View Full Version : can't see savage worlds book in library

September 15th, 2007, 20:05
I'll start off by saying that I don't know anything about modules.

I bought the SW module and appeared to have installed it correctly, despite any instructions. However, I can't see any books in the library.

Ideas I have already tried from reading the other posts in this forum:
- clicking the "mod" button to "open" the books. When I click the mod button, no books are shown. There is nothing there.
- going into my application data subfolder and verifying that the SW files with the .mod extension are in the modules folder. In the modules folder I see "swrulesgm_final.mod", "swrulesplayer_final.mod", "swrulesquickreference_final.mod", and "againstorcs_final.mod".

Can anyone help me?

September 15th, 2007, 20:12
...despite any instructions.Depending where you unzipped the file if you look in \DGA040SavageWorldsII\SW Ruleset, you'll see "SWII Read Me", thats the instructions! ;)

September 15th, 2007, 20:13
Are you creating a new campaign with the SW ruleset? This has to happen first before you will see anything. ;)

Host as Gamemaster -> Create New Campaign
Name Campaign whatever you want to
Change the ruleset in the drop down box to the SW ruleset...

You should go into FGII, and will be able to access the modules, if your modules are placed in the ../modules folder.

Give that a try, and let us know what happens.


September 15th, 2007, 20:19
Yes I did create a campaign with the ruleset, that's why I meant that everything appeared to be working (I can see the new background, etc.)

I just tried deleting everything and reinstalling. Now, the books ARE listed in mod and I have loaded them into the library. So... I guess brute force solved the problem for now.

"Depending where you unzipped the file if you look in \DGA040SavageWorldsII\SW Ruleset, you'll see "SWII Read Me", thats the instructions!"

I eventually found those and then forgot about them as I did not consider them to be very helpful. First of all, I had to rename the file extension to be able to open them. Second, they should be placed in the highest level of the zip file so that somebody sees them first thing. Third, they were vague enough to seem incomplete and possibly unreliable. Any success I apparantly had in getting this to work was due to the helpful posts in this forum.