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January 22nd, 2022, 17:48
5E Better Combat Effects Gold (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/155/view)

Forge Link: 5E Better Combat Effects Gold (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/155/view)

Documentation: README.pdf (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=62345&d=1728917227)

Concept/Overview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wo4KoKN1hk)
Change State (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xcr6Ei-qY4)
Conditional Operators (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oUDiLzo5eI&t=5s)

Better Combat Effects Gold (BCEG) is an extension that allows for fine tuning of when effects are enabled, disabled, removed, and added. Better Combat Effects Gold is specifically tuned to support 5E Automatic Effects packages (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/352166/Fantasy-Grounds-5E-Automatic-Effects--All-Rule-Books-BUNDLE&affiliate_id=1549348&src=GrimPress). The features added allow BCEG and 5eAE to automate NPCs and PC effects to work as written in Fantasy Grounds Unity.

Building off of the wildly popular free extension Better Combat Effects (BCE), BCEG is the next evolution of the product. It is backwards compatible, while adding new and exciting features. All future development will happen within BCEG.

Note: A module is included with this extension which contains complete documentation.

Additions BCEG has over BCE:

Save vs Condition - Saves against conditions and damage will automatically be granted adv/dis based on the traits of the actor making the saving throw.
ADVCOND,DISCOND: [condition] - Explicit advantage/disadvantage when rolling a save vs condition or damage type
Documentation module - A module is include with this extension that details a complete list of effects tags for BCEG
Ongoing Saves (ADV) (DIS) - (ADV)(DIS) can be added to BCE ongoing saves to grant advantage or disadvantage
DUR: (N) - Dynamically set the duration of the effect at time of add. (N) can be number or dice string
SAVERESTL - Perform ongoing save on long rest
SSAVES, SSAVEE - Perform ongoing save on the source of the effects turn.
EFFINIT: (N) - Set the initiative of the effect on add
NOREST, NORESTL - Actor gains no benefit from short rest/long rest
DMGA,DMGD,DMGR now accept damage and range types as filters
ATKD,ATKA,ATKR - Activate, Deactivate, Remove effect when the attack action is taken
SAVEADD: (N) (effect) - Will only activate when the save fails by (N). Think of this as a "Hard fail". If (-N) will fire when the result is N or less.
TATKHDMGS: (D) - Source of attack takes damage from target on successful hit
TATKMDMGS: (DC) Source of attack takes damage from target on miss
Replace FGU [] Tags - Tags like [PRF][LVL][CLASS] can now be defined in the NPC sheet effect list as (PRF)(LVL)(CLASS) to process as expected
(DE) - Will disable the effect on use
SDC - Can be written as [SDC] or (SDC)
(E) - Will remove the effect when the source of the effect drops to 0 HP
DUSE - Will deactivate the effect on any tag match
ATURN - Activate Effect on the start of any Actor's turn
SDC: (N) - Will add or subtract (N) from the Actor's spell save DC
ELUSIVE - No attack roll has advantage against this Actor
UNFLANKABLE - Attack rolls do not gain flanking bonuses against this Actor - Requires Flanking and Range extension
Conditional operators
ATKHA,ATKHD,ATKHR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is successful
ATKMA,ATKMD,ATKMR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is unsuccessful
ATKHADD - Add custom effect when the attack is successful
ATKMADD - Add custom effect when the attack is unsuccessful
ATKFADD - Add custom effect when the attack is fumble (critical miss)
ATKCADD - Add custom effect when the attack is critical hit
(RA) - Added to remove effect on any save
Spell attack and Spell Range filters and ATK([range],[attack type]) conditional operator which will return true if matching range filter or attack type filter
SNEAKATK, RAKISH, - For rogue sneak attack automation and rakish audacity
Automated Pack Tactics Trait
DESTROY - Destroy Actor when added
SAVEONDMGT -Same as SAVEONDMG but applied to the target. Subsequent tags (SAVEDMG, SAVEADD, SAVEADDP, etc) will also apply to target
CDMG,MDMG,HDMG - Crit damage, Max Damage, Half Damage. Works like modifiers buttons but also accepts filters.
Reistance to spell damage
ATKADDT, ATKHADDT, ATKMADDT, ATKFADDT, ATKCADDT - Add effect to target on attack type
Players own Actors effects and can delete from CT
HEAL - accepts max descriptor for maximum heal
OBSCURE - Mark Actors as obscured as well has how they are obscured
House Rule (option): Truesight,Blindsight,Tremorsense negate Invisible if the target can see the attacker
Better Combat Effects Gold (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/155/view)
Buy 5eAE here on DMs Guild (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/352166/Fantasy-Grounds-5E-Automatic-Effects--All-Rule-Books-BUNDLE&affiliate_id=1549348&src=GrimPress) by Aridhro
Learn more about 5eAE here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67481-5E-Automatic-Effects) by Aridhro
MeAndUnique Extensions (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/9/view-profile)
Grim Press Discord (https://discord.gg/grimpress )

