View Full Version : Bayne Bag of Holding for 5E

April 22nd, 2022, 21:42
This extension lets the GM and player's organize their pack animals, magical huts, wagons, or bags of holding right on the Party Sheet. Players can control their coin and drag and drop items from their inventory to storage(and back). The GM sets the location in case the party is using multiple animals. Player tokens link their character sheets to their coin or bag of holding. Weights of all coins and items are tracked on the window

If you have ever tried to run pack animals and used character sheets or some other sort of hack you realize how non perfect it is. My biggest complaint in my groups is that player's can't remember what is stored in their Tiny Hut. They no longer have to worry!



April 23rd, 2022, 17:11
I watched your youtube post and have a few questions as the video was lacking some detail on a few things.

1. I see only one icon for "Bag of Holding" is that accessible by the whole party or just the one that owns the "Bag of Holding".
2. Same question for the "NPC"s that are carrying your gear (horses, mules and such)... are all of those visible and accessible by the party or just the one that owns the animal?
3. It doesn't seem as though the label is mutable to something like "Leumund's Secret Chest" or "Demiplane A" is that planned for the future?

I might suggest doing another video and include the point of view of the client side. That would help the understanding on how it works a great deal.

April 23rd, 2022, 17:17
1. The whole party can see it but only the players whose token is drug into the bag can actually manipulate it.
2. the entire party can see it, add to it or take away from to their inventory. I added a "tender". the tender can actually set the item location . "saddlebag" etc
3. well for my hut I drug a token right above the inventory and typed in the name. the bag of holding is just a bag of holding. The entire things is meant to be used for your hut or mule or whatever. That is why each player can have their own coin section that they alone can control. (again everyone can see it)

April 23rd, 2022, 17:41
Ok, then I guess this isn't what I am looking for. I know the default expectation at most tables is that all PCs work together and share everything but I run a more "realistic" take on that because not all the PCs have the same side goals at the very least and during down time they pursue different things and don't necessarily share what they did and what they gained with the other PCs.

I was looking to code something for stashes for each PC, it didn't occur to me to modify the Party Sheet but that is an interesting approach to it. I would need multiple "stashes" per PC, as an example I have one PC with his room at their shared manor house, another stash in the caves beneath that, another inside his modified wagon.

Or for my high level conjurer multiple Demi-planes and wizards being paranoid and untrusting divulging such things to anyone would be out of the question.

Thanks though. I will keep my eye on this none-the-less.

April 23rd, 2022, 17:48
You should try to use Silent Ruins parcel extension for that. Being on the "Party Sheet" it is meant to be shared knowledge

April 24th, 2022, 01:08
Nice work here. I did get this one but found there is a conflict with the weather generator ext. You both add a tab on the party sheet and yours looks to overwrite his? Any chance we could get this resolved?

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?69051-Weather-Generator#:~:text=This%20extension%20for%20Fantasy %20Grounds,any%20previous%20time%20periods%20forec ast.

April 24th, 2022, 01:38
Yeah I heard about this. I am not totally sure I can. I'll can reach out to Matt though.

I do have an update coming Monday. It will Fix a few minor bugs, make the labels editable for the bag and I added another container (bag).

April 24th, 2022, 01:43
Yeah I heard about this. I am not totally sure I can. I'll can reach out to Matt though.

I do have an update coming Monday. It will Fix a few minor bugs, make the labels editable for the bag and I added another container (bag).

Thanks for looking into this. I would like to have both if possible. The updates sound nice.

One thought: Sometimes my players each have a pack animal (like a horse). It would be cool if you could add those like you do player's coins (above). That way each has there own pack animal.

April 24th, 2022, 02:24
Yeah I think this is going to work. My wife was actually directing my coding on this haha and We are using it in our first game tomorrow. So I am sure I will have even more feedback. The big thing with adding stuff is real estate is limited but maybe I can squeeze something in up there. It could help them track their animal. The items are sorted by location then by name. So if you run multiple pack animals it will keep them separate.

April 24th, 2022, 12:42
Yeah I think this is going to work. My wife was actually directing my coding on this haha and We are using it in our first game tomorrow. So I am sure I will have even more feedback. The big thing with adding stuff is real estate is limited but maybe I can squeeze something in up there. It could help them track their animal. The items are sorted by location then by name. So if you run multiple pack animals it will keep them separate.

