View Full Version : UI - prepared spell tick control by the meta group 'prepared' value.

February 7th, 2022, 10:37
As another UI suggestion, since the meta power group type 'spell' uses the 'prepared' number value in this data to decide how to 'display format' the spells on the character sheet. ( Display is dependent on the 'mode' on the character sheet as well as this number value.. )

In meta 'group type spell' with 'prepared count zero/blank' and the character in 'mode preparation', since the 'prepared tick' box for the spell are not required, could these be disabled in this view. To clearly show the spell list is not in 'prepare' mode.

With a 'prepared count >=1', this can enable the 'prapared ticks'

This will clearly indicate what 'mode' the section of spell are going to be listed in.


attached is the suggestion, that the 'red' marked should be removed in 'prepared count zero' mode in the meta selection for the group and kept with >=1 value. And should refresh the status of these as the meta value is changed on the character.


February 7th, 2022, 14:01
The House of Healing forums are for reporting/troubleshooting issues, not for making suggestions. You can use the FG wishlist for making suggestions, or if you want to discuss then please post in the relevant ruleset sub-forum - in this case the Dungeons & Dragons -> 5E sub-forum, which I've moved this thread to.

February 7th, 2022, 17:02
The House of Healing forums are for reporting/troubleshooting issues, not for making suggestions. You can use the FG wishlist for making suggestions, or if you want to discuss then please post in the relevant ruleset sub-forum - in this case the Dungeons & Dragons -> 5E sub-forum, which I've moved this thread to.

While I worded it as a suggestion, I still consider it a BUG, hence putting the UI issues all in house of healing..

The fact that the meta value 'prepared' has 'some connection' with the powers display process of the character.

In mode 'zero/blank', the powers system is not 'looking' at the 'prepared tick box', which makes this a bug because its not called the 'setVisible' on the item while processing all the other considerations.

Obviously when this is changed to 'one or more' and the 'prepared tick box' is now been used, it should be shown to the user.

Basically as it stands you have a UI elements that show up all the time, even when not it use.

Its not a 'wishlist' feature, I want the UI to show the correct and relevant information, which it is not doing at the moment.

The 'power prepared tick box' visibility should be controlled by the meta 'prepared' value.

Either the meta 'prepared' value, is NOT used, in which case its also a BUG because it is influencing the powers display system.. BUG: this should be stopped and its interaction removed...

Or the meta 'prepared' value, is IN USED, and its influence on the powers view is correct.. BUG: in this case the setVisibility of the power 'prepared' tick box should reflect its use relative to the setting of the meta 'prepared' value.


February 7th, 2022, 17:14
While I worded it as a suggestion...
That's why I assumed it *was* a suggestion. Thanks for clarifying.

February 7th, 2022, 17:18
The intent of Preparation mode is not to filter out ANY options. The purpose of Preparation mode it to allow the player to see everything that might be available so they can mark what is available and quantities. The tick marks are important because you might have 4 spell slots, but have already used two of them, you need to tick those off.

Combat Mode shows what is prepared AND available, and if qty of something is 0 then it is not displayed there.

I do believe things are working exactly as designed and desired (therefore not a bug). Maybe I'm misunderstanding your issue?

February 7th, 2022, 20:13
The intent of Preparation mode is not to filter out ANY options. The purpose of Preparation mode it to allow the player to see everything that might be available so they can mark what is available and quantities. The tick marks are important because you might have 4 spell slots, but have already used two of them, you need to tick those off.

Combat Mode shows what is prepared AND available, and if qty of something is 0 then it is not displayed there.

I do believe things are working exactly as designed and desired (therefore not a bug). Maybe I'm misunderstanding your issue?

This is a change over how it used to work just FYI.

Before while in combat mode it would only show prepared spells and spells you have spell slots for. Else what is the point of standard vs combat?

February 7th, 2022, 20:26
I'm lost.... And not aware of the change, but I don't spend all that much time anymore on the various modes of the Actions tab.

There are 3 modes; Standard, Preparation, and Combat. Or did one get removed that I'm not aware of? There are also 3 display settings that impact this. Are they not behaving as outlined on the wiki? https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996641917/5E+Character+Sheet#Mode-and-Display

February 7th, 2022, 21:01
I'm a bit confused as well. If there is nothing in the 'Prepared' box in the power group then your character sheet in Combat mode will show every spell you have including ones you haven't prepared. If there is any value in the Prepared then those spells not prepared are hidden in combat mode. So it seems to me that's what is supposed to happen; and I don't see why we'd need to get rid of the prepared check marks since how else are we going to show what we have prepared?