January 22nd, 2022, 17:49
Version History:
Fixed - DUSE not working as intended when using IFT conditionals
Support for Effect Builder Extension by @SoXMax
Fixed - EXPIREADD still needed additional attention
Fixed - TDMGADDS was not working as intended with IFT
Fixed - (E) not working when applied to self
Fixed - Documentation module missing DUSE/ATURN
Fixed - Exhausted conflict when using Advanced Effects
Fixed - Client script error using Requested Rolls with ongoing saves
Fixed - Script error conflict when using 5E Expanded NPC
Fixed - DMGAT,DMGDT,DMGRT not respecting damage/range filter
Feature - Added SDC (as a tag) SDC: (N). (N) will be added or subtracted from the Actors spell save DC
Added - SDC support for new NPC spellcasting DC (MotM)
Fixed - Duplicate effects added on expire
Fixed - Savemods not working for ongoing saves
Fixed - Rest tags not working for NPCs
Fixed - Ongoing Saves incorrectly built with Effects Builder
Documentation update
Fixed: EXPIREADD adding twice....again
Fixed: Rare script error with ongoing saves
Fixed: Potential script error with experimental parsing
Added: Save icon for save messages output to chat
Added: (5E) Option to add or not add prone to unconscious NPCs with Undead Fortitude trait
Documentation update
Fixed: Ongoing saves conflicting with BIDI extension
Fixed: Ongoing saves not taking into account save filter
Code Cleanup
Updated README.pdf formatting
Fixed - Support for Advanced Effects not working as intended
Support - for Untrue Effects
Hotfix: ActionDamage.applyDamage header change in 5E Ruleset
Fixed: script error when using advanced effects from ruleset change
Fixed: Changed ongoing saves to fall within the pipeline. Fixes Evasion/Avoidance issue. Should also prevent/solve other corner case issues. This is how I wanted to originally implement ongoing saves but at the time I didn't know enough to do it correctly.
Fixed: (E) not working as intended
Removed: Add Prone on unconscious as now native in ruleset
Documentation update: SAVE tags format changed from SAVE: ABILITY (N) to SAVE: (N) ABILITY
Fixed: Script error when rolling save from character sheet
Fixed: Save handler not overridden just registered for
Fixed: SAVEADD not working with requested rolls and rolled from a client
Fixed: DMGAT script error from ruleset change
Fixed: DUSE not working with damage filters
Fixed: More guards around delayed expire for EXPIREADD support
Fixed: Adjustment for [SDC] as first option in ongoing saves
Fixed: DMGADD tag family not working from client
Feature: ATKADD - Add custom effect when the attack action is taken
Changed: Forced ongoing saves to use new mod format. Will re-write effects with old format as new format
Fixed: Conflict with Constitutional Amendments on string contains
Added: Guard to protect against malformed effects
Feature: Tag SDC now does damage filters. damagetype or all
Feature: ADV/DIS Saves against magicial spells and effects with ADVCOND: magic and DISCOND: magic
Changed: Toned down the save icon color to fit more in with default theme
Fixed: DUR applying ongoing damage, bad BCE merge
Fixed: FROMAURA applying multiple times
Fixed: Script error on some drags from the PC sheet
Changed: Damage adjust for extension compatibility
Changed: Save icon to dull shield
Fixed - Fey Ancestry incorrectly parsing magic as a damage type
Fixed - SAVEDMG not automatically applying adv/dis for damage type
Fixed - Ongoing Save script error with no target
Fixed - Script error in experimental parsing when text does not have a save modifier
Changed - SAVEDMG in effect builder for mod format
Feature - ELUSIVE - No attack roll has advantage against this Actor
Feature - UNFLANKABLE - Attack rolls do not gain flanking bonuses against this Actor - Requires Flanking and Range extension
Fixed - ADV/DISCOND not working when magical effect
Feature: Added TATKHDMGS - Source of attack takes damage from target on successful hit
Feature: Added TATKMDMGS - Source of attack takes damage from target on miss
Fixed: [SDC] translation not working properly when applied from a power
Feature: Additional conditional operators – Read the documentation PDF as there is an entire section and multiple options to choose from
Fixed: SAVEDMG not working when multiple conditions/damage types in play
Fixed: [SDC] not taking into account power bonus in addition to group bonus when replaced when applied from a power
Fixed: Conditional operator DYING was inverse
Fixed: Conditional operator range faction filtering fix for enemy/ally
Enhance: Performance optimization range conditional operator
Fixed: Documentation typos
Feature: Conditional operators ADV/DIS will return true if the attack roll has advantage or disadvantage
Feature: Conditonal operator RANGE now also accepts target as a filter which will filter on current targets
Feature: ATKHA,ATKHD,ATKHR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is successful
Feature: ATKMA,ATKMD,ATKMR, - Activate,Deactivate,Remove effect when the attack is unsuccessful
Feature: ATKHADD - Add custom effect when the attack is successful
Feature: ATKMADD - Add custom effect when the attack is unsuccessful
Feature: ATKFADD - Add custom effect when the attack is fumble (critical miss)
Fixed: Not all cases handled for translating [SDC] within a power
Feature: ! can be added to BCEG conditional operators to perform logical not
Fixed: SAVEDMG not applied when effect set to disabled. SAVEDMG will still not be applied when effect is removed before the save is resolved. Known deficiency.
Feature: Conditional operator SOURCE. True if the source of the attack, damage, save matches. Useful for defensive advantages against specific creatures
Fixed: DYING
Fixed: conditional operator filter [creature type] was never implemented
BCEG Refactor
Feature: conditional operator WEAPON which will return true when a weapon property matches (requires Advanced Effects Extension)
Feature: BCEG saves support (RA) which will remove the effect on a failed or successful save
Feature: ATKCADD add effect/condition on critical hit
Feature: DMGR will now stack with itself
Changed: Damage filters SDC DMGAT, DMGRT, DMGDT no longer require all
Under the Hood: Moved signifgant code around to more fall in line with the FG paradigm and pipelines. Should be easier to maintain and less prone to errors
Under the Hood: Added a binary sorter for better performance when searching custom effects window with a lot of effects.
Under the Hood: Cleaned things up for 3.5e, still not supported but closer.
Performance: Output some performance statistics for future performance enhancements to file BCEG-Performance.csv in campaign folder (it won't mean much to you)
Feature: Conditional operator ATKDIST returns true if the distance between the attacker and target is <=. Only valid with IFT. No targeting required
Feature: Option to turn off performance logging
Fixed: Conflict with Capital Gains and probably others
Fixed: Script error when damage applied is negative
Fixed: Ongoing saves not completly working as intended
Fixed tags SDMGOS,SREGENS, STREGENS, SDMGOE, SREGENE, STREGENE firing when the were not suppose to
Fixed: Conditional Operators ADV/DIS not working in some situations
Under the Hood: Formatting
Under the Hood: Luacheck for automated code warning/error checking
Feature: Macros tags SNEAKATK, RAKISH, for rogue sneak attack automation and rakish audacity - Requires Advanced Effects Extension
Fixed: Some tags without modifiers not processing
Fixed: OOB.type for client SNEAKATK support
Fixed: On add tags not doing something when target is self
Fixed: Tags without modifiers not processing
Fixed: 5E effects with the tag LIGHT were being prevented from being disabled
Fixed: Reported situation where rSource is nil where it shouldn't be. Likely another extension or ruleset bug. Log to console and fail silently
Fixed: STURNRE/STURNRS needs adjusting with refactor
Update: Database calls for how SW wants them with the next update
Bad Build
Fixed: Conflict KnK
Fixed: Conflict Advanced Spell Damage
Feature: Automated Pack Tactics Trait
Feature: FG Vanilla conditional operators ALIGN, SIZE, TYPE, CUSTOM can be prefaced with ! to perform a logical not
Feature: Conditional operator NAME will return true on a partial match of the creatures name
Feature: SDMGADDT, SDMGADDS, TDMGADDT, TDMGADDS now accept a damage threshold
Fixed: RAKISH not working when actor has both adv and dis
Fixed: Skip not working
Fixed: Clean up effects builder support (WIP)
Under the Hood: More DB calls moved over to the desired method
Fixed: IMMUNE: CUSTOM() will not notify IMMUNE in chat if the applied effect is an aura (spam)
Fixed: SAVEDMG not working if effect is disabled before damage is calculated
Fixed: DUR, EFFINIT not working when (D) is a number
Changed: TURNRS, TURNRE will remove if effect disabled

January 22nd, 2022, 17:49
Feature: DUSE to the apply cycler in the CT
Feature: Change state added a change state cycler in the CT, powers, custom effects window. Change state tags are all the tags that Activate/Disable/Remove an effect on start or end of turn. Should see better performance on change of turn.
Feature: Option to Deprecate Change State tags. You need to enable this for the performance gains however the Change State tags will no longer work so you'll have to have all your change state done via the cycler.
Notice: At some point in the future Change State tags and DUSE will be deprecated and removed. Since this is such a big change there will be a few months worth of grace period.
Fixed: [SDC] not calculated correctly for warlock
Fixed: Tag SDC not adding bonus to [SDC] on replace
Removed: Performance Data Tracking
Fixed: Logic for change state cyclers
Fixed: SAVEA
Fixed: (RA) not removing
Changed: RTE will not add +1 dur
Fixed: Script error SaveVs from client
Fixed: Change State cycler SDS not working
Fixed: SSAVEE/SSAVES not working correctly
Feature: Effects Migrator
Fixed: CS none with duration sometimes increasing duration
Fixed: Change State Remove on end of turn needed some tweaking
Fixed: Fantasy Grounds doesn't propagate weapon attack type (spell or weapon) when NPC attacking from the CT
Under the Hood: Performance improvement on change turn
Fixed: More descriptive labels for ongoing damage and ongoing regen
Removed Advanced Effects dependency for Sneak Attack and conditional operator WEAPON
Documentation: conditional operator WEAPON was missing from PDF documentation
Fixed: Change State encoded to CT when loaded from module via Equipped Effects or similar extension
Fixed: Chance template name collision with Random Encounter Generator extension
Fixed: Script error when dragging attack roll from chat to CT
Changed: DMGR with an empty filter will assume all. all is no longer required for all
Fixed: NPC Innate Spellecasting with [SDC]
Fixed: Changed utilitybox to match for FG 4.4.0
Changed: WEAPON conditional operator will match on a partial match instead of exact match
Fixed: Unicode not being stripped from effects when added to CT
Fixed: Migrate Effects dialog for under the hood changes
Fixed: New custom effects not detected by BCE/G
Feature: Conditional operator HP - True if the actor has hit points that are greater/less than the operation.
Fixed: ATKCADD missing from documentation.
Conditional operators support both >=,<= and =<,=>.
Feature: SAVEONDMGT - Same as SAVEONDMG but applied to the target. Subsequent tags (SAVEDMG, SAVEADD, SAVEADDP, etc) will also apply to target
Feature: Conditional operator CR which is True if the actor CR/level are greater/less than the operation
Feature: DESTROY - Destroy Actor when applied
Fixed: Cycling power group options sometimes resulted in [SDC] being calculated incorrectly
Fixed: Ongoing saves not giving adv/dis with ADVCOND/DISCOND
Fixed: Traits not being picked up on table start for ct actors. Needed for automatic adv/dis for saves/ongoing saves
Feature: CDMG,MDMG,HDMG - Crit damage, Max Damage, Half Damage. Works like modifiers buttons but also accepts filters
Documentation Module updated for effect building overview and nomenclature
Feature: Spell and spell effect resistance DMG and REGEN tags using the spell descriptor; Resistance can be accomplished by IF: ATK(spell); RESIST: all
Fixed: [SDC] not calculation correctly for NPCs that have different innate spellcasting and spellcasting save DCs
Fixed: FG DMGO tag not dealing sourced damage. More descriptive chat text
Fixed: Minor performance improvements
Fixed: Luacheck automated code checking indicated possible issues
Fixed: Script error on some instances of NPCs with [SDC]
Feature: Players own their Actors effects and thus can delete them from the CT
Feature: HEAL accepts max descriptor for max heal
Feature: ATK conditional operator accepts opportunity
Feature: Option to Alert GM to actors conditions on turn
Fixed: DUR not working with dice string
DevOps: Support for automatic Forge updates from GitHub
Feature: OBSUCRED - See Below
Feature: House Rule (option) Seeing though Invisible because of truesight, blindsight, tremorsense negates Invisible
Fixed: HEAL tag not working correctly with mod
Fixed: IMMUNE:CUSTOM() did not accept effect labels with () in them.
Changed: IMMUNE:CUSTOM, if the effect label has the text 'AoE' or '($)', Chat message is suppressed if Immune. Prevents chat spam when used with AURA extension
Changed: Ongoing SAVE accepts conditions as a descriptor to indicate the save type for purposes of automatic save vs condition
Changed: Tags that add an effect can now add multiple effects separated by commas
Removed: Legacy where saves could be defined SAVE: WIS 10
The following descriptors and what vision types can see though them. must have 1 descriptor
magical darkness - devil's sight, devilsight, truesight, blindsight, tremorsense
darkness - darkvision, devil's sight, devilsight, truesight, blindsight, tremorsense
physical - blindsight, tremorsense

