View Full Version : LFG for DCC 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs EST US Time Zone

February 22nd, 2022, 14:59
FG License: Monthly subscription
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Im available Monday through Thursday between maybe 3PM and 9pm, Could do Weekly or Bi-Weekly.
Term: Looking to learn Dungeon Crawl Classic and play through a module or two but im open to an on going campaign.
Voice: Discord, Skype or other mediums should be easy for me.

Game System Preferred: Im looking to play Dungeon Crawl Classic but I would be open to Shadowrun, Mutant Crawl Classic or AD&D, Not interested in 5E right now.
Game System Experience: Ive played a little it of everything with D&D being my main focus.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Im relatively new to FG but I have run a 2E game using the program before and have a good understanding of the basics.

Character Type Preferred: I very often play casters but im open to most classes.

About me: I'm 38 male and I think im a very fun player to game with. My main goal in game is to laugh and have exciting and entertaining moments. I can often take over a party if we need a leader but ive gotten good at sharing the spot light and knowing when to shut up and let others do stuff. I enjoy helping the party get along and having an encouraging attitude where we lift each other up and never stab each other in the back, even if we are evil. When another player dies my first thought is not to loot the body but to find a way to get the player back in the game. Im not the best at roleplaying and honestly enjoy the combat moments more or at least moving towards a goal. I can get impatient if we spend to much time talking back story or develop to deep relationships with NPCS. Dont mean to be rude thats just not my game, Im in it for the adventure! I'm often looking up rules I may need for my turn and hate to slow the game down. I dont get to upset when my characters die because thats just an opportunity for my next character. I dont what to go on to much longer so feel free to ask if you ahve any questions.

February 25th, 2022, 02:24
Might be interested in running either a DCC game or Savage Worlds Shaintar game, both fantasy. Just would need a couple of other players. The only difference I was considering was adding additional skills to backgrounds and classes as players in the past have felt it to "blaw" to be rolling only attributes. What do you think?

February 27th, 2022, 14:29
wanna pick a day and we can start looking for players?

February 27th, 2022, 17:59
Depending on timing, I'd be interested in playing in a DCC game.

Been playing all kinds of RPGs over 4 decades, latest has been running some 5e, but am looking for less combat, a little more RP, and some character development and world immersion. Happy to play an adventure or two to learn the DCC rules. I have them, have read them, but that's about it.

Let me know. Thanks!

February 28th, 2022, 13:24
I'd jump in a DCC game if it is on a Monday or Tuesday.

March 1st, 2022, 05:30
Currently it would need to be on Wednesday. Starting time is negotiable. It would be a later in March that I would start. Would any interested want to play the zero level process or start at level 1? I was also pondering running a Savage Worlds 'Shaintar' campaign.

March 4th, 2022, 20:11
i run a rolemaster campaign. we have 1 seat open.


all the pertinent info can be found in the event. join event to reserve your seat. PM me in discord and i will get you all set up.