View Full Version : Official ICONS Bug Report Thread

February 3rd, 2022, 18:59
Please post bugs related to the ruleset here. Please provide as much detail as possible. This would include steps taken before bug/error appears and images of the console output or issue. Also please ensure you are disabling all extensions and testing again prior to reporting bugs/errors. If this resolves the issue, then it would be best to report the issue in the extension's thread instead.

When reporting please use the tips from this post to help give as much information as needed:

February 3rd, 2022, 20:41
if you open a npc via the reference manual you get these console errors

February 3rd, 2022, 20:43

the red roll initiative button is broke, the same button works fine on the player sheet

February 3rd, 2022, 21:26
Summary: there is no way to delete selected powers ...etc. the normal buttons for add and subtract items are not there.



Modules Loaded:the three icons books

Operating System / Language Setting:english

Steps to Reproduce: ran update several times. restarted program

February 3rd, 2022, 22:58

do you mean deleting powers of the character sheet? if so right click and left click the bin

February 3rd, 2022, 23:13
There is no art from th e book in the reference manual? it would of been nice to see the wonderful art in the ref manual especially as the developer has manged to do this in the origins and a-z modules

February 3rd, 2022, 23:28
There is now an #icons-superpowered discussion channel on our Discord server under the GAME SYSTEM CHANNELS header. :)
Link: https://discord.gg/cGsvnZea

Bug reports should still be posted in this forum, though.

February 4th, 2022, 11:59
the auto roller for Specialties generates a level determination for each Specialty
they are rated normal , expert or master

its a shame the power auto roller doesn't automatically generate a determination level

February 4th, 2022, 12:30

when you click on the determination level for a power the dice rolls then you get a console error

February 4th, 2022, 12:57

the maximum number of determination points a character can start a session with is set by his determination level on this character sheet

the calculation should be 6 - minus the number of powers -the number of abilities over 6 adjust for by the number of limitations and extras any powers may have

The sheet attempts to change the box from default of six only only as far as i can see if you exit the game and then re enter the game session, not exactly user friendly and it will only do this once! so you are stuck with e value and you can't edit short of exporting a xml file of character and changing the value in notepad.

The actual calculation doesn't take into account any extras or limitations any of the powers cost.

An easy fix would be to make the box I high lighted in yellow editable by the player/GM please

February 5th, 2022, 04:15
Desktop look, is 'this' look intended? I have my desktop set to 1920x1080 and scaled to 85% in this screenshot.

February 5th, 2022, 10:40
Desktop look, is 'this' look intended? I have my desktop set to 1920x1080 and scaled to 85% in this screenshot.

I was kind of hoping the desktop look would be like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4woEI9sL8U

February 5th, 2022, 10:53
Ok there has been an update and a couple of things have been fixed or partially fixed

NPC Initiative is now working, shame there isn't a roll all NPCs option on the CT

bug in thread #2 is still there

Still no art /images in the Reference manual

bug in thread #8 is still there

the Power rolls now roll they just now run the wrong figure

the roll is showing the power level plus the attribute roll when it should be just the power roll or the attribute +1 if the power level is lower. it could be fixed if the this drop down menus had a blank or power level option added so there can be no call on the ability score

The determination point is now showing 0 on all my characters


didn't check the UI scaling error

February 5th, 2022, 11:24

some bad characters not recognised by Unity

February 5th, 2022, 11:41
typo in the reference manual for a-z

February 5th, 2022, 15:50
rolling for a power is causing a console error


February 5th, 2022, 16:01

you cannot add weapons or armor to the NPC sheet

February 5th, 2022, 19:33
There is no art from th e book in the reference manual? it would of been nice to see the wonderful art in the ref manual especially as the developer has manged to do this in the origins and a-z modules

Which book?

February 5th, 2022, 19:47
typo in the reference manual for a-z

This has been fixed for a future update

February 5th, 2022, 20:37
Following fixes have been pushed for next release:

- fix background from white for NPC weapon/armor (the items are being added, just stuck behind a white frame)
- npc power roll error
- the Power rolls now roll they just now run the wrong figure
- when you click on the determination level for a power the dice rolls then you get a console error (this ties back to whether it had an ability tied to it or not, added some checking in the code)
- made determination level and points editable (resolves a couple of items above for now)

February 5th, 2022, 23:47
Which book?

The main icons assembled book

February 7th, 2022, 07:02
I was kind of hoping the desktop look would be like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4woEI9sL8U

I'd love that as a theme. I know the sidebar is all different now, but that desktop is awesome.