ADV on attacks if the defender can't see the attacker.
DIS on the attack if the attacker can't see the defender.

This will not change how vision appears on the map, only how the underlying game mechanics work.
Feature: [SDC] can be forced to be evaluated from a stat by [SDCINT], [SDCSTR] etc
Feature: HEAL accepts descriptor self, which increases any healing done to this Actor (self) only
Fixed: Script error attacking without tokens on a map
Fixed: RAKISH not working properly when actor has no target and attack roll dropped on target
Fixed: Remove change state not readjusting dur correctly for source effects
Fixed: [SDC] not falling back to group when cast power isn't present
Fixed: EXPIREADD descriptors split incorrectly
Fixed: Conditional operator CRITICAL not working for 75 percent
Fixed: Migrate window for UI updates
Fixed: DMGOE was also healing for same amount
Fixed: NPC SDC not calculated correctly
Fixed: Script error SNEAKATK on NPC with no CR or less than 1
Revert: HEAL self needs more testing and has been removed for the time being as causing incorrect behavior elsewhere
Feature: Conditional operator logical OR. Will OR IF conditional statements when in succession can chain together. IF: CUSTOM(tic); OR; IF: CUSTOM(toc); ADVATK
Feature: Conditional ELSE. See documentation for details
Fixed: Conditions in effects added by SAVEADD, SAVEADDP, where not picked up for save vs condition
Fixed: HEAL self is back
Fixed: DMGO* and REGEN* tags applying from wrong source
Feature: DMGR will accept a decimal value between 0 and 1 to reduce raw damage (before resistances) by a percentage
Fixed: Script error when attacking actor on different map
Fixed: OBSCURED: darkness not working for darkvision
Fixed: Fixed: ADVCOND not working properly
Feature: HEXBLADE - Heal source of effect when Actor drops to 0 HP
Fixed: Conditional operator name not matching if name was a creature type
Fixed: Change state remove source not getting duration quite right
Fixed: Change state last to process on end of turn
Fixed: STACK tag match to be more exact
Changed: Deprecated tags will output to GM chat when matched. These tags will be removed in the next month or so
Changed: effect init now ignored when considered a duplicate
Fixed: 5E Evasion not working with SAVEDMG
Fixed: SAVEONDMGT compatibility with Advanced Effects
Fixed: Ongoing saves spending onroll ADV/DIS incorrectly
Feature: HEAL accepts descriptor temp to differentiate between temp hp heal and hp heal
Feature: AC, HEAL, DMG accept a decimal. Increase/Decrease value of tag as a percentage in addition to a flat value
Fixed: two-handed not working with conditional operator WEAPON
Fixed: Concentration also removing same label with dur 0
Removed: Deprecated change state tags. Use /migrate_effects to update
Changed: Change state icons to match new default theme
Changed: DMGR will randomize dice string on use
Updated: For 2024 ruleset
Fixed: (E) not removing properly on other actors
Fixed: SAVE* supplemental effect not being processed if actor moves out of aura before save is resolved
Fixed: EXPIREADD not working depending on how the effect is removed
Fixed: Script error when REGENA/DMGA used and only clause in effect
Fixed: Script error with Kingdoms and Warfare
Fixed: Recharge not working
Feature: 2024 Sneak Attack, Cunning Strike automation
Feature: 2024 Rogue Devious Strikes automation
Feature: 2024 Conditional Operator MASTERY - True if weapon attack, weapon mastery property matches, and weapon mastery matches on the char
Fixed: ADVCOND not working for damage from NPC
Fixed: SAVEDC not working
Deprecated: SDC, use SAVEDC - this is the Modifier tag e.g SDC: and NOT the macro [SDC]
Fixed: DMGA firing multiple times when used with SAVEA
Fixed: MASTERY conditional when using Advanced Effects
Fixed: Script error when using all descriptor in some cases
Fixed: FG locks when SAVEA applied to multiple targets simultaneously

January 23rd, 2022, 01:08
Hi rhagelstrom, should the instruction module be live already? I've refreshed the FG updater multiple times but I can't see it in my module list. (as an aside, the extension is available).

***Sorry, please ignore. I just read the Grim Press Discord and it's not there yet.

January 23rd, 2022, 05:04
It seems the .mod wasn't in the original upload. The fix is awaiting SW approval. I've attached the mod to the first post in the meantime

January 23rd, 2022, 19:30
The module should now be included. Sorry for the mix-up.

January 23rd, 2022, 19:39
Version Update: 3.1
Fixed - Space being removed from effect label when proceeded by a ,
Fixed - (DE) not disabling effect on add as intended
Fixed - Double CT menu when using some themes
Fixed - Documentation module included with download

January 23rd, 2022, 19:50
I have to say Ryan, this is crazy awesome, so much time saved for DMs and players, can't believe how much work you've put into this. Hands down couple this with 5eAE (Automatic Effects mods) it's just so easy and clean now.

January 26th, 2022, 21:45
Would you also provide a PDF of the documentation as a handy reference without opening a module reference in game?

Have you heard of the Effect Builder extension? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72159-Effect-Builder

January 26th, 2022, 21:48
Would you also provide a PDF of the documentation as a handy reference without opening a module reference in game?

Have you heard of the Effect Builder extension? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72159-Effect-Builder

He is the second post in that thread.

You can find all the documentations in the FORGE post btw.

It's not to hard to make a PDF if you want it, however, I just use the FORGE posts as they are updated.

January 27th, 2022, 04:08
Would you also provide a PDF of the documentation as a handy reference without opening a module reference in game?

Have you heard of the Effect Builder extension? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72159-Effect-Builder

I attached a PDF to the first post with the documentation.

January 28th, 2022, 00:02
Version Update: 3.3
Fixed - Conflict with Requested Rolls where the GM would get roll requests for the PC on ongoing saves (RR will not roll ongoing saves. Intentional for now at least)
Fixed - Conflict with Automatic Shield Master

January 31st, 2022, 14:58
Really awesome job on this extension. I don't know if this already part of the extension but I have not seen how to accomplish this yet. If this is not part of it than it is an addition to the suggestion box. Is there any way to deactivate an effect after a damage roll? I have found a way to accomplish this with a combination of this extension and the turn based effects extension.

this was for the giant's might damage mechanic. I am always forgetting to add it. now i won't forget it as much. this will also work for the Zealot Barbarian damage

I have also found a way to fully automate the fire rune with a one click extension.

put this in the custom effects
FR; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEA: CON 8,[CON],[PRF], (R); SAVEE: CON 8,[CON],[PRF], (R)

put this on your sheet

February 1st, 2022, 19:52
I upgraded to BCEG and noticed that DMGRT doesn't seem to work (it may not work in regular BCE, but it did work when I built this effect a couple months ago). The effect in question:

[EFF: Bulwark; SCOVER; DMGRT; (D:1 MIN)]

Added to a NPC or PC from a source NPC, it doesn't matter who applies damage or how, the effect is not removed :(

February 3rd, 2022, 08:02
I upgraded to BCEG and noticed that DMGRT doesn't seem to work (it may not work in regular BCE, but it did work when I built this effect a couple months ago). The effect in question:

[EFF: Bulwark; SCOVER; DMGRT; (D:1 MIN)]

Added to a NPC or PC from a source NPC, it doesn't matter who applies damage or how, the effect is not removed :(

DMGRT needs a damage type added
DMGRT: all
DMGRT: fire, cold
Your code should be
[EFF: Bulwark; SCOVER; DMGRT: all; (D:1 MIN)]

February 3rd, 2022, 23:42
Currently I am using BCE with 4e ruleset. Works great. I see the Gold version has some interesting effect commands like DMGA,DMGD,DMGR,ATKD,ATKA,ATKR. If BCE is working well with 4e, would there be any conflict with the Gold version and 4e?

