View Full Version : Creating New Powers

January 25th, 2022, 04:56
I am creating individual powers for my characters in D&D 5e and I was wondering: Is there a specific spot, besides a character sheet, where I can locate these powers I create?

I know I can drag and drop from sheet to sheet, however, there are some that I want to create ahead of time for when I want to use them, I don't have to go in and set them up then. Just trying to be prepared for the future and not have to remember to create certain powers later.

Moderator: Moved to 5e

January 25th, 2022, 10:12
Welcome to FG.

For what ruleset? It's best if you ask your question in the forum for the specific ruleset you are playing.

January 25th, 2022, 13:43
I apologize. It is for D&D 5e.

January 25th, 2022, 16:06
The easiest way to do this if you want individual powers (by that I'm assuming you mean abilities or traits which are not part of an existing class) would be to create them as feats. You can then either share them with the players or create a module of them which you can share with the players or just drag them in yourself.

If these posers are meant to be part of an existing class or race then you can edit the existing race to add them in. So it depends on what your aim is.

January 27th, 2022, 06:09
In addition to saving them as feats, you can create them as spells (and set something other than character class as "source" to make filtering for them easy), story entries (copy/paste rather than drag and drop to add to a character), Racial abilities (if you don't want them to appear in the feat part of the character sheet and note that you don't have to add the whole race you can drag and drop specific abilities), or my favorite is to make a pregen PC with all the powers on it and let your Players do the drag and dropping themselves.

January 27th, 2022, 08:53
If these posers are meant to be part of an existing class ...
You mean Bards?

January 27th, 2022, 08:59
You mean Bards?

haha :)