View Full Version : Esper Genesis 5E - Bug Report

March 1st, 2022, 21:39
Esper Genesis 5E has been released today for FGU

As there does not appear to be a bug report thread, I thought I would start one.

March 1st, 2022, 21:42
There appears to be a random spell in the module.

With no other modules loaded other than the Esper Genesis module activated I appear to have a single "Vampiric Touch" spell (marked as read only) - flagged as D&D Players Handbook - weid.....

March 1st, 2022, 21:47
Looking at the module file, there appears to be two separate folder entries within:

- Esper Genesis Core Manual
- Esper Genesis Core Manual Players

These seem to contain duplicate images folders which makes we wonder if there should be two separate modules available to load - one for the players and another for the GM?

March 1st, 2022, 21:53
Looking at the product page it identifies one of the itemised entries as:

"A fully integrated starship combat system"

I couldnt see any Esper Genesis extensions to load or any entries within FGU other than in the reference manual for starship combat.

Is there supposed to be dedicated entries for and its just missing? Or is the sales pitch on the product page take some liberties with the description as it implies that starship combat is fully integrated within the FGU product but in reality there are only entries in the reference manual?

I was hoping there would be dedicated records for the starships in some way containing the stats for the ships.

March 3rd, 2022, 15:31
Hi Colin, thanks for setting up a sticky, I'm really flattered you think this product deserves one. I am the FG converter for this product.

"There appears to be a random spell in the module.

With no other modules loaded other than the Esper Genesis module activated I appear to have a single "Vampiric Touch" spell (marked as read only) - flagged as D&D Players Handbook - weid....."

Easy fix, not sure how that slipped in.

"Looking at the module file, there appears to be two separate folder entries within:

- Esper Genesis Core Manual
- Esper Genesis Core Manual Players

These seem to contain duplicate images folders which makes we wonder if there should be two separate modules available to load - one for the players and another for the GM?"

Yep, the main module should be activated by the DM. The Player module is optional to share vs the main module to your players if you want to keep the data share size lower. If that's not how you see it let me know and I will get with SmiteWorks to correct it.

"Looking at the product page it identifies one of the itemised entries as:

"A fully integrated starship combat system"

I couldnt see any Esper Genesis extensions to load or any entries within FGU other than in the reference manual for starship combat.

Is there supposed to be dedicated entries for and its just missing? Or is the sales pitch on the product page take some liberties with the description as it implies that starship combat is fully integrated within the FGU product but in reality there are only entries in the reference manual?

I was hoping there would be dedicated records for the starships in some way containing the stats for the ships."

The reference to a fully integrated starship combat system was from the product page itself referring to the published rules which can be found in the Reference Manual. Working on an extension for Starship Operations, EG unique language, updated PC sheets, etc is on my to do list after I am done converting the Threats Database and the Master's Technician Guide. I'm working on this line as a part-time freelancer so bear with me as I focus my free time on getting the content out.

Keep updating this thread with what you find, I'll continue to polish the product :)



March 3rd, 2022, 16:05
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the response - I am really, really please that this has been created and that its a modue for 5E rather than a separate ruleset as it gives us access to all of the 5E resources and extensions thats already available.

For me - two separate modules that you choose to load (one for GM and one for players) is what we are used to, this is how the WOTC adventure modules are setup as well as other products.

Infact, I have just fired up FGU and connected with a client - there appears to only be the "Esper Genesis Core Manual" available regardless of the GM or Player. Which would mean the Players module is not available to load resulting in duplicated information which is not accessable.

I also see that the new skills are not available on a newly created character - I believe an extension for this would be required. Not a worry as I can knock something up for that.

March 3rd, 2022, 16:12
Hi Greg,

Thanks for the response - I am really, really please that this has been created and that its a modue for 5E rather than a separate ruleset as it gives us access to all of the 5E resources and extensions thats already available.

For me - two separate modules that you choose to load (one for GM and one for players) is what we are used to, this is how the WOTC adventure modules are setup as well as other products.

