View Full Version : Combat Tracker Text Color

The Wayward Wizard
March 9th, 2022, 01:14
Howdy, I apologize if this has been posted somewhere else, but a quick search on google and across the forums hasn't turned up an answer for me.

Is there a way to change the wound text color so that it's easier to see and read? If I could I'd just set it to white across the board since I'm using the Dark theme from FG. I made sure to turn off my font extensions to make sure that wasn't causing on issue with the combat tracker. I have included a picture to better detail what I mean. The wound tracker offers a neat scale to let you know how damaged a particular character is, but sometimes the colors just blend into the background color and are hard to read. Thank you for your time and help.

March 9th, 2022, 01:30
All text colors are controlled by extensions. Themes are one type of extension. Make sure you are only using one theme extension unless they are designed to work together. Try in a new campaign and just turning on the Dark Theme extension and see if that looks better. Then turn on your other extensions one at a time until you find the conflict.

The Wayward Wizard
March 9th, 2022, 01:44
I've done that. The text color for the WND counter is the same. Fresh campaign, Dark Theme only, numbers still hard to read against the background. Is there a way to edit the ruleset to make a bit of a fix?

March 9th, 2022, 05:20
You will want to edit the theme extension. I think it's in the Extensions folder. rename the extension to zip, open, edit, rezip contents not folder) and rename.

But this is something that should be fixed by the author of the theme, which I believe is SmiteWorks. Once they see this they should be able to get it to the theme developer, though I think he's on vacation right now.

Moon Wizard
March 9th, 2022, 18:36
Our artist is out for a bit; but I'm going to borrow the coloration updates from the Modern Dark theme and apply to the default Dark theme (which appears to work well). I'll plan to update within the next week or so.


The Wayward Wizard
March 9th, 2022, 22:06
Thank you, fellow wizard.