Cool. Yeah, my current hack would be to add a "generic pack animal" and have everyone use location for each of their horses/buildings. Looking forward to the next version. Thanks!

April 24th, 2022, 16:15
This is in 2e but its same extension.( by end of next week this extension will work in 5E 2E and CnC)

The party is going to transfer items from their hut character sheet to this window. But I set it up for them to use. You can see I added a container for coins. it is purely informational.

The player tokens all represent of who has control and ownership of the associated window. Only those in control can edit the window(and GM)


April 24th, 2022, 17:08
Also notice the MNM's coin manager lost its button on the top of the party sheet as well. Looks to be another conflict.

April 24th, 2022, 19:44
OK the update this week should fix that as well. ( I hope) We finished our game today and I am doing some more updates based on their feedback. I added a link to the bag panels so the player can hotbar their bag of holding or portable hole

April 25th, 2022, 00:52
OK the update this week should fix that as well. ( I hope) We finished our game today and I am doing some more updates based on their feedback. I added a link to the bag panels so the player can hotbar their bag of holding or portable hole

I was thinking that might be the case. Thanks!

April 25th, 2022, 23:43
Update has been pushed. Please let me know if that resolved the extension conflicts. I also added a bunch of QOL improvements and fixed some bugs.

April 26th, 2022, 00:58
Update has been pushed. Please let me know if that resolved the extension conflicts. I also added a bunch of QOL improvements and fixed some bugs.

Looks good on the conflicts. No issues there. I did see there are two bags now and the container name for money for each character but I am unsure of the token for the container. I can't seem to drag anything to it that will replace the ?. I get the name to change but that is it.

April 26th, 2022, 01:01
Yeah the bags are editable. The container token on the money if you have a pack of mules (it was a request) It is not linkable but can drag an NPC link to the token or a image form your assets. it is for information only. Ill make an update video.

Glad the conflicts got resolved.

Edit: You are right on that token I have it pointing to the wrong lua script. Ill get it fixed ha

April 26th, 2022, 11:18
Yeah the bags are editable. The container token on the money if you have a pack of mules (it was a request) It is not linkable but can drag an NPC link to the token or a image form your assets. it is for information only. Ill make an update video.

Glad the conflicts got resolved.

Edit: You are right on that token I have it pointing to the wrong lua script. Ill get it fixed ha

Sounds good.

May 5th, 2022, 01:25
Small update today. Fixed an issue with item weight not calculating correctly.

May 8th, 2022, 19:32
This morning while playing our usual sunday game an issue came up in regards to this extension. We have used Mad Nomad's Party Combat Stats (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/133/view) in our game for a while, but just added yours this week. So now, On the DM side, all is well, the party sheet shows both Mad Nomad's combat tab and the cargo tab. On the Player side, there is no combat stats tab, but the cargo tab is there. I do run many other extensions, so it is possible there is another conflict, but currently these are the two i am seeing an issue with. Anyone else having the same issue?

May 8th, 2022, 20:52
Thanks Ill send him a message. Because of the options menu I had to override the ps.client.lua. Maybe we can figure something out.

May 12th, 2022, 18:15
Did a small update today on drag and drop mechanics. if your players get delinked from their BoH or coin list clear and re-add their token.

May 21st, 2022, 19:44
First off, great mod. A quick question. Any way to get the ability to have more than two bags of holding?

May 21st, 2022, 20:32
There is not. The names are editable and the owner can link it to it's hotbar and open it without accessing the party sheet though.

May 21st, 2022, 20:57
Thanks for letting me know. I usually run larger parties and they always all want their own bags of holding so I was hoping there was a way for them to each be able to have their own bags.

May 23rd, 2022, 06:35
This addon DOES NOT WORK! There are no buttons, no tabs, nothing on the party sheet.

May 23rd, 2022, 12:04
Did you load the extension because it works fine for 70 other subscribers ?

May 29th, 2022, 23:39
Updated to work with MadNomad's PS extensions. Thanks MadNomadGM.

May 30th, 2022, 05:49
This addon DOES NOT WORK! There are no buttons, no tabs, nothing on the party sheet.

I can absolutely confirm that it does work. Before you make such a definitive claim, you should probably try to figure out what you might be doing wrong or haven't considered.

That said, @bayne7400 is it possible to have multiple tabs in the party loot section of the extension? Or have it autosort based on item location like it does in the inventory tab?