February 7th, 2022, 19:25
I'd love that as a theme. I know the sidebar is all different now, but that desktop is awesome.

Unfortunately, my artistic skills are not in that realm :(

February 7th, 2022, 20:39
The main icons assembled book

Added to next update.

February 7th, 2022, 21:17
the auto roller for Specialties generates a level determination for each Specialty
they are rated normal , expert or master

its a shame the power auto roller doesn't automatically generate a determination level

Fixed in future patch

February 7th, 2022, 21:41
Following fixes have been pushed for next release:

- fix background from white for NPC weapon/armor (the items are being added, just stuck behind a white frame)
- npc power roll error
- the Power rolls now roll they just now run the wrong figure
- when you click on the determination level for a power the dice rolls then you get a console error (this ties back to whether it had an ability tied to it or not, added some checking in the code)
- made determination level and points editable (resolves a couple of items above for now)

Now no rolls are possible of either the character sheet or the NPC sheet

There are a ton of console errors on startup, mainly relating to graphics not loading

but more seriously these
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizardDiceRoller) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizardDiceRoller.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizard) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizard.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [ERROR] Unable to locate ruleset file. [ICONS] [rulesetwizard/rswcombobox.xml]

February 7th, 2022, 21:43
i attach my console logs

February 7th, 2022, 22:10
I was kind of hoping the desktop look would be like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4woEI9sL8U

Similar to the current background that background would only work on a set sized screen.
The sidebars could be done - not exactly the same as the sidebars have changed in CoreRPG but you could get a little closer to that.

February 7th, 2022, 22:22
Now no rolls are possible of either the character sheet or the NPC sheet

There are a ton of console errors on startup, mainly relating to graphics not loading

but more seriously these
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizardDiceRoller) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizardDiceRoller.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizard) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizard.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [ERROR] Unable to locate ruleset file. [ICONS] [rulesetwizard/rswcombobox.xml]

I've pushed a new build for release. Should resolve those issues.

February 7th, 2022, 22:23
Similar to the current background that background would only work on a set sized screen.
The sidebars could be done - not exactly the same as the sidebars have changed in CoreRPG but you could get a little closer to that.

I may have to reach out to you separately to discuss the background if you don't mind.

February 7th, 2022, 22:45
I may have to reach out to you separately to discuss the background if you don't mind.

Of course.
Best place to chat is probably in the FG Discord in the #mod_creation channel
Others will also be able to help

February 8th, 2022, 20:38
Quote Originally Posted by hawkwind View Post
Now no rolls are possible of either the character sheet or the NPC sheet
no rolls.jpg

There are a ton of console errors on startup, mainly relating to graphics not loading

but more seriously these
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizardDiceRoller) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizardDiceRoller.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizard) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizard.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [ERROR] Unable to locate ruleset file. [ICONS] [rulesetwizard/rswcombobox.xml]
I've pushed a new build for release. Should resolve those issues.

it hasnt , still the rule set is loading properly with the same error messages in the cnosole and you still cant roll dice of the NPC sheet and character sheet

February 8th, 2022, 22:02
Quote Originally Posted by hawkwind View Post
Now no rolls are possible of either the character sheet or the NPC sheet
no rolls.jpg

There are a ton of console errors on startup, mainly relating to graphics not loading

but more seriously these
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizardDiceRoller) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizardDiceRoller.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (ICONS) (RulesetWizard) (rulesetwizard/RulesetWizard.lua)
[2/7/2022 8:27:20 PM] [ERROR] Unable to locate ruleset file. [ICONS] [rulesetwizard/rswcombobox.xml]
I've pushed a new build for release. Should resolve those issues.

it hasnt , still the rule set is loading properly with the same error messages in the cnosole and you still cant roll dice of the NPC sheet and character sheet

The build I have locally (which is the one I uploaded for release) is working.

February 9th, 2022, 00:06
Weird, Fg said the ruleset updated. Iwill delete the park file and the vault files and reinstall

February 9th, 2022, 00:13
mixologee you should check with James what the schedule is for him to make your updates live and if you are ticking all the right boxes. Usually updates are pushed weekly on Monday/Tuesday.

February 9th, 2022, 13:14
mixologee you should check with James what the schedule is for him to make your updates live and if you are ticking all the right boxes. Usually updates are pushed weekly on Monday/Tuesday.

Got a confirmed email from James in the afternoon yesterday so assuming it will be live.

