View Full Version : Creating SWD / SWADE (individual) modules

April 24th, 2022, 20:54
I finished an Adventure Card deck for World of the Dead (based on SWD) and I started to make a custom one for SWADE (because of some different subdecks - may choose to eliminate subdeck definitions in the MOD file and just use one - but for now assuming will use 2)

I found something odd, when I opened the SWD ruleset up, I saw BOTH the SWD and SWADE versions of my MODs.
When I opened the SWADE ruleset up, I saw ONLY the SWADE version of my MODs - as I'd expect and prefer.

I've been away from this a long time due to life events (Covid, shepherding son through at-home-school last year, new job, house-hunting, new house, etc) and I was never near being an expert - so I assume I just did it incorrectly, but I am not seeing it atm:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<name>Adventure Cards of the Dead</name>
<displayname>Adventure Cards of the Dead</displayname>
<author>FG Conversion: Dan Delgado (Varsuuk)\rIllustrations and design by T. Jordan &amp; Wendy Pea****. Graphic elements by David Jarvis. Playtesting by John Boulton, Chris Stadler, Scott Venable, and John Zielinsky</author>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<name>Adventure Cards of the Dead - SWADE</name>
<displayname>Adventure Cards of the Dead (SWADE)</displayname>
<author>FG Conversion: Dan Delgado (Varsuuk)\rIllustrations and design by T. Jordan &amp; Wendy Pea****. Graphic elements by David Jarvis. Playtesting by John Boulton, Chris Stadler, Scott Venable, and John Zielinsky</author>

I tried adding a <replaces> for the heck of it in SWD (which is counter-intuitive for me) to replace the SWADE one as a "hail Mary" shot. Didn't work either.

April 24th, 2022, 21:37
OK - found the answer:


That's the one that limits it to SWADE.
Sorry, I missed the SWADE Adventure Deck in my MODs dir since it was so cluttered and I forgot it was prefaced with SWADE vs suffixed ;) I changed my naming to preface it as well now.

I got confused, so SavageWorlds and SWD are exact synonyms? Or are there distinctions. Any advice how to use them? Should I always use both going forward for SWD-compatible MODs?
(or... now that think on it ... "SavageWorlds" for "base class - ie: useable by either"? and "SWD" for SWD-specific?)