I'm not sure that I'm framing the question very well, but to explain how I and my party would like to use it, we'd like for multiple tabs within the party loot area for stuff like the base/home, ship/wagon, etc.

May 30th, 2022, 13:14
So I'll double check but the inventory section should auto sort on location then item. Having editable tabs is a good idea though. It wouldn't take up any more space.

November 3rd, 2022, 19:07
This looks perfect, any chance you could make it PFrpg or Core RPG compatible?

November 3rd, 2022, 19:46
I was running into a few issues on the PF version and I tabled it. I might go back and get the 5e version to work with it instead of making a separate version. I'll let you know.

February 25th, 2023, 05:51
There seems to be an issue within the Ad&d 2e ruleset.


February 25th, 2023, 13:35
Ok thanks. I had to do some updates and I will double check. Can you provide any more details?

February 25th, 2023, 16:49
Turns out its an issue with the 2e ruleset. I booted a new campaign without extensions and the error still throws in the playersheet. Sorry for the wrong info.

February 25th, 2023, 17:01
No problem. We had a lot of changes so bugs do happen. TC

June 4th, 2023, 04:07
Firstly, I dig this extension. Having the Cargo tab for "home" with the location column is a HUGE help.

Maybe I missed this in the thread, but...

Unless I'm missing something this has 2x Bag of Holding buttons. Is there a means to add additional bags? The party has a BoH and a Handy Haversack - but they're hot on the heels of a rival band that (as is the way of adventurers) have their own BoH which will no doubt end up in the party's hands soon enough.

June 4th, 2023, 13:23
There is no means to add a third.

October 16th, 2023, 08:10
Where can I get this?

October 16th, 2023, 09:53
Where can I get this?
Go to the FG forge and search for "bag of holding". Find the forge here: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/

October 29th, 2023, 17:57
I am using the OSE version and when adding a player's coins to Party Coins it seems to add 1 pound per 50 coins, instead of the OSE standard 1 pound per 10 coins. Is this something that can be adjusted?

October 29th, 2023, 18:08
I'm seeing that too. Added 200 coins, Update Weight, and it shows 4 for Coin Weight.

October 29th, 2023, 20:49
Thanks for pointing that out. I will gt it updated asap great catch

October 29th, 2023, 22:35
Should be all updated. I found a few other things that broke on last update too. So updated all versions.

Thanks again

October 30th, 2023, 18:32
Still not quite working in my testing. It now is counting each coin in the weight total, instead of dividing the number of coins by 10.

October 30th, 2023, 18:48
yes in OSE coin weight is 1 and items are in coin weight. So 30 coins weight 30 wt and a sword is 40 coin wt. All weights in OSE version is coin weight not lbs. Same as on Character sheet.

Page 214 of players tome.

October 30th, 2023, 19:48
Okay, thanks!

December 2nd, 2023, 06:28
First: the Bag of Holding is grand. Don't mistake this for an actual complaint...BUT....

Your Strongholds extension is AWESOME. The ability to create individual, unique strongholds. That each of them has an owner and vassal PCs is amazing. It also (so far, in our experience) works SO smooth and quickly. That they have a shareable inventory!

I played at swapping from Bag of Holding to Strongholds for our Bag of Holding needs - 3 bags in the party, shared access, etc.. It was great having 3 discrete entries (Stronghold A, B, and C, each named BoH_Owner).

I did this because we needed the third bag (2 bag of holding and a haversack). And the Bag of Holding in the Party Inventory window (in our experience) is way slower (unless you just never close it, opening it can be a slog).

While Strongholds lets you make as many as you make, the downside to Strongholds inventory is that it doesn't measure inventory weight and the formatting isn't as easy to read (e.g., each item getting a second field).

Like a Dickensian Oliver, now that you've solved the mystery that is Strongholds Inventory...any chance your Bag of Holding vs 2 would be similarly constructed, but with the amazing inventory magic from the original? Or in updating the Stronghold's inventory to accomplish the improved UX.

As someone who has tried to learn and failed, I can't imagine the amount of coding that would take. So, I get it if you flipped off your screen. :)

December 2nd, 2023, 12:47
I am hoping the newer build coming out with the partysheet update to core rpg helps with the slowness issue. I might play around with it some more to see if I can tweak it. If you put a ton of stuff in it it does slow it down a bit on opening. I can probably do some optimization.
Those bags of holding g have links so you can drag to your hotbar. Which means you don't have to open the ps tab.

