View Full Version : Module Activation Issue

Thomas King
May 6th, 2022, 20:42
Hey so my player is having issues activating the Modules. I the GM use Window the Player is using Mac(Don't know if that means that they may need different instructions). This player is the only one that is having issues with seeing or loading any of the content.

I have the Modules activated and green checked for what I want them to use as shown.

But when this player logs in and goes into the Module activation screen nothing shows for them.
I have check and double checked, but I can't think of anything on how to get it to show on their end.
Please Help

Thank you,
My all your 20's be nat
Thomas King the Silver Spade

Moon Wizard
May 6th, 2022, 20:52
Usually when I've seen this happen, it's because the files are being blocked by some sort of security software on the user's machine, or the router settings on the user's network, which are dropping the connection and/or blocking the files from being downloaded. (usually due to specific files triggering security behaviors, or amount of traffic volume triggering security behaviors)

Do they have another machine they can try on?


Thomas King
May 6th, 2022, 22:33
Unfortunately I don’t think they do

Moon Wizard
May 6th, 2022, 22:43
Had you had anyone else connect to your campaign to see if they are seeing the same issue or not?

The blocking can happen on either the GM or the player side, depending on their network security setup.


Thomas King
May 7th, 2022, 01:46
I have my other players load in the modules perfectly fine once I showed them where they were. Now you mentioned security settings in the router and thinking about it that may be the problem as my player is military.