I'll reach out to SmiteWorks to see if I set that up incorrectly.

Infact, I have just fired up FGU and connected with a client - there appears to only be the "Esper Genesis Core Manual" available regardless of the GM or Player. Which would mean the Players module is not available to load resulting in duplicated information which is not accessable.

I also see that the new skills are not available on a newly created character - I believe an extension for this would be required. Not a worry as I can knock something up for that.

And yes, the new EG skills need to be dragged and dropped to the PC sheet. They are available in the sidebar's Skills group. My Extension idea is to override the default 5e skills with the EG Core Manual skills. That will be further down the road as I'm trying to get the Threats Database to QA before the month is out.

March 3rd, 2022, 16:22
That will be further down the road as I'm trying to get the Threats Database to QA before the month is out.

Oooooo..... shiny ....

Dare I ask about the Master Technicians Guide? And even further doen the line the Cerberus Arcology....? <opens wallet and peers inside>

March 3rd, 2022, 16:29
Oooooo..... shiny ....

Dare I ask about the Master Technicians Guide? And even further doen the line the Cerberus Arcology....? <opens wallet and peers inside>

Yep, that will be third. Hopefully Expedition from the Mysterious Peaks if the publisher is happy with my work :) But I do want to hold off on looking into extension building until all 3 of the core rulebooks are done so I have a better grasp of what we need as an EG community on Fantasy Grounds.

March 4th, 2022, 07:18
Nice module, thanks GridRex,

Another bug from me:

Edit: Just tried again after updating and did not see the problem... Maybe it has been fixed already :-)

When dragging a class (Engineer) to a new character, it does not populate the Features (Call Rig, Forging & Technical Specialty).
If I open the Engineer Class dialog and try to drag them in manually, I get an error in the chat window:
Unable to find record to match link dropped. Check to make sure the correct modules are open.
If I open one of them, e.g. the Call Rig and drag from the open dialog, it populates correctly.

I'm looking forward to seeing the other books and some adventures.

Also, it would be great if we could get a nice Theme extension... that would round it off nicely.

March 4th, 2022, 09:24
I agree with a Theme extension - though I would prefer it as an extension on its own so you can choose to add it or not. BTW - regarding the theme - you can create your own using the theme creator, there was a link to it recently on the forums.

Maybe we should have a request/enhancements forum thread for the products?

March 9th, 2022, 03:09
I just discovered a pleasant surprise. It seems the character wizard works with the esper genesis module. I’m not sure if this was obvious to others, but it surprised me for some reason

March 9th, 2022, 16:13
Product update:

Looking at the module file, there appears to be two separate folder entries within:

- Esper Genesis Core Manual
- Esper Genesis Core Manual Players

These seem to contain duplicate images folders which makes we wonder if there should be two separate modules available to load - one for the players and another for the GM?

Found my error in creating the Core Manual and Core Manual Player mods. Corrected and sent off to SmiteWorks.

There appears to be a random spell in the module.

With no other modules loaded other than the Esper Genesis module activated I appear to have a single "Vampiric Touch" spell (marked as read only) - flagged as D&D Players Handbook - weid.....

Removed the Vampiric Touch that slipped in.

Maybe we should have a request/enhancements forum thread for the products?

Again, I am blown away by the positive feedback. I'd love a feature request thread as well. I'm not sure if we can do it but maybe even a EG subforum so we don't sticky over the main 5e forum?

Fun announcement!

Alligator Alley gave me permission to convert the adventure Fall of the Eos Keldor and creat a Level 1 pregenerated character pack. Both up for FREE on the Forge:

Fall of the Eos Keldor (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/546/view)

Level 1 Pregens (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/545/view)

June 22nd, 2022, 23:35
I'm trying to get the Threats Database to QA before the month is out.

Any news on the Threats Database ?

