View Full Version : Help Exporting Subclass Files

February 8th, 2022, 21:43
Heya! I release a lot of content on DriveThruRPG, mostly classes and subclasses, and I bumped into an issue a long time back that I'd like some help with. I know how to export classes and have functional ways to export single subclasses when needed, but my problem comes up when I try to release subclass packs for custom classes I make. For reference, below is an example of the Sword Saint I released (which contains an FG file with the class and it's base subclasses) and the next link is one of the subclass packs, which only contains the PDF (these are meant as references for making my situation clearer, not as advertisements or anything).


The problem is this: I don't want to re-release the entire base class each time I release a subclass pack. I want the MOD files that go with those to only be the subclasses and be able to automatically associate with the base class. Is there a way to do this I'm not aware of? I can't think of any workaround that doesn't involve posting the entire base class with the subclasses programmed into it. The only thing I can maybe think of is posting a blank class with the same name and only the subclasses, but that seems clunky to me.

Any help on methods of doing this that I haven't realized would be appreciated!

February 8th, 2022, 22:03
Moved to the D&D 5E sub-forum as this is more relevant to how 5E works. The Workshop forum (where this was posted) is for questions regarding coding Fantasy Grounds extensions and rulesets.

February 8th, 2022, 22:23
Thank you~!

Moon Wizard
February 8th, 2022, 22:54
Unfortunately, that's a design decision that was made back when the 5E ruleset was created in 2014 by another developer, and it's not super easy to unwind. It's been on our radar to try to find a workaround, but hasn't been scheduled yet.


February 8th, 2022, 23:01
Got'cha. I have a work-around, but additional options for exporting or the ability to make separate subclass entries not attached to classes, that point to the main classes you choose, would be very useful. Thanks for letting me know!