February 9th, 2022, 14:58
ok so i deleted .dat file & downloaded a fresh ruleset , created a new campaign and I'm still get the same errors

and still can't roll dice

February 9th, 2022, 15:05
The build I have locally (which is the one I uploaded for release) is working.

the calculation dice roll for the confederapes mind control attack looks wrong. it shows d6+6+4 , where's the 4 from?

The roll should be mind control value (6)+ d6 -willpower of target(5) -1d6

February 9th, 2022, 15:07
the calculation dice roll for the confederapes mind control attack looks wrong. it shows d6+6+4 , where's the 4 from?

The roll should be mind control value (6)+ d6 -willpower of target -1d6

Yes I need to adjust the rolls to be either power or attribute. Currently still doing both.

February 9th, 2022, 16:43
ok so i deleted .dat file & downloaded a fresh ruleset , created a new campaign and I'm still get the same errors

and still can't roll dice

apparently the update process in FG deleted the the ICONS.pak file

February 25th, 2022, 01:33

Errors upon loading and with the character sheet. Attaching console log.

Moon Wizard
February 25th, 2022, 05:39
Can you run a new Check for Updates and make sure that you have the latest build, and try again?

It looks like fixes were already submitted previously, but it was not clear whether they were pushed Live yet. I also added a version tag of 2022-03-01 to the announcement message in the chat area to make sure you have the latest version.


February 25th, 2022, 05:57
The 2022-03-01 is showing in the announcement for the chat message. The ruleset is still broken, though. I have compiled and attached the console logs.

Moon Wizard
February 25th, 2022, 06:21
Ok, I loaded the ruleset on my machine; and performed some minor updates to resolve the immediate errors. Please update, and try again.

I'll have to pass my fixes and any further feedback onto the developer to address.


February 27th, 2022, 22:13

Here is the compiled file.

Moon Wizard
February 28th, 2022, 02:53
I've pushed a fix for the ManageInit script to help out the DLC developer.

I'm waiting on a missing file to resolve the rswcombobox warnings/errors.


Moon Wizard
February 28th, 2022, 08:34
I've heard back from the RSW developer, and gotten the information I needed. I just pushed a new update that should hopefully address those other warnings/errors.


March 1st, 2022, 21:45
Is there any idea what is causing all of these artwork errors?
Points to The DM Guide Assembled Edition...


Logs attached too.


Moon Wizard
March 1st, 2022, 22:58
It looks like the DM Guide module references images that are not checked into the source control that feeds the patch system. I've reached out to the developer to ask them about the missing files.


March 4th, 2022, 00:23
Lastly isn't there suppose to be a Number related to your specialties (skills again doing this from memory so if I get it wrong sorry) that is suppose to be a number 1 through 3. I don't see any place to put the number.

Just realized where I posted this. This is the only bug I see.

March 4th, 2022, 17:45
The console errors regarding images are resolved, but all the images in the DMs Guide are showing as blank. I created a brand new campaign and loaded the modules so no previous campaign data would potentially cause a conflict.


Moon Wizard
March 4th, 2022, 19:16
We've received the missing files; and I just pushed a new build of the ICONS ruleset and core books. Please run a new Check for Updates to get the latest data.


October 7th, 2022, 16:45
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when adding a feature to the character sheet, it gets put in specialties.54615

January 8th, 2023, 15:49
I'm fixing the Specialty Level bug in on my table, it's a bit tedious with 36 deletions/changes. For each of Specialty Roll tables A through F, clear the link to the Level Determination and replace it with a link to Specialty Level. I have a screenshot but I don't see a way to link it here.

January 12th, 2023, 12:41
I can't put vehicles into the combat tracker or into encounters. I get "only records from campaign record lists can be added to encounters." My 5e Spelljammer game accepts vehicles in the CT and encounters, but I don't know if that's specific to the 5e ruleset or if it can be done for ICONS. Maybe it needs to go in Feature Requests? Or am I missing something?

January 12th, 2023, 13:15
I can't put vehicles into the combat tracker or into encounters. I get "only records from campaign record lists can be added to encounters." My 5e Spelljammer game accepts vehicles in the CT and encounters, but I don't know if that's specific to the 5e ruleset or if it can be done for ICONS. Maybe it needs to go in Feature Requests? Or am I missing something?

More Vehicle support has been added to CoreRPG but it has only really been added to 5E as far as I know.

