View Full Version : DOTMM Color maps with LOS.

March 4th, 2022, 09:48
Has anyone done the work to use some freely available Color maps for DOTMM and rescaled them for LOS data to line up etc.

I know no one can officially do this work and then charge for new maps. Apparently it’s a licensing issue on the intellectual rights.

But there are some real nice maps out there and realigning the grid and LOS is problematic.

I was just wondering if someone has done this work already ?

March 4th, 2022, 10:12
From posts I've seen on the forums some people do use other maps for DotMM. Put the maps in the images folder inside the campaign folder and then open the original map. Drag the colour version from Assets/Campaign and drop it on this map. This will create a new layer. Go to the layers menu and select the layer with the new map and you can then scale that to fit the original using the white squares. Once you have done this then select the layer with the original map and open the colour picker. Turn down the Alpha (A) channel until the original map is invisible. This will leave the pins and the Line of sight intact and lined up with your new map.

March 4th, 2022, 17:02
Ok will retry. It’s more fiddly than that on some maps as the images seem to stretched in weird ways and don’t seem to line up properly. I guess I’ll have to try harder. Thanks for the guide.

March 4th, 2022, 18:07
You may have to re=square the image. There is the Map Align utility on the forums here that may help. Depends on how the image was created etc.