February 4th, 2022, 01:34
DMGRT needs a damage type added
DMGRT: all
DMGRT: fire, cold
Your code should be
[EFF: Bulwark; SCOVER; DMGRT: all; (D:1 MIN)]

That does the trick, thanks!

February 4th, 2022, 03:05
First - LOVE this extension.

Second, does anyone here know if this conflicts with "Turn Based Effects"? I am wanting to automate the sneak attack effect because there is always a rogue in the party. Anyway, "Automatic Sneak Attack" adds an effect "Sneak Attack" that can be added and forgotten such that when present, special sneak attack damage effect is added based on the rogue level when the conditions for a sneak attack are met. "Turn Based Effects" adds the "ONTURN" modifier such that "Sneak Attack; ONTURN" will cause the sneak attack to only apply once per turn (basically automates it for rogues with multiple attacks per turn but sneak attack can only be applied once per turn.)

Alternatively, since I already use BCEG, is there a way to construct an effect that would accomplish this?


February 4th, 2022, 03:31
First - LOVE this extension.

Second, does anyone here know if this conflicts with "Turn Based Effects"? I am wanting to automate the sneak attack effect because there is always a rogue in the party. Anyway, "Automatic Sneak Attack" adds an effect "Sneak Attack" that can be added and forgotten such that when present, special sneak attack damage effect is added based on the rogue level when the conditions for a sneak attack are met. "Turn Based Effects" adds the "ONTURN" modifier such that "Sneak Attack; ONTURN" will cause the sneak attack to only apply once per turn (basically automates it for rogues with multiple attacks per turn but sneak attack can only be applied once per turn.)

Alternatively, since I already use BCEG, is there a way to construct an effect that would accomplish this?


I use Turn Based Effects and have been with BCE and now with BCEG, no conflicts.

Currently, I see no way to do the exact ONTURN function, but there are some things that can be replaced. But I don't see how to do it for things that will update on anyone's turn change.

I was looking to get rid of overhead too and I've asked if they were going to put that function in so far they said not at this time. Did add some stuff to help out with more turn options so that's cool.

February 4th, 2022, 03:33
Thanks for the response! I may pull the trigger on Turn Based Effects before the next time we play to see if BCEG adds this first. :)

February 5th, 2022, 18:02
I have a 5e game where I've turned off all the extensions except for Equipped Effects and Better Combat Effects Gold to test and have all the 5e automatic effect mods loaded. I have the Displacement Cloak effect on a player: Cloak of Displacement; GRANTDISATK; TURNAS; DMGDT this doesn't work with BCEG, but does with BCE, so is there something I am missing?

February 5th, 2022, 18:21
I have a 5e game where I've turned off all the extensions except for Equipped Effects and Better Combat Effects Gold to test and have all the 5e automatic effect mods loaded. I have the Displacement Cloak effect on a player: Cloak of Displacement; GRANTDISATK; TURNAS; DMGDT this doesn't work with BCEG, but does with BCE, so is there something I am missing?

You talking about the part where it doesn't turn off when you take damage?

DMGDT needs to say DMGDT: all

February 5th, 2022, 18:40
Yes and that worked! Thanks.

February 6th, 2022, 13:33
Will be updated in 5eAE when Fizban releases this week.

February 6th, 2022, 16:50
It is my understanding that BCEG is supposed to auto-parse the traits in a character sheet and grant advantage/disadvantage to saves against conditions, such as poison, without explicitly writing the effect. Is that right?

In my testing with a character having Dwarven Resilience against a green dragon poison breath weapon, the save advantage is not happening.

PS: It is also unclear if this extension requires the base BCE to be loaded. I found on the discord that it does not, but the wording on the Forge page is ambiguous about that.

February 6th, 2022, 17:29
It is my understanding that BCEG is supposed to auto-parse the traits in a character sheet and grant advantage/disadvantage to saves against conditions, such as poison, without explicitly writing the effect. Is that right?

In my testing with a character having Dwarven Resilience against a green dragon poison breath weapon, the save advantage is not happening.

PS: It is also unclear if this extension requires the base BCE to be loaded. I found on the discord that it does not, but the wording on the Forge page is ambiguous about that.

Poison is not a condition, Poisoned is.

However, it likely should (and could) auto parse saves vs poison damage also.

February 6th, 2022, 17:31
ah, ok. that makes sense, thanks.

February 6th, 2022, 22:17
Currently it only auto adv/dis vs conditions and not damage types. Adding damage types such as poison shouldn't be too difficult at this point since the plumbing is already there.

February 6th, 2022, 22:25
currently it only auto adv/dis vs conditions and not damage types. Adding damage types such as poison shouldn't be too difficult at this point since the plumbing is already there.


February 6th, 2022, 23:34
Really awesome job on this extension. I don't know if this already part of the extension but I have not seen how to accomplish this yet. If this is not part of it than it is an addition to the suggestion box. Is there any way to deactivate an effect after a damage roll? I have found a way to accomplish this with a combination of this extension and the turn based effects extension.

this was for the giant's might damage mechanic. I am always forgetting to add it. now i won't forget it as much. this will also work for the Zealot Barbarian damage

I have also found a way to fully automate the fire rune with a one click extension.

put this in the custom effects
FR; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEA: CON 8,[CON],[PRF], (R); SAVEE: CON 8,[CON],[PRF], (R)

put this on your sheet

Currently there is no way to disable an effect when when that actor deals damage.

February 6th, 2022, 23:36
Currently I am using BCE with 4e ruleset. Works great. I see the Gold version has some interesting effect commands like DMGA,DMGD,DMGR,ATKD,ATKA,ATKR. If BCE is working well with 4e, would there be any conflict with the Gold version and 4e?

A difference between BCEG and BCE is that BCEG is supported for 5E only. If you are crafty you could modify it for 4E to support the additional features.

February 7th, 2022, 00:14
I think that I am confused, if you have BCEG do you need BCE for the original effects or is it a complete replacement for BCE? Is it an expansion or an "Enhanced Edition?"

February 7th, 2022, 01:14
Not sure what is happening but when I apply the effect: Charmed; Incapacitated; DMGRT; SAVEA: WIS [SDC] (R)(M); (C)

the system goes through a double roll/eval in chat?

Edit: Also, I am not sure but concentration looks to not be observed when set in the options.

February 7th, 2022, 02:44
It's also not limited to SAVEA, its all the ongoing saves too.

February 7th, 2022, 04:22
Will be updated in 5eAE when Fizban releases this week.

February 7th, 2022, 10:09
It's also not limited to SAVEA, its all the ongoing saves too.

Yep. I can confirm those as well. Seems ok with BCE.

Edit: To clarify the concentration issue. Concentrations works if I add the effect on different rounds. Where it seems to fail is if I add two effects with concentration during the same round same or different targets. It lets both exist on the targets.

February 7th, 2022, 18:57
Thanks for the update Rhagelstrom to fix the half save issue not working, its now working with this update.

SAVEE etc double posting is still double posting but that's a minor chat issue IMO.

February 7th, 2022, 18:58
Yep. I can confirm those as well. Seems ok with BCE.

Edit: To clarify the concentration issue. Concentrations works if I add the effect on different rounds. Where it seems to fail is if I add two effects with concentration during the same round same or different targets. It lets both exist on the targets.

In your edit, are you talking about concentration setting where you can only have one? (Restrict Concentration)

February 7th, 2022, 19:17
In your edit, are you talking about concentration setting where you can only have one? (Restrict Concentration)

Correct. It seems to only apply if the effects are applied on different rounds. Effects applied in the same round do not trigger the setting.

February 7th, 2022, 19:54
Correct. It seems to only apply if the effects are applied on different rounds. Effects applied in the same round do not trigger the setting.

Round or turn?

