View Full Version : LFP. Checking if there's any interest. 3-4 Players. Day and time TBD. UTC +1, Sweden.

February 10th, 2022, 13:07
LFP. Checking if there's any interest. 3-4 Players. Day and time TBD. UTC +1, Sweden. Basic Roleplaying (BRP). Home-made scenarios in The World of Greyhawk.

FG License: FG Unity Ultimate License (players only need the free demo license)
Game System: Basic Roleplaying. BRP being what it is, the rules can be tailored to the groups preferences. For example: if the players likes detailed combat rules, then hit-locations would be used, otherwise not, etc.

Time Zone: UTC +1 (CET)
Day of week and time: TBD. If on weekdays then 19:00 - 22:00. If on week-ends then I prefer Saturdays from 15:00 to 22/23:00.
If new game, planned start date: Also TBD.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Based on experience from digital meetings during the pandemic 3 hour sessions works best. A week-end session could be 6 hours long, with one or more longer breaks (3+3 or 2+2+2 for example).
Term: Long term.

Text or Voice: Voice.
Voice software used: Discord for both voice and, if everybody is OK with it, video.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: I expect that the mix will land somewhere around 70/30, but that will of course also depend on the players to some extent.
Language: If all players speak Swedish, then we will use Swedish otherwise we will use English.
Number of Players in game & needed: Need 3 to 4.
Character starting level & equipment: Beginning level.
Character restrictions: Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling and Human characters only.

The game world will be The World of Greyhawk. Centered on and in the City of Greyhawk. The player characters will be new to Greyhawk City. The initial story arcs will be inspired by a set of Living Greyhawk scenarios, but that is just the starting point. I expect that the "campaign" will become player character driven quite early on.

I find rules-lawyers annoying so I rather not have any such in the group. Also, while bigotry, racism and such might exist in the game world I don't think it has a place at the "table". I expect players to behave with respect towards each other.

Please respond to this post with your discord (or email-address) if this concept seems interesting, and I will contact you to discuss further.

Thank you,


February 11th, 2022, 07:43

I'm interested in joining.

Madda (UTC +2)#8366

February 11th, 2022, 08:41
Hi there.
I am in the UK and would be interested, dependent on times.


February 13th, 2022, 21:57
Gôtt mos!

Sign me up

February 14th, 2022, 04:38
Posted in the forum instead as a message - sorry.. ;)

February 16th, 2022, 17:50
Hey man! This sounds pretty good! Me and 2 friends would be interested in joining in! I will say though that we don't know anything about the Basic Roleplaying system but we'd be interested in learning. We've only really played 5e but we're thinking of trying other things.
