View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds Unity Map Pack II - WC Baker

February 21st, 2022, 19:30

Version 3:

--Updated ruleset to 'Any'. A previously missed step in my upload. (Thanks for the help!)

Version 2 (1/12/2022):

-Updated the Group Name
-Reviewed all maps for naming conventions
-Reviewed LOS as the previous version may have been a bit excessive; in some cases, redrew it all and removed points to improve performance.
-Added "Author Note" Story entry
-Added Reference Manual

Version 1: Initial Release
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This Map Pack includes 8 maps. Four are outdoor battle maps centered around a desert theme, two are of a two-level tower, one is an underground Dungeon/Room level theme, with the last one being an underground Dungeon/Room level that opens out into a cave.

I created these maps using Inkarnate (Commercial License). Where applicable, Line of Sight was used, with some maps having lighting and weather effects.

I created these maps for use in an adventure/module that I am making and tried to make them as small as could data size without sacrificing the quality of the maps.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, observations, or feedback either here or at [email protected].

I also have an overview video that shows the maps in Fantasy Grounds: https://youtu.be/ztgXx27hYgY

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February 21st, 2022, 20:07
A map pack should work with any ruleset, there is nothing on maps that is specific to a ruleset, so this confuses me.

Also where is the map pack link, on the Forge?

February 21st, 2022, 21:11
That is what I was assuming as well, that a Map Pack would be universal. But in all honesty I am new to exporting maps and putting them on the Forge so I could have easily missed a step.

Here is the link: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/446/view. And thanks for responding.

February 21st, 2022, 21:28
If you exported the maps from a 5e campaign for example then it will be tagged as 5e. So you'd need to unzip the module and edit the definition.xml to remove the '5e' and replace with 'any'; and then zip it back up again.

February 21st, 2022, 22:11
Ah! That was the step I was missing. Thank you both for the responses. Fixed and uploaded to the forge.

February 22nd, 2022, 15:14
Moderator: Moved to the Paid Creations sub-forum.

February 22nd, 2022, 18:23
If you exported the maps from a 5e campaign for example then it will be tagged as 5e. So you'd need to unzip the module and edit the definition.xml to remove the '5e' and replace with 'any'; and then zip it back up again.

I believe one can also just skip the ruleset tag entirely to allow all rulesets :) (but 'any' should also be valid of course :D)

February 22nd, 2022, 18:44
I recommend you put the Forge link in the first post.