February 7th, 2022, 19:57
Round or turn?

I have to cycle through the round before it sees an effect as being applied an breaking concentration. Moving a couple of turns has no effect. It allows me to apply in that case. I will work up a outline to show you later tonight.

February 7th, 2022, 19:58
I have to cycle through the round before it sees an effect as being applied an breaking concentration. Moving a couple of turns has no effect. It allows me to apply in that case. I will work up a outline to show you later tonight.

I'm going to try to make it happen on my end with no other exts to confirm it.

February 7th, 2022, 20:04
So far I'm not seeing this happen at all.
You sure not a conflict with another ext? You try it with no other exts loaded?

Feel free to reach out to me on discord, you know I'm not the creator of this ext but we all use pretty much the same exts, so maybe I can help.


February 7th, 2022, 20:12
So far I'm not seeing this happen at all.
You sure not a conflict with another ext? You try it with no other exts loaded?

Feel free to reach out to me on discord, you know I'm not the creator of this ext but we all use pretty much the same exts, so maybe I can help.


No other ext. I will post the steps later. It is possible am not doing something correct. Thanks.

February 7th, 2022, 22:18
Started the round with the medusa, then kobold1, then kobold2, then the pc. applied the effect twice (on both kobolds) then moved the order to the medusa. pc applied the effect to the medusa. Then move the turn order back to the pc. Applied the effect to the vampire and then the medusa and kobolds dropped and the vampire had it.

This indicates that until the round came back to the pc none of the concentration effects mattered.

February 7th, 2022, 22:24
Started the round with the medusa, then kobold1, then kobold2, then the pc. applied the effect twice (on both kobolds) then moved the order to the medusa. pc applied the effect to the medusa. Then move the turn order back to the pc. Applied the effect to the vampire and then the medusa and kobolds dropped and the vampire had it.

This indicates that until the round came back to the pc none of the concentration effects mattered.

You are posting in BCEG, yet the ext you have loaded is BCE.
Maybe this matters?

February 7th, 2022, 22:38
Started the round with the medusa, then kobold1, then kobold2, then the pc. applied the effect twice (on both kobolds) then moved the order to the medusa. pc applied the effect to the medusa. Then move the turn order back to the pc. Applied the effect to the vampire and then the medusa and kobolds dropped and the vampire had it.

This indicates that until the round came back to the pc none of the concentration effects mattered.

You are posting in BCEG, yet the ext you have loaded is BCE.
Just noting that here, however, it doesn't seem like it changes what I'm about to say.

I see what you are saying now, that it requires a round change (really it's based on the init setting of the conc effect) to come back up or lower before it will detect more conc spell conflicts.

I think best would be if this worked on TURN instead of init setting of the casted effect. So it should be soon as the any turn change, it should start detecting conc conflicts for restrictions.

Currently, I don't think this is part of the feature. It leaves it so you can apply multiple conc effects at the start so you do all the effects of a spell at once.
I think this is needed, I think mostly its for people that later try to cast another spell on their next turn and forget they got a conc effect still going.

February 7th, 2022, 23:18
You are posting in BCEG, yet the ext you have loaded is BCE.
Just noting that here, however, it doesn't seem like it changes what I'm about to say.

I see what you are saying now, that it requires a round change (really it's based on the init setting of the conc effect) to come back up or lower before it will detect more conc spell conflicts.

I think best would be if this worked on TURN instead of init setting of the casted effect. So it should be soon as the any turn change, it should start detecting conc conflicts for restrictions.

Currently, I don't think this is part of the feature. It leaves it so you can apply multiple conc effects at the start so you do all the effects of a spell at once.
I think this is needed, I think mostly its for people that later try to cast another spell on their next turn and forget they got a conc effect still going.

You are correct. I have been flipping back and forth testing. I am glad it happens in either. I agree with your solution. It seems if it is going to really help with concentration it would need to mirror how it really works. Thanks for confirming.

February 12th, 2022, 23:28
TDMGADDT (-) [effect] TARGET of the attack will add an effect to the TARGET (itself) when damage is done
TDMGADDS (-) [effect] TARGET of the attack will add an effect to the SOURCE of the attack when damage is done
SDMGADDT (-) [effect] SOURCE of the attack will add an effect to the TARGET when damage is done
SDMGADDS (-) [effect] SOURCE of the attack will add an effect to the SOURCE (itself) when damage is done

Are these DM only effects? They don't seem to work for a player unless we are doing something wrong.

February 12th, 2022, 23:33
TDMGADDT (-) [effect] TARGET of the attack will add an effect to the TARGET (itself) when damage is done
TDMGADDS (-) [effect] TARGET of the attack will add an effect to the SOURCE of the attack when damage is done
SDMGADDT (-) [effect] SOURCE of the attack will add an effect to the TARGET when damage is done
SDMGADDS (-) [effect] SOURCE of the attack will add an effect to the SOURCE (itself) when damage is done

Are these DM only effects? They don't seem to work for a player unless we are doing something wrong.

I reported this as working only for the DM, not sure why. He was looking into it but got really busy IRL.

Just FYI you can also report stuff at the discord in the #vtt-support channel here

February 13th, 2022, 00:29
Thank you for the quick reply.

February 14th, 2022, 18:34
I noticed that the on going save function does not seem to be looking at ADVCOND. In the example, I got the ADV on the save but on the reoccurring event no ADV? Also, no dbl roll but dbl output in chat still.

February 19th, 2022, 12:22
I reported this as working only for the DM, not sure why. He was looking into it but got really busy IRL.

Just FYI you can also report stuff at the discord in the #vtt-support channel here

This was reported as fixed but it still doesn't work when the player rolls from their sheet, only when the DM rolls the damage.

February 19th, 2022, 12:40
I have a potential stupid question, but I could not find the definite answer anywhere in the Forum. I am currently using the free BCE for my 3.5e campaign. The Forge page states that all future development will go into BCEG, which is fine and understandable (I don’t mind paying for this extension). However – BCEG is listed only under 5e. It states backwards compatibility, but it is unclear if this also applies to the additional rulesets supported by BCE.
Long story short: does BCEG support 3.5e or not?

February 20th, 2022, 17:47
I have a potential stupid question, but I could not find the definite answer anywhere in the Forum. I am currently using the free BCE for my 3.5e campaign. The Forge page states that all future development will go into BCEG, which is fine and understandable (I don’t mind paying for this extension). However – BCEG is listed only under 5e. It states backwards compatibility, but it is unclear if this also applies to the additional rulesets supported by BCE.
Long story short: does BCEG support 3.5e or not?

BCEG is 5E. There is the 3.5E code from BCE in BCEG but it isn't updated/tested or supported with the new features. If you are crafty with extension editing you could probably get most of the stuff to work fairly easily with 3.5E.

February 20th, 2022, 17:50
I was hoping to have this up Friday but an issue came up which was resolved. Readme document is updated with new features at the top of this thread.

Version update 3.6

Feature - IMMUNE: CUSTOM([effect]) Immune to effect where [effect] is effect name in custom effects window
Feature - Save vs Condition feature now supports save vs damage type as well (i.e. Poison Breath)
Feature - DUSE - Disable effect when one of the tags in the effect is used (matches)
Feature - ATURN - Enable effect at the start of any turn
Fixed - Duplicate text output on saves
Fixed - Issue with damage tags such as SDMGADDT were not working when applied to a player's PC
Fixed - Save vs Condition would't work as expected on subsequent rolls

February 25th, 2022, 21:52
EDIT: Also posted on the discord server and MrDDT has verified it's also not working for him.

I've been unable to get TDMGADDS to work when the effect is sitting on a PC and attempting to apply an effect to an NPC hitting the PC.
I've had success with SDMGADDS and SDMGADDT when applied to an NPC hitting a PC. I've had success with TDMGADDT when applied to a PC that's getting hit. But I can't get TDMGADDS to work.
I've tried having the effect sitting on an NPC being attacked by a PC, sitting on the PC attacking the NPC, sitting on an NPC attacking a PC and sitting on a PC being attacked by an NPC. Nothing seems to work properly for TDMGADDS.

February 28th, 2022, 22:23
I am not sure if this sent in, but the coding of GOTU; Paralyzed; SAVEA: CON 10 (R); SAVEE: CON 10 (R) is throwing two dice and multiple chat outputs and no longer functioning the way it use to (screen below). I applied it to the target and this was the output.

