View Full Version : How do you enter Bonus Actions?

February 4th, 2022, 15:21
With newer NPC blocks frequently containing a Bonus Actions section now, how are people putting those NPCs in? Are there plans to add a Bonus Actions section to the 5E NPC record? Also will the spell parsing on NPC records be adjusted to pick up the new Spellcasting action in the MPMM stat blocks?

February 4th, 2022, 17:33
I've just been adding bonus actions the same way they've been added before which is adding as an action and adding (bonus action) to the title of the action.

As far as the spells are concerned I've just put them in as innate spells since FGU handles that. All that's happening really is that they're putting spells into actions rather than traits - so FGU handles that without the need to change anything at the moment.

February 4th, 2022, 20:50
Right now I'm prepending a [B] on the bonus actions, but as it seems like it's going to be a standard part of the stat block going forward, it would make sense to add a Bonus Actions section to the NPC record. We have one for Reactions and those are barely present.

For the spellcasting, I understand why it was moved, I'm even excited to have Counterspell be less neutering to bad guys, but I'm not discussing mechanics or design philosophy here. Right now, if you input Spellcasting as an action, as it's in the stat block, FGU will not try to add the spells in the list to the record. You can absolutely enter it as Innate Spellcasting in Traits and it will add the spells, but if this is the new way spells are going to be appearing in stat blocks, then again it seems like the 5E ruleset should parse the stat block as it's going to be presented.

February 4th, 2022, 21:55
I'm not actually sure what difference it makes if the spells are in traits or actions. The spells as you say won't parse if you put them in actions but they will if added as innate spells.

This and the bonus actions are just aesthetics really and I haven't bothered JPG with the changes at this time. I haven't seen the MPMM thing yet so I don't know how much of an impact it has on the current way of displaying the info; but there were changes in the last one that I did but nothing that couldn't be handled with the way it works just now.

But I'll mention it since someone was asking on Discord the other day as well.