View Full Version : Text Contrast Needs Adjusting when developing Themes

May 1st, 2022, 19:40
Human factors engineering 101. Do not put white text on crème paper.

Throughout the VTM ruleset you see the use of non contrasting text which makes many sections difficult to read. The Reference Manual section on "The Six Traditions" is a good example of this in the Dark Theme.

Please do a quick edit for legibility when considering theme color choices.

Moon Wizard
May 1st, 2022, 21:32
Are you using any theme extensions? Or just the base theme?

Since theme extensions can change both the background frames as well as the text color, it is important to know whether it's just the base theme or a theme extension that has the specific colors?


May 1st, 2022, 22:25
I was using the default FG dark theme that comes in Unity when you create a new campaign.

Moon Wizard
May 2nd, 2022, 01:45
Every ruleset has a default theme built into the ruleset (i.e. no extensions); so thank you for providing the theme that is affecting the scenario. I'll pass on to the theme developer.


May 2nd, 2022, 16:33
Thanks for pointing this out, I will get that sorted out straight away.