March 7th, 2022, 01:09
Looks like this update broke something else? When I try to add STR:19-X I get the following error when adding the character to the CT:

Edit: this might be an issue when using it with Advanced effects ext. Even tho the error is coming from BCE it might not be given the right info since Advance has an outdated function. Advance effects is fixing it on their end so I will test it again after that.

Edit2: Still an issue and happens with just BCEG loaded.

March 10th, 2022, 05:44
Looks like this update broke something else? When I try to add STR:19-X I get the following error when adding the character to the CT
Seconding this as I'm getting the same error with the free version of BCE. Adjusting the effect to a raw number seems to have fixed it for the time being, but it would be nice to have the [target #]-X syntax working again.

March 10th, 2022, 10:41
Seconding this as I'm getting the same error with the free version of BCE. Adjusting the effect to a raw number seems to have fixed it for the time being, but it would be nice to have the [target #]-X syntax working again.

That is my current fix as well.

March 13th, 2022, 17:13
Posted the root cause under Post #420 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789) in BCE (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects) as it is an issue in both (and BCEG is build upon BCE).

As this is caused by the CoreRPG function (manager_dice.lua): convertStringToDice which received an update to better handle dice terms with a minus, I don't know how feasible it is to "replace" or "overwrite" the function (or better create a custom one which calls the original) and leave the fix to rhagelstrom.

March 14th, 2022, 14:38
Posted the root cause under Post #420 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789) in BCE (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects) as it is an issue in both (and BCEG is build upon BCE).

As this is caused by the CoreRPG function (manager_dice.lua): convertStringToDice which received an update to better handle dice terms with a minus, I don't know how feasible it is to "replace" or "overwrite" the function (or better create a custom one which calls the original) and leave the fix to rhagelstrom.

Cool...this is half the battle.

Tooting Dog
March 17th, 2022, 23:54
I am using SAVEE for an effect so the creature can make a save each round. I also have SAVEONDMG so that they get a save if they take damage. However, it keeps rolling both after the creature's turn has ended even though it has not taken any damage. I am stumped.


March 18th, 2022, 00:35
I am using SAVEE for an effect so the creature can make a save each round. I also have SAVEONDMG so that they get a save if they take damage. However, it keeps rolling both after the creature's turn has ended even though it has not taken any damage. I am stumped.


I think it will go by which ever is first in the trigger.

I think the issue is that it's triggering on damage both the SAVEE and the SAVEONDMG saves.
So this could be an issue for things like this.

Put it as
Effectname; Prone; SAVEONDMG; SAVEE: WIS (SDC) (M)(R)

Tooting Dog
March 18th, 2022, 01:14
Hey, thanks for that! I had not thought of that. However, how would it work if SAVONDMG was at ADV but not the SAVEE?

March 25th, 2022, 20:05
Is there a way to have a conditional effect that achieves the following: "As long as this entity has more than 0 temporary hit points, it has magic resistance"?

Is there a way to trigger concentration checks with a specified (or default) DC? I'd like to drag and drop this from a CT entry onto a player to force a concentration check as sort of a "soft" potential counterspell.

Thanks much! This extension is GOLD!!

Mordax Praetorian
March 28th, 2022, 00:37
I'm trying to work out EXPIREADD - my understanding is that I should be able to name something in the custom effect list, and that effect should be added when this effect expires - but as far as I can tell it does nothing.
I have my effect (which just exists for learning purposes, I'm not trying to do anything specific yet) set up as RESIST: acid; EXPIREADD: BCEG Dodge with 1 round duration and Self targeting. It expires on round start but never adds BCEG Dodge.
Do you have an example for this?

April 1st, 2022, 18:25
The BBEG atropal of the 5E adventure Tomb of Annihilation has this aura:

Creatures within 30 feet of the atropal can't regain hit points, and any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the atropal takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.

Is there a tag for applying damage at the start of an actor's turn? In effect, DMGOE but at the start instead of the end? Ideally (when combined with Blissful Ignorance):

AURA: 30 foe; Negative Energy Aura; UNHEALABLE; DMGOS: 3d6 necrotic

April 1st, 2022, 18:44
The BBEG atropal of the 5E adventure Tomb of Annihilation has this aura:

Is there a tag for applying damage at the start of an actor's turn? In effect, DMGOE but at the start instead of the end? Ideally (when combined with Blissful Ignorance):

AURA: 30 foe; Negative Energy Aura; UNHEALABLE; DMGOS: 3d6 necrotic

AURA: 30 foe; Negative Energy Aura; UNHEALABLE; DMGO: 3d6 necrotic

April 1st, 2022, 18:52
AURA: 30 foe; Negative Energy Aura; UNHEALABLE; DMGO: 3d6 necrotic

Thanks, I'll give that a go. DMGO is not documented in the built-in BCEG reference module :)

April 1st, 2022, 19:01
Thanks, I'll give that a go. DMGO is not documented in the built-in BCEG reference module :)

I know BCEG has so many codes that I think people forget about the basic ones already in FGU. DMGO is normal FGU coding =P

April 1st, 2022, 19:51
I know BCEG has so many codes that I think people forget about the basic ones already in FGU. DMGO is normal FGU coding =P

Haha so it is! Thanks for the reminder!

April 4th, 2022, 00:36
It looks like now the SAVEDMG is not rolling? I used:
SAVES: WIS 11 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 radiant

The save roll happens but no damage? Maybe I have the syntax wrong?

April 4th, 2022, 00:57
It looks like now the SAVEDMG is not rolling? I used:
SAVES: WIS 11 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 radiant

The save roll happens but no damage? Maybe I have the syntax wrong?

Working for me

TEST Nep; SAVES: WIS 11 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 radiant

April 4th, 2022, 01:13
Strange. Still not working for me. So I tried a new clean campaign and it does work, so I have something strange in the db file causing my issue....

April 4th, 2022, 01:23
Working for me

TEST Nep; SAVES: WIS 11 (M)(H); SAVEDMG: 3d8 radiant

Thanks for the test!

April 6th, 2022, 17:32
On a different note: Is there still a dbl roll happening for SAVEA and SAVEE coded like ghouls touch? It is for me and I was not sure if it is going to be fixed or is something I doing wrong. Thanks!

April 6th, 2022, 18:24
On a different note: Is there still a dbl roll happening for SAVEA and SAVEE coded like ghouls touch? It is for me and I was not sure if it is going to be fixed or is something I doing wrong. Thanks!

Yeah when a SAVEA is happening with another ONGOING save in the same coding, it will double roll. This is not intended not sure when it will be fixed. I know Ryan has been IRL busy.
So either the example needs to change (and the mod file) or it needs to be fixed up.

What you can do is change the order. Oddly the order matters here whereas it didn't before.

GOTU: Paralyzed; SAVEE: CON 10 (R); SAVEA: CON 10 (R)

April 6th, 2022, 19:50
Yeah when a SAVEA is happening with another ONGOING save in the same coding, it will double roll. This is not intended not sure when it will be fixed. I know Ryan has been IRL busy.
So either the example needs to change (and the mod file) or it needs to be fixed up.

What you can do is change the order. Oddly the order matters here whereas it didn't before.

GOTU: Paralyzed; SAVEE: CON 10 (R); SAVEA: CON 10 (R)

I will give it a try. I would not have assumed order mattered, so thanks for that.

April 6th, 2022, 22:45
So this worked but there still is 2 additional outputs to chat: Effect ['Slowed; AC: -2; DISSAV: dexterity; SAVEE: WIS 15 (M)(R); (C)'] -> [SINGLE MOD USED] [on Adult Blue Dragon]

I assume 1 for SAVEA and 1 for SAVEE?

This at least only rolls once.

Side note that equipment effects and this ext look like they are adding "Frightful Presence; Frightened; SAVEE: WIS 16 (R)" to the Dragon...which is strange. May not have much to do with this ext. but the SAVEE has me thinking.

April 7th, 2022, 00:43
Add DMGRT looks like it is not working either?

April 7th, 2022, 01:32
So this worked but there still is 2 additional outputs to chat: Effect ['Slowed; AC: -2; DISSAV: dexterity; SAVEE: WIS 15 (M)(R); (C)'] -> [SINGLE MOD USED] [on Adult Blue Dragon]

I assume 1 for SAVEA and 1 for SAVEE?

This at least only rolls once.

Side note that equipment effects and this ext look like they are adding "Frightful Presence; Frightened; SAVEE: WIS 16 (R)" to the Dragon...which is strange. May not have much to do with this ext. but the SAVEE has me thinking.

