View Full Version : LFG: 1 Player LF 5e Game on Weekends or Weekday evenings PST

April 11th, 2022, 05:57
<> Still looking for a game as of April 15, 2022 <>

Name: Erik

Platform: FG Unity
FG License: I have an ultimate license
Time Zone: Pacific time zone
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I can play on weekdays after 4:30pm PST, Saturdays after 12:30pm PST, and Sundays after 3:30pm PST. I am open to weekly, semi-monthly or monthly.
Term: Looking for a long term game (either homebrew or doing a full module)
Voice: Prefer discord and can do voice and video

Game System Preferred: 5e
Game System Experience: 8 years of play experience with about equal measures of being a player and being a GM
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Very familiar with FG Unity. I currently GM a FGU long-term campaign.

Character Type Preferred: I'm pretty open to anything, though wizard/sorc are my least favorite classes.

About me: I'm in my 30s, married, and the father of one child (second on the way!). I really enjoy games that have a decent balance of combat and roleplay, without being too heavy in either one unless the story (or our place in the story) backs up such a focus. I do prefer to not meta-game whenever possible and I usually stick to calling people by their character name and talking in character. That being said, I am not very good at accents. My primary experience in 5e has been homebrew so I'm very comfortable with homebrew systems and easily go with the flow when situations deviate from the RAW. I'm pretty firmly a "The GM's word is law" sort of player and only chime in on issues if there has been a misunderstanding on how a certain rule or mechanic (that isn't being homebrewed) works. I very much like to have maps to move my token about on and really like the LoS and other FGU stuff that can be done.

April 12th, 2022, 20:37
I PMed you.

April 14th, 2022, 17:56
Bump! :)

April 15th, 2022, 22:53
Bump! :D

April 16th, 2022, 20:42
i run an RMC game. not exactly what you are looking for, but if interested, follow the event link.


April 19th, 2022, 19:33
I'm running a short low level Gobbo campaign at the moment. Combat heavy due to survival nature and won't really go past level 4-5. Will finish it before moving on to my bigger stuff.

Its on Thursdays at 7pm EST for about 3 hours.

April 23rd, 2022, 13:57
Are you still looking for a game?