View Full Version : Eberron game in progress needs replacement players

September 27th, 2007, 22:31
I currently have an Eberron campaign that has lost 2 of the 4 members due to scheduling conflicts. Therefore, we are seeking 2 players to fill the roll of a tank and a healer.

If you are interested, we meet on Monday nights at 7pm eastern. This campaign will be a long term game so potential players should be consistantly available at game time.

Acceptable healer classes include Cleric, Favored Soul, Druid and Healer and should be good or neutral aligned. (The Sun domain is strictly forbidden.) For sake of simplicity, no psionic healer classes will be accepted.

Acceptable tank classes include Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, Knight, Crusader, Warblade, or Duskblade. Alignment is up for grabs; however, no evil alignments will be accepted. Again, for sake of simplicity, no psionic tank classes will be accepted.

Homebrew classes, spells, abilities, etc., are not allowed. House rules that have not been approved by the group as a whole will not be allowed. If you have a houserule that you've used in other games that you'd like to see used in this game, please offer it up to the group for voting.

I respectfully request that only serious players, who can commit to a game at this time and for the forseeable future, apply. I know that sometimes real life gets in the way, but I also view signing up for a game as a commitment to the group to show up for every session on time and ready to play.

If you are interested, please send me a private message with you class preference. Again, keep in mind that it is "first come, first pick", so get your choices in soon.

Blue Haven
September 28th, 2007, 23:57
Hi there :)
I´m at GMT+1 so at what time the game starts for me?? i really wanted to try Eberron :) if you let me of course :)

September 29th, 2007, 15:22
I would be interested, but for one thing. The day. My RL D&D sessions are every other Monday night. But the time is perfect for me since I'm on CST.
I have every book imaginable, and while I do have the Eberron book, I have not played the setting. I'm sure that one solid night of reading could catch me up. I also have Ventrillo. And, I am willing to be long term committed.
Basically I can play if... we play every other Monday or we paly on Tuesdays.

October 11th, 2007, 23:10
i played Eberron a While ... if i can enter i will be happy ^^
i'm a tank preferly Barbarian half/Orc
if u want it i will roll in th game

October 12th, 2007, 01:20
Thanks to all who posted and messaged me. We are currently all set with players. Thanks for your interest.