View Full Version : Need help with the masking "fog of war"

September 15th, 2007, 08:11
I have been using FG2 for a few weeks now and have decided to start DMing my first session soon. I have become familiar with most of the tools but there is one thing that I simply cannot figure out!

On my radial menu, when I go to "layers" my only options available are the set grid and enable shortcuts. I read in another post that this may have something to do with a custom ruleset that I have installed.

I CAN access these things when using the preexisting campaign "A tale of Dinor" but not with my own campaigns. When I go to start a new campaign it selects d20 and I have no option of not selecting this.. :confused:

If someone could help me out here I'd be greatly appreciative!

September 15th, 2007, 09:11
Update: I have now tried uninstalling FG, including removing the registry files, and reinstalling with the same results. :cry: Everything seems to work fine with the exception of the missing mask tool on the radial menu.

September 15th, 2007, 10:11
First, you can only use masking on a map image you file you put into the campaign's Image folder. Masking doesn't work from maps you make from scratch in FG.

If that is not the problem you can check if it is your custom ruleset by creating a new d20 campaign. After you do that exit and drop a map image into the campaign's image folder. Re-start FG and click on the Maps & Images and then open your map. Right click and hold and drag to Layers you should see an Enable Mask.

September 15th, 2007, 16:06
Wow, that was the problem Griogre. Thank you so much! I spent hours last night trying to uninstall/install in different ways to figure out what I was doing wrong.. Just goes to show how great these forums really are. :D

September 16th, 2007, 02:19
First, you can only use masking on a map image you file you put into the campaign's Image folder. Masking doesn't work from maps you make from scratch in FG.

Is there a good reason for this do you think or just something SW missed/haven't implemented yet?

September 16th, 2007, 02:35
Well if you are drawing the map in the first place then, you shouldn't have to mask it because you just don't draw the place you want masked. :p I imagine that is the logic.

Have I ever wanted to mask a hand drawn map? Yes, I have. Mostly when a group returns to a map for some reason. The implimentation of masking on a hand drawn map is likely trivial.