Can you give me the effect coding you using to cause this? As the above slowed effect is only outputting 1 time and not saying single mod used.

Slowed; AC: -2; DISSAV: dexterity; SAVEE: WIS 15 (M)(R); (C)

Is working fine.

I have both Equipped Effects, Automatic Effects MM mod, Better Combat Effects Gold, all loaded and it's not doing what you saying it is for the dragon.
Its applying coding for the Frightful Presence effect, but it's not applying the effect to the creature when you load it into the CT, which I think is what you saying.
There is currently an issue where EXPIREADD is not working. So be wary of that.

April 7th, 2022, 01:33
Add DMGRT looks like it is not working either?

I think currently there is an issue with DMGRT, and DMGDT.

Oddly enough DMGAT works.

April 7th, 2022, 02:06
Can you give me the effect coding you using to cause this? As the above slowed effect is only outputting 1 time and not saying single mod used.

Slowed; AC: -2; DISSAV: dexterity; SAVEE: WIS 15 (M)(R); (C)

Is working fine.

I have both Equipped Effects, Automatic Effects MM mod, Better Combat Effects Gold, all loaded and it's not doing what you saying it is for the dragon.
Its applying coding for the Frightful Presence effect, but it's not applying the effect to the creature when you load it into the CT, which I think is what you saying.
There is currently an issue where EXPIREADD is not working. So be wary of that.

So I am using: Slowed; AC: -2; DISSAV: dexterity; SAVEE: WIS [SDC] (M)(R); SAVEA: WIS [SDC] (M)(R); (C)

This allows the player to get the effect on the target on cast and manages the save every round thereafter. So I see SINGLE MOD USED messages.

Thanks for the EXPIREADD tip. I did confuse the effect and the code for the effect. False alarm there.

April 7th, 2022, 02:08
I think currently there is an issue with DMGRT, and DMGDT.

Oddly enough DMGAT works.

Strange indeed and not useful for hypnotic pattern.

April 7th, 2022, 02:15
So I am using: Slowed; AC: -2; DISSAV: dexterity; SAVEE: WIS [SDC] (M)(R); SAVEA: WIS [SDC] (M)(R); (C)

This allows the player to get the effect on the target on cast and manages the save every round thereafter. So I see SINGLE MOD USED messages.

I just tested this and it's working fine.
However, if I change the "expend" to "once per modifier" it does act like you saying (as expected as it's using each mod per ongoing save roll) you pretty much don't want to use expend mod, with any ongoing save.
I don't think that works well with ongoing saves at all. If you need something like that, I suggest breaking up the effects into many effects.

For this one looks like a 5E effect, I would say that you don't need it to expend once per modifier. Just change that to never, it will work correctly.
You can still set the duration of course.

Hope that helps.

Also I suggest if you can get on discord where I can send pictures and stuff a lot easier.

April 7th, 2022, 02:18
I just tested this and it's working fine.
However, if I change the "expend" to "once per modifier" it does act like you saying (as expected as it's using each mod per ongoing save roll) you pretty much don't want to use expend mod, with any ongoing save.
I don't think that works well with ongoing saves at all. If you need something like that, I suggest breaking up the effects into many effects.

For this one looks like a 5E effect, I would say that you don't need it to expend once per modifier. Just change that to never, it will work correctly.
You can still set the duration of course.

Hope that helps.

Also I suggest if you can get on discord where I can send pictures and stuff a lot easier.

Thanks for the suggestions. I will play with it some more and reach out on discord.

April 7th, 2022, 19:19
Hello, is there a problem with the EXPIREADD???
It seems not to be working for me, unless i'm using it wrong, I tried:
With a 1 round duration, it applies the regen, but it leaves no aftereffect as it's supposed to do.
I tried with a new campaign no other extensions save the fonts and D&D original theme.

April 7th, 2022, 19:31
Yes. MrDDT indicated as much but I have not used it so I don't have direct evidence. By the looks of it you have confirmed it.

April 14th, 2022, 10:45
While trying to see if I can fix TDMGADDS for my game, I've noticed a typo on line 334 in manager_effect_bceDnD.lua. Removing the extra "e" appears to fix the issue for TDMGADDS. It may be worth scanning over the rest of the script(s) to look for any other typos if anyone noted any other issues.

April 14th, 2022, 16:49
Wow thanks.

April 15th, 2022, 17:45
Add DMGRT looks like it is not working either?

This looks like it's working again, can you confirm? I was running some testing and this was on my list and now it seems to be working fine after the last 2 FGU updates.

April 15th, 2022, 19:05
This looks like it's working again, can you confirm? I was running some testing and this was on my list and now it seems to be working fine after the last 2 FGU updates.

Does not look to be working.
I appllied the effect. SAVEA fires. It lands.
I damage the target. The effect stays.

April 15th, 2022, 19:24
So using DMGT: all was what I was doing wrong. It is working now for me.

April 15th, 2022, 20:45
Need to update the example because it doesn't have the : all after it.

April 15th, 2022, 21:05
Need to update the example because it doesn't have the : all after it.

It got me!

April 16th, 2022, 04:39
new release up on Forge -

EXPIREADD - FIXED: Add effect or condition when this effect expires
TDMGADDS - FIXED: TARGET of the attack will add an effect to the SOURCE of the attack when damage is done

April 16th, 2022, 12:36
new release up on Forge -

EXPIREADD - FIXED: Add effect or condition when this effect expires
TDMGADDS - FIXED: TARGET of the attack will add an effect to the SOURCE of the attack when damage is done

Thanks for this! So, if I remember correctly we still have the STR: 19-x bug still?

April 16th, 2022, 20:57
Thanks for this! So, if I remember correctly we still have the STR: 19-x bug still?

Work-around for BCE in post #420 https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789
Not sure if this also fixes BCEG - it patches a core function, so it might work.

April 16th, 2022, 21:16
Work-around for BCE in post #420 https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789
Not sure if this also fixes BCEG - it patches a core function, so it might work.

I'll add this to the list of bugs thanks.

April 17th, 2022, 00:49
Work-around for BCE in post #420 https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789
Not sure if this also fixes BCEG - it patches a core function, so it might work.

Thank you for the heads up. I will give this a try.

April 19th, 2022, 19:27
Great, Thanks.
Just noted a weird interaction between REGENA and EPIREADD when using effects, it will loop and virtually halt the game for a while, attaching the chat in a file, in case something can be done there.
I only had loaded the BCEG, fonts and D&D theme extensions.

April 19th, 2022, 19:36
Great, Thanks.
Just noted a weird interaction between REGENA and EPIREADD when using effects, it will loop and virtually halt the game for a while, attaching the chat in a file, in case something can be done there.
I only had loaded the BCEG, fonts and D&D theme extensions.

I'm not seeing this can you give me an example of the effect coding you doing?
I tried


POH; DMG:1d4 fire

I have POH effect listed in my effects list.
I would apply the HEALBOT effect and it would give me 1d4 HP, removing the HEALBOT effect and then apply the POH. No looping of anything.

April 19th, 2022, 21:25
Ok using your coding (I found in the text file)
This causes it to loop.

April 20th, 2022, 03:21
Ok using your coding (I found in the text file)
This causes it to loop.

Confirming that it seems like it's the order of the effect keywords.. if EXPIREADD is the last thing (like your initial test), no loop occurs. But if it's an early keyword, then it causes the loop (the way MasterZamna coded it originally). Am I understanding that correctly?

April 20th, 2022, 03:29
Confirming that it seems like it's the order of the effect keywords.. if EXPIREADD is the last thing (like your initial test), no loop occurs. But if it's an early keyword, then it causes the loop (the way MasterZamna coded it originally). Am I understanding that correctly?

I think it can happen both ways, it doesn't trigger 100% of the time but a good bit.

April 20th, 2022, 15:18
I think it can happen both ways, it doesn't trigger 100% of the time but a good bit.

Hi, that's correct, I tried both ways and it ends up looping, it's just that sometimes when the EXPIREADD is last, besides al the remaining effects, also stays an effect with the original effect text.
Altough in my case it happened every time I used it, only sometimes it took longer to cut the loop.
At first I tought it was the interaction with the Consume Items extension, that's why I tried in a new campaign with only the basic extension, but it also looped.

April 21st, 2022, 16:31
BCE Community:
As you may know, Grim Press has partnered with Ryan Hagelstrom, the author of Better Combat Effects, to publish Better Combat Effects Gold.

