested in high school me LOL. They want to run Strahd when this campaign wraps up. We still have probably 2 months left before that. That gives me plenty of time to scour local used book/game stores for physical books to convert for my amusement. We are currently playing a version of the Anime Overlord. Converting that, adding relevant resources, classes, races, etc. took a huge amount of time. Something like adjusting stats and rebuilding maps shouldn't be much of a problem. (You can see their tastes going from undead anime to ravenloft)

I'd love to share the world setting of it, since it is such a huge volume of work and I know there are more fans out there, but the amount of copywrote material makes that prohibitive.