View Full Version : LFP - Savage Worlds - Interest Check

February 19th, 2022, 17:19
Savage Worlds One Shots . . or more

I'm finding that I have some extra free time, so I'm interested in starting up an 'every other week' Savage Worlds game. Initially I was thinking just running a bunch of unconnected one shots on Friday evening but I'm also open to running a campaign (or several mini-campaigns) depending on player interest. I started with AD&D back in the day (about 1978), which makes me old, and my games tend to be "gritty" where players can die (but isn't that how legends are made :D ).

NOTE: I have only run a few sessions of Savage Worlds (a short Musketeers game using the All For One: Régime Diabolique setting) so my knowledge of the system is still that of a beginner. Also, I have no setting content in module format other than a hastily cobbled together "All For One" module. If other setting content is needed, I'll have to build/purchase that content and get familiar with it while we play so in those cases, expect some GM confusion till I get a handle on it.

Settings I have some interest in and have some ideas for: Fantasy/Dark Ages in a Homebrew world (possibly using Pathfinder for Savage Worlds), Weird Wars I (but set during the Russian Civil War) and maybe another Musketeers game. I know there are many more out there so feel free to voice your interest.

FG License: GM has FGU Ultimate License so players only need the Demo . . .
Game System: Savage Worlds (SWADE)
Time Zone: Currently Central Standard Time (CST), UTC -6
Day of week and time: Every other Friday starting at least after 8 PM and going for 3 hours or so).
Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Aiming for 60/40 but might fluctuate some by individual sessions.
Number of Players in game: If I go with one-shots this number can fluctuate based on who wants to play each session and which setting will be used for that session.
Character starting level & equipment: 0 - Novice (probably pre-gens if I go with one-shots and for newer players wanting to get a feel for the system first).
Character restrictions: Depends on the setting used, with many being restricted to Human (i.e. real world settings based Weird Wars or Musketeer's games, etc).

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: All my games are New Player friendly. I'm looking to keep this a mature, fun, open to anyone who wants to participate type of game. I expect players to work together and treat each other respectfully (escaping from real world). There is probably something I am missing so if you have questions, please speak up, preferably sooner rather than later.

Link to Game Calendar page: [Savage Fridays] Savage Worlds (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=6287)
Link to Discord channel: Savage Fridays Discord (https://discord.gg/KVzrBHvj)

February 19th, 2022, 19:48
Very interested, especially the Russian Civil War option, but really up for any setting.

Knuckleball Ned
February 19th, 2022, 21:17
I would totally be down to play a Bolshevik, comrade!

I run 2 Savage Worlds campaigns right now, one using the Weird War 2 setting. I can help with many questions you have about SW.

February 19th, 2022, 21:28
Very interested, especially the Russian Civil War option, but really up for any setting.

I would totally be down to play a Bolshevik, comrade!

I run 2 Savage Worlds campaigns right now, one using the Weird War 2 setting. I can help with many questions you have about SW.

Guess, I better start reading up on that setting and look into getting the content converted and entered into FG. :D

Knuckleball Ned
February 19th, 2022, 23:05
How late will this game start? I looked at your linked calendar and it says Fridays.I don't get home from work until 930 pm US CST

February 19th, 2022, 23:36
I could probably start that late if needed. We'll see how many others we get comments from on timing.

Knuckleball Ned
February 20th, 2022, 20:09
I have another who is interested.

February 20th, 2022, 20:41
Sounds good. I'll get to plugging in the content.

February 22nd, 2022, 02:27
I updated the first post with a link to the discord channel for interested parties to discuss/play the game.

Allen Schneidewent
February 23rd, 2022, 03:18
I'm very interested. Experenced savage worlds play & GM would enjoy very much join even a short campaign style game