December 2nd, 2023, 14:43
If you PM me a link to your campaign with the slow loading BOH I can test it out on Test server. I'm not seeing issues with my campaign on test. Closing the PS on test does not result in any lag when reopening. The main reason I didn't allow people to add more and more bags on the PS was the performance hit. I do not intend on changing the extension but I would like to optimize it as best as I can.

December 30th, 2023, 20:47
Looks like the tab on the Party Sheet is no longer showing up in CnC.
Only thing I am seeing in the log is the following
[12/30/2023 2:43:44 PM] EXTENSION: Extension (Bayne's Bag of Holding) loaded.
[12/30/2023 2:43:44 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 1.3829599
[12/30/2023 2:43:49 PM] s'helper_ps - DEPRECATED - 2023-12-12 - Use window.helplinkres tag'
[12/30/2023 2:43:53 PM] s'list_psmain_helper: ps/scripts/ps_list.lua - DEPRECATED - 2023-12-12 - Use PartyManager.onDrop instead'

December 30th, 2023, 21:23
That is not an issue with my extension. That is a warning that SW is leaving in the code for developers. Thanks for using my extension though !

The reason it is not showing up in CnC is the Party Sheet has not been updated for the new Core RPG. I messaged Greg and showed him how to use the Window Tab manager to setup is his PS tabs. I'm sure he just needs to get the time to do it.

December 31st, 2023, 15:14
Thanks for that!

May 1st, 2024, 23:39
Are you able to add bags of holding to the cargo? Like have one for every party member? Like, your group decided to buy one for each person, Or are you just stuck to 2? I hope I won't have to worry about that but players be players at times. lol

May 1st, 2024, 23:55
Just two. I used the main cargo area for a wagon, tiny hut etc.

July 30th, 2024, 20:15
Just two. I used the main cargo area for a wagon, tiny hut etc.

Do you plan on adding a feature of being able to add more bags of holdings (icons), or even increasing the limit from two?

Also when Naming the bag of holdings (icons) if the text is too long it clips, will this be possible to change and/or fix? (I can simply name the bags the players name rather than "Blank's Bag of holding" if this will be too difficult to fix/change for the time being)

July 30th, 2024, 20:24
I can check out the name field. I do not plan on adding any additional bags. It starts to bog down the party sheet if I add more.

Azure Fang
August 10th, 2024, 01:09
Any chance to get this working for 3.5?

August 10th, 2024, 13:49
Not at this time

August 24th, 2024, 09:41
Picked up an issue in our 5E game the other night - when using the new Core - Dark theme, this extension causes the ability score labels in the character and NPC sheets to be become white text on a tan background instead of white text on a black background, which makes them almost unreadable.

The image below has just the Core - Dark theme loaded on the left, with the theme and the Bag of Holding extension loaded on the right:

August 24th, 2024, 13:01
Did you have any other extensions loaded? I will check it out

August 24th, 2024, 14:27
Updated. Thanks

August 24th, 2024, 16:04
Updated. Thanks

Thanks, that's looking much better now!

September 27th, 2024, 22:59
I've got a weird bug. Both bag of holdings are showing the same name but different inventory as well as owners. I'm not sure what is going on but its throwing me for a loop. 62174

September 27th, 2024, 23:34
The name is editable. You must have edited them both

September 27th, 2024, 23:52
was able to reproduce the error on a blank on with one of the bags edit both names even though they are different bags.62175

September 28th, 2024, 13:37
Ok I think I see what you mean now. I'll look at it today

September 28th, 2024, 14:54
Ok give that a shot. I also updated the PS tab. This is something I goofed up last update. Thank you for the report

September 30th, 2024, 15:42
Say, is this still working after the 2024 update? The extensions I used for those items don't work anymore since mid September.

September 30th, 2024, 15:44
Yeah are you having an issue? I just did another update this weekend.

September 30th, 2024, 16:25
No, I just wanted to know if it still works BEFORE I buy :D

October 6th, 2024, 15:18
Will either of the versions of this extension work with Shadowdark?

I should go ahead and get the 5E version (not sure why I did not get it in the past) just in case I ever go back to 5E.

October 6th, 2024, 15:23
I will enable the 5E version to work with Shadowdark when I get a moment. There should be no issues

October 6th, 2024, 21:01
Thank you!