View Full Version : Custom Weapon Damage for High/Low Quality Versions

March 14th, 2022, 10:19
I'm trying to create high and low quality versions of weapons with a advantage/disadvantage type system for rolling the damage.

For this example we'll use a rapier. Normally this weapon has a damage of "1d8 piercing".

In the chat you can use "/die 2d8k1" to roll a d8 as if you had advantage with it. (Roll 2d8 and keep highest 1.) And also "/die 2d8kl1" for the disadvantage style. (Roll 2d8 keep lowest 1.)

When I try to set the damage on my Poor Rapier as "2d8kl1 piercing" it seems to not parse it as a valid die command and the item has no damage property.

Is there any way to do this? I've tried dumping it into effects as well like "DMG: 2d8kl1" and it doesn't parse it there either.

Thanks for any tips. New to FG.

March 14th, 2022, 15:25
Welcome :)
Maybe with an extension. Core FGU 5E does not yet support dice expressions anywhere but in the chat window itself. Pretty confident it's on te list to be implemented, but don't know when.