View Full Version : How does Ultimate to Demo sharing work?

March 18th, 2022, 19:10
Hello! Im new to fantasy grounds.
With my group, we're planning to buy the whole D&D pack and play with that, but I don't quite get it.

If I have the ultimate license, then my group doesn't have to buy anything, right? Just download demo and play, right?

Does being in my game give them access to the rulebooks and tokens and all of that that I bought with my ultimate license?

Is there a difference between buying it from this site vs from steam?

Please give down below any advice you can for a newbie!

Thank you very much.

March 18th, 2022, 19:34
Hello! Im new to fantasy grounds.
With my group, we're planning to buy the whole D&D pack and play with that, but I don't quite get it.

Okay, we gotcha!

If I have the ultimate license, then my group doesn't have to buy anything, right? Just download demo and play, right?

Does being in my game give them access to the rulebooks and tokens and all of that that I bought with my ultimate license?

They will if you share the content via FG, and the players load the content once connected, such as the PHB. Tokens are DM access only at this point, but you can assign them for your players, although portraits ARE accessible to your players.

Is there a difference between buying it from this site vs from steam?

Not really, but if you live outside of the USA, you might get better 'local' pricing. You do not need Steam to RUN FGU. It is mainly just a purchase point. I would use the main website unless you already have FG Steam content, or if you have gift cards through steam. If you do go through steam, you must sync your steam account with the FG website here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/syncSteamAccount.xcp

Please give down below any advice you can for a newbie!

Thank you very much.

Best of luck!

ps. Should you need more hands on help or immediate help, there is the FG Academy https://discord.gg/fgacademy & the Official FG Discord server, https://discord.gg/fantasygrounds

March 18th, 2022, 20:15
This post might be helpful.