January 12th, 2023, 23:38
I just tried my very first combat roll, a blast (burst) attack against 3 PCs, and the results look really strange:
1) The attacking SPARTAN is adding both its Power level of 5 and its Coordination of 3 to the attack, that seems wrong.
2) Although the defenders' rolls aren't displayed as physical dice, it looks like the numbers in parentheses in the chat box are their results. If so, the (0) for the attacker confuses me.
3) If those are the results, then the labels "massive success" or "major success" are wrong. American Girl lost by 2 (moderate), Arctic fire tied (marginal) and Atomic Roach won by one (fail) should be the results. What am I missing?

hmmm, I don't see a way to attach the screenshot of all of this .... you might have to go to the Discord to see it, I posted there but it looks like no one is home. https://discord.com/channels/274582899045695488/938894945689944065/1063095290967638026

Moon Wizard
January 13th, 2023, 01:42
On the rolls, I've forwarded on to the developer of the ruleset to see if they can give insight on how it's supposed to work, and to handle any issues.

Vehicle support in the CT is ruleset specific, so it would have had to have been built into the ruleset to support adding vehicles to the combat tracker. The addition of vehicles in a separate or same tracker is a relatively new feature in the rulesets that support it. ICONS was built off of examples from before rulesets started adding support for vehicles.


January 13th, 2023, 17:19
I just tried my very first combat roll, a blast (burst) attack against 3 PCs, and the results look really strange:
1) The attacking SPARTAN is adding both its Power level of 5 and its Coordination of 3 to the attack, that seems wrong.
2) Although the defenders' rolls aren't displayed as physical dice, it looks like the numbers in parentheses in the chat box are their results. If so, the (0) for the attacker confuses me.
3) If those are the results, then the labels "massive success" or "major success" are wrong. American Girl lost by 2 (moderate), Arctic fire tied (marginal) and Atomic Roach won by one (fail) should be the results. What am I missing?

hmmm, I don't see a way to attach the screenshot of all of this .... you might have to go to the Discord to see it, I posted there but it looks like no one is home. https://discord.com/channels/274582899045695488/938894945689944065/1063095290967638026

I will take a look at the code and see where the issue lies. It seems like it is returning the wrong number. For a work around, you can create the power as a weapon in the weapons section until I can determine where the issue lies (if there is one).

January 14th, 2023, 01:50
It looks like an update just happened that partly fixed it but not really, and broke something else.
Power rolls roll Power level +d6, when they should be rolling Coordination (or whatever stat the power's been set to use) +d6. And weapons don't roll at all now, I get this console error instead:
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ICONS:scripts/ResultManager.lua"]:100: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'nTargetStat' (a nil value)

January 19th, 2023, 17:10
Does this rule set still have an active developer?

Moon Wizard
January 20th, 2023, 05:59
I've sent an email to the DLC developer for the ruleset to ask them to respond here.


January 20th, 2023, 15:42
Looking into the issue today

January 20th, 2023, 17:05
I've found the issue with the power rolls and uploaded a fix. Weapons were working as expected.


January 20th, 2023, 23:36
No, it's still using the wrong formulas or logic, though it is getting closer.

When rolling from a Power, it ignores the 'what to test' section (i.e. coordination vs coordination, or Power vs coordination) and instead adds TWICE the power value. When I turn the Power into a weapon it parses the match-up of what to test to determine a hit based on the damage type (bashing, slashing, blasting, shooting), and correctly applies damage minus armor/resistance, BUT only up to 6. If you input damage 7 or higher it only counts it as a 6.

So rolling straight from a power block is something we can just not do, maybe add instructions to make all offensive powers as weapons (change "weapons" to "attacks" on the sheet). This won't work for powers that don't use one of the 4 damage type formulas (for example, Afflictions that use Power vs Strength).

Perhaps a slightly expanded "attacks" section replacing the weapons section, with drop-downs or entries for Attacking Stat, Defending Stat, and Damage.

January 21st, 2023, 00:52
BUT only up to 6. If you input damage 7 or higher it only counts it as a 6.

Just uploaded a fix for this.

December 29th, 2024, 12:56
targetting apears to be broken for npc's. Also the initiative buttomn on the npc sheet does connect to the CT

Moon Wizard
December 29th, 2024, 20:14
If you are talking about initiative not auto-rolling when NPC dropped on CT, the ruleset developer never implemented that.
Otherwise, targeting and initiative rolls appear to be working fine for me.

Can you provide steps to recreate the targeting and initiative issues you are seeing?

Also, can you post a screen clip of the messages in the FG chat window on campaign startup?