June 23rd, 2022, 20:20
Hey Colin, it is still being converted. Unfortunately, I bit off a little more than I could chew along with giving myself a self-induced retina tear this spring. I am back on the conversion and just received the content for the Master Technicians guide as well.

September 5th, 2023, 14:06
Belated updates on the conversions.

All three of the core books have been converted for use with the 5e ruleset in Fantasy Grounds.

I made an extension with the languages but results in a dud. Since there is no corpus containing the text of the languages I can only create a shell language with no fonts. I recommend using Fantasy Grounds built in feature of creating a language and assigning fonts to your campaign.

As I was toying around with a Spacecraft Records extension 'Vehicle' records were introduced to the 5e ruleset in Fantasy Grounds. They are fully automated and work with Esper Genesis. While not one for one in terminology they work in the games I run in FG. I won't be creating an extension that overrides out of the box functionality that can be used to do the same thing. The rational is I can't commit to maintaining an extension for the life of the product while SmiteWorks will be committed to maintaining the Vehicle records for the life of their product.



March 10th, 2024, 21:24
Hello, I am getting an error in 5e, no extensions loaded, when I open the book for the Esper Genesis Core Manual, click on the "Character Creation" link, and then the "Choose a Class" link. Compiled files and screenshot attached.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Moon Wizard
March 10th, 2024, 21:35
I'm not seeing that on my side. See attached image.

I pushed a new build of the Esper Genesis book just to make sure that the latest files are available. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.
If that fails, please delete the vault/IPFG5ECSDAAE3101.dat file within the FG data folder (via folder button in upper left of launch screen); then run another Check for Updates.

Also, can you try opening in a brand new campaign, and let me know if you have the same issue.


March 10th, 2024, 21:36
Thanks Lawlesslisa, I need to reach out to SmiteWorks to get a trace on this. Once I have the bug corrected I'll push the fix asap.

March 10th, 2024, 21:36
Oh, Moonwizard beat me to it. Thanks!

March 10th, 2024, 23:04
Yay, thank you that fixed it.

April 8th, 2024, 15:22
Hello, I have purchased and am using The Esper Genesis Core Manual for a current campaign. The characters just leveled up to 2 and the Cybermancer player could not find any links to the Complex Patterns choices that he is to make at this level in the Esper Genesis Core Manual Player. He was able to find a generic description about what Complex Patterns are but no listing to which abilities these included.

I then shared with our group the complete Esper Genesis Core Manual. There, at least, the different Complex Patterns choices appeared, but there were no draggable links for the various Complex Patterns abilities that might be added to the PC sheet's ability tab or actions/powers tab. I know those exist for the Engineer and Sentinel classes, so I expected the same for all the classes. I had to go to the Reference Manual in the Esper Genesis Core Manual to get to the various choices and descriptions for the Complex Patterns, but again, no links to the abilities to put in the abilities tab or the actions/powers tab. I also looked under powers, abilities, and feats to try to find the links for the various Complex Patterns but did not find them there either.

I did manually add the choice he took to adjust one of his powers, and we had to look up the Esper Power he chose to add to his sheet, but there was no record of these things in his ability tab or to denote which of these abilities he had taken from the Complex Pattern choices given. I had to tell him to take separate notes about which choices he made. Many choices have prerequisites that have to be kept track of.

I do not know if this is intentional or an oversight.

Please let me know.

Thank you in advance

April 12th, 2024, 13:54
Hi Lawlesslisa, The Complex Patterns are intentional... for the most part. Since we can only get granular with specializations, and in this case it is Persona Forms, you will have to pen and paper Complex Patterns as you did. This is similar to 5e's Warlock gaining Pact Boons at the 3rd level in Fantasy Grounds.

I will update the Class record to include the Complex Patterns text at the bottom of the record so we don't have to cross-refence multiple locations, that seems to have been an oversight on my part. I'll get the bug fix in and it should be pushed on Tuesday's updates :)


April 13th, 2024, 05:38
Thanks for the information and fix.