View Full Version : LFP 2-3 FOR A LONG TERM CAMPAIGN on Tuesday Nights

Ron Lumsden
April 19th, 2022, 22:22
Game is full, a big thank you to everyone that applied! Happy gaming everyone!

I have unfortunately Lost an awesome player due to the awful Real Life Stuff! Im looking to replace said awesome individual with two or possibly three Players.
Our group works very well together and we're looking for that kind of synergy to continue.

FG License: I own the Ultimate Lic and have most of the bells and whistles to play with.
Time Zone: Central Time USA, EVERY Tuesday from 730 pm to 12am
Term: as mentioned its a longterm commitment,
Voice: I use Discord and ask that you have a mic or play in a quiet room to limit distractions

Game System: The Game is 5E and it started as a published module... it has since been refined and augmented,
Its started as an Acquisitions Incorporated themed adventure and has been augmented with MCDM Strongholds and Followers for base building with strong emphasis on factions and Down Time usage
Fantasy Grounds Experience: New to FG? that's ok, but im looking for players that are not afraid to RP and are interested in the story, character growth and not just "hack and slash

Character Type Preferred: Im open to you playing the race and class that you want, as long as its published material. Currently there is: artificer and Cleric

About me: Im old, Been playing 5e for 4 years now but I was introduced to the game back with the Red Box and a time when the mention of D&D brought much concern from Parents, teachers and church officials.

My games are story and character focused, if your interested in joining, ill have you fill out a character building questionnaire. this list of questions will help focus and flesh out your idea, it will not, by any means, give me fuel and ammunition to sew you into the framework of the adventure lol. ok it defiantly will, but nothing 'ratchets up tension' more than when you have a time sensitive endeavor to deal with, and find out that your needed by family? or old ally/friend from your past brings you additional, good/bad news

The game is based in the Sword Coast, and I do use factions, guilds and Demesne Effects from the MCDM Strongholds and Followers.
Acquisitions Incorporated adds new flavor to the regular D&D by having the characters also be part of an organization, with actual job titles that add small abilities to your character.
you and the other players are in complete control of your franchise, as long as the standard fees are sent into Head Office monthly.

Acquisitions Inc, coupled with Strongholds and Followers, gives the players new reasons to hoard wealth, as it details actually use for gathering that wealth. Rules and structure are given for building bases, businesses, towers or even castles.

Game will start again Next Tuesday evening if we can get the 2 or 3 new players build and up to speed in time. as I mentioned im old and DM two different games on Tuesdays but Thursday to Sunday are days that im only partially available to check FG or assist in character builds.

Thank you for your time!
Ron or Shade#6233 on discord

April 21st, 2022, 22:43
very very interested in this, is there still an opening? Thank you