View Full Version : Portrait Packs - JPG vs PNG

April 30th, 2022, 06:50
I read in the wiki that for PPKs we should use Optimized JPGs (60-70%)

However, most PPKs I look at contents of seem to have PNGs in them instead.
Is this due to the JPG comment being old (or very new, since even my DLWWW Portraits are PNGs)

I started converting to JPG on my current thing and decided to check naming if they more often use "-" or "_" ("-" is most common I found) and then noticed most were PNGs although an occasional french fry was found in the onion rings.

April 30th, 2022, 09:21
I've generally always used png files for portraits but either jpg or png will be fine.

April 30th, 2022, 19:44
Good to know. I had previously always created PNGs for portaits (and tokens, of course) and JPGs for "standard" images.

Then I read the WIKI as I tried to refamiliarize with current norms:

Creating Portrait Packs
To create a portrait pack you need the following:

Portrait Image files

Each portrait image file should be 100px by 100px optimized JPG (ScriptJPG at 60%-70% works great).

Save the image files as a .zip file (not the folder they are in). Rename the extension ".zip" to ".ppk" and you are done.

For the one example token I made, the JPG was ~3K and PNG 16K (70% optimized and compression-9, respectively)
I have poor vision and even on my big monitor I cannot make out details. When zoomed to even 140% I could see the "halo" around the face - although it wasn't "in your face" unless you were looking at it critically. I feel that a 100 16K portraits is nothing space wise (not that this has more than 22) so if not forbidden, I'd go that way.

I did notice that even in 5E/WotC portraits there are some png and more jpg. So it is probably a more "recent" change of preference for Smitworks. If JPGs are required for new submissions and they want what I am making, I'll swap in the JPG versions and keep for myself the higher quality ones.