February 7th, 2022, 21:32
I'm lost.... And not aware of the change, but I don't spend all that much time anymore on the various modes of the Actions tab.

There are 3 modes; Standard, Preparation, and Combat. Or did one get removed that I'm not aware of? There are also 3 display settings that impact this. Are they not behaving as outlined on the wiki? https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996641917/5E+Character+Sheet#Mode-and-Display

Correct they are not working as outlined here.

"Combat, as its name suggests is the mode which will be used when the character is in combat and is therefore the one used most often. In combat mode any unprepared spells will not be shown (provided a number of spells has been entered in the meta data of the spell power group - see above; additionally any unequipped weapons will not be shown in the weapon actions section)."

If you have checked prepared spells it will show them in combat mode both prepared and unprepared.

I'm a bit confused as well. If there is nothing in the 'Prepared' box in the power group then your character sheet in Combat mode will show every spell you have including ones you haven't prepared. If there is any value in the Prepared then those spells not prepared are hidden in combat mode. So it seems to me that's what is supposed to happen; and I don't see why we'd need to get rid of the prepared check marks since how else are we going to show what we have prepared?

This the change is what was changed, this is now required to have a number in here (doesnt matter the number can be anything other than 0) in order for prepared spells to only show in the combat mode selected. This was not always the case.

February 7th, 2022, 22:53
I sort of agree with MrDDT, its very not consistent depending on mode and the functionality it is supposed to show at the time. Which makes it very easy to miss-configure and set up things that are not required or have things not setup correct and be missing spells you expect to see in mode NOT prepare.

Previously MoonWizard has stated that the meta prepared value DOES NOTHING, its just a reference number the player can use on the sheet. This is how it USED to work, and if it is how it is STILL supposed to work, then it should not be been accessed by the powers lua update function to control how the character sheet displays the spells. Which would be a bug, because it is influencing the display at this time.

If as we think it currently works, different to the link Ive not looked at, but how MrDDT states then it 'should' be influencing the display of the spells.

It should be set to 'zero' (blank) for spell power groups for the likes of 'sorcerer' which uses the spell slots method. As such, I disagree, in mode prepare the display of the 'prepare' tick box is irrelevant and should not be shown. It is just confusing to have it shown for such classes.

It should be 'non-zero' for spell power groups for the likes of 'druid' which uses the prepared method. As such, in mode prepare I would expect to see the 'prepare' tick box so you can 'count' these to configure the character.

Its a bug because when you change this meta prepare value, the character sheet DOES NOT swap between the 2 display modes. It does, if you 'cycle' around all the modes back to 'prepare', get to the correct display. The code is missing a DB.addHandler to force the update. Which is a BUG.

Also when you toggle from the meta group type, from 'spell' mode into 'weapon' mode you end up with a mixed display of 'prepared kick box', 'usage count number', and 'usage reset rate', the 'prepared tick box' should have been hidden. Which it is not, again this is a BUG because some of the 'if else end' logic is not correctly setting it visibility state to (false), and then restoring it when the group type is returned to 'spell' mode.

This allows as shown across the different threads I've started that an incorrect mix of these items get shown that makes zero sense. And sometimes doing mode cycle will clear this up and sometime its will not.

The reality is the code is missing some DB.addHandler to cause a refresh in some state changes, and because of this some of the setVisible calls for the prepared tick box do not have fully configured enable/disable paths on the update code depending of the different mode/prepared value etc. And this is causing malformed display of the character sheet. ( I'm going to class this as another BUG. )

My issue is, I'd like to get this malformed display cleared up. Its a mix of a couple different bugs and cases that have not been fully considered in the power_page.lua file. [ Missing flow control, missing DB.addHandler, missing setVisible flow control paths ]

So can we please get these looked at and fixed. And maybe the documentation corrected, so user can know what they are supposed to set and expect to see.

Thanks, Pete

February 8th, 2022, 04:13
Code changes are Moon's call. Will have to see what he says.

February 8th, 2022, 11:51
We'll investigate this and I'll discuss it with Moon for the proper behavior. Thank you for the report.