Unfortunately, something has interrupted our previously excellent communication with Ryan, and we've not heard from him for some time. We hope that he is physically ok and that it is something in real life which is keeping him from his hobby. His presence is missed.

Thanks for your understanding and patience as we work through this unexpected event.

For additional support, please join our Discord server @ https://discord.gg/grimpress

Q: What does this mean for BCEG?
A: WeezelD and deltadave, both members of the Grim Press admin team have taken up the burden of learning LUA, understanding Ryan's code, and providing bugfix releases for the existing codebase. Several bugs have already been fixed (some with the assistance of the community).

Q: What does this mean for BCE?
A: Active development on BCE was halted with the release of BCEG. Some of the bugs exist in both BCEG and BCE, but since BCE isn't published on the Forge under our publishing account, we do not have the ability to release any updates. At this time, the fixes are being added to BCEG only. We will be discussing options such as forum release (pre-forge), but no decisions have been made at this time.

April 21st, 2022, 18:16
Thanks for the update, hope all is well and he is just busy IRL like we all do sometimes.

April 21st, 2022, 18:59
Better Combat Effects Gold - v3.6.0.2 - Bugfix - Was not properly handling the Ability-X functionality such as for Headband of Intellect. INT: 19-X. Fixed. -- Thanks to @Arnagus on the forum who previously developed the workaround ( https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789)

April 21st, 2022, 21:54
Better Combat Effects Gold - v3.6.0.2 - Bugfix - Was not properly handling the Ability-X functionality such as for Headband of Intellect. INT: 19-X. Fixed. -- Thanks to @Arnagus on the forum who previously developed the workaround ( https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643789#post643789)

Very nice. Thanks for this!

April 23rd, 2022, 10:20
I hope all the best for Ryan! Hope nothing serious happened.

Since BCE has always been a kind of orphan after all efforts go into BCEG - is there any way to make BCEG also available for 3.5e?
It is currently flagged as 5e only, thus not loading.

I am aware that BCEG has the BCE code inside (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72284-5E-Better-Combat-Effects-Gold&p=640934&highlight=#post640934) which works perfectly with 3.5e.
I understand that 3.5e functionality will not receive any updates in BCEG (as it is also only sustained in BCE), but core rule updates might break 3.5e functionality in BCE and will likely be fixed in BCEG (only/first) when the rest of the code is adapted to the new code. E.g. EXPIREADD failure and the SAVEA/SAVEONDMG/SDMGOS missed rolls are still open, but are fixed in BCEG (see BCE Post #419 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?68831-Better-Combat-Effects&p=643567&viewfull=1#post643567) for PFRPG which uses the same code in BCE)

April 26th, 2022, 13:18
BCE Community: Following up on my post from last week, I'm happy to say that Ryan H. has escaped the Tarrasque of life and is back with us, so things should be returning to normal.

May 2nd, 2022, 14:48
Sorry all about the absence, work has been crazy. I have an update that should fix the known issues.

Version update: 3.7
Fixed - Typeo nodeeSource
Fixed - Following Tags of a matched tag were also matching in an effect
Fixed - Documentation error for DMGAT,DMGDT,DMGRT suggesting they accepted a dice string
Fixed - Actor manager not initialized
Fixed - issue where aura effects with , in them where adding over and over
Fixed - CoreRPG updated broke -X from working properly
Fixed - Feedback loop when using EXPIREADD and things that fire on add like REGENA
Fixed - Code cleanup with luacheck. Removed a bunch of warnings and all extra whitespace

May 6th, 2022, 01:41
I was trying to use the following but it looks like EXPIREADD is not working?

Effect on character for 1 rd duration:

Effects list:

When the effect drops the ABSORBELEMENTSFIRE effect is not applied.

Maybe I am doing something wrong? Also, I see some posts about EXPIREADD being both broke and fixed....not sure if this is not broke or not fixed. Thanks!

May 6th, 2022, 02:00
I can't get expireadd to work anymore either.

May 9th, 2022, 21:07
Version update: 3.8
Fixed - EXPIREADD not working as intended
Fixed - Ongoing save effects with (R) and (D) where being removed/disabled before the following tags were evaluated

May 10th, 2022, 02:21
Version update: 3.8
Fixed - EXPIREADD not working as intended
Fixed - Ongoing save effects with (R) and (D) where being removed/disabled before the following tags were evaluated

Thank you. Looks to be working.

Quick question: I am using the [ROLL] in the effect and when added to the CT it turns [ROLL] into -1 and does not seem to respect any roll and remove the effect. Maybe I am using the [ROLL] incorrect or maybe I can't use it with BCEG coding? The code I am using is in #116. Thanks!

May 10th, 2022, 04:14
Thank you. Looks to be working.

Quick question: I am using the [ROLL] in the effect and when added to the CT it turns [ROLL] into -1 and does not seem to respect any roll and remove the effect. Maybe I am using the [ROLL] incorrect or maybe I can't use it with BCEG coding? The code I am using is in #116. Thanks!

I guess I don't understand the question? what is [ROLL] and #116?

May 10th, 2022, 10:38
I guess I don't understand the question? what is [ROLL] and #116?

Sorry Post #116...

I got the code from discord, I believe the [ROLL] should remove the effect after a roll is made but it does not do that. Here is the code:
Effect on character for 1 rd duration:

Effects list:

Edit: I did try toggling the "All, one action, one roll" button in the effects list to "one roll" but the effect is added with "all" no matter the setting in the list.

May 10th, 2022, 15:38
Sorry Post #116...

I got the code from discord, I believe the [ROLL] should remove the effect after a roll is made but it does not do that. Here is the code:
Effect on character for 1 rd duration:

Effects list:

Edit: I did try toggling the "All, one action, one roll" button in the effects list to "one roll" but the effect is added with "all" no matter the setting in the list.

Ah gotcha. looks like the apply type isn't being transferred over from the custom effects list. I'l get a fix in.

May 10th, 2022, 15:39
Ah gotcha. looks like the apply type isn't being transferred over from the custom effects list. I'l get a fix in.


May 10th, 2022, 16:35
Version update: 3.9
Fixed - Apply type not transfered from custom effects list when tags that add effect fire

May 10th, 2022, 17:38
Version update: 3.9
Fixed - Apply type not transfered from custom effects list when tags that add effect fire

Looks to be working. Thank you.

May 11th, 2022, 21:10
EXPIREADD doesn't seem to work when an effect ends due to failing a concentration saving throw, is this intentional? is there a way to add an effect when concentration ends? thanks in advance

May 11th, 2022, 21:46
Version Update: 3.10
Fixed - DUSE not working as intended when using IFT conditionals

May 11th, 2022, 21:47
EXPIREADD doesn't seem to work when an effect ends due to failing a concentration saving throw, is this intentional? is there a way to add an effect when concentration ends? thanks in advance

I'll take a look at it :)

May 11th, 2022, 22:07
I'll take a look at it :)

Thanks again! I also just noticed that EXPIREADD doesn't work for the RESTS and RESTL modifiers too if that's any help.

May 16th, 2022, 09:01
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your awesome extension.

I apologize in advance if this issue has been reported before but I couldn't find an answer.
Ruleset: D&D 5e
I'd like to configure with BCEG spells like sunbeam whose creature type has advantage or disadvantage on save.
Sunbeam; SAVEDMG: 6d8 radiant; SAVEADD: effect - sunbeam; SAVEA: CON[SDC](H)(M); STURNRE (1 turn)
with in my list of effects: Effect - Sunbeam; Blinded (1 turn)

At the moment, the only way I found was to create another effect to my spell specifically for undead and ooze:
Sunbeam (against undead and ooze); SAVEDMG: 6d8 radiant; SAVEADD: effect - sunbeam; SAVEA: CON[SDC](H)(M)(DIS); STURN (1 turn)
So far, everything is working fine.

On the other hand, while trying, I noticed that the saving throws coming from "SAVEA; SAVEE; SAVES etc." disregard other NPC effects such as "ADVSAV; DISSAV; Magic Resistance".
Is there a way for this to work?

May 16th, 2022, 21:05
I'd like to configure with BCEG spells like sunbeam whose creature type has advantage or disadvantage on save.
Sunbeam; SAVEDMG: 6d8 radiant; SAVEADD: effect - sunbeam; SAVEA: CON[SDC](H)(M); STURNRE (1 turn)
with in my list of effects: Effect - Sunbeam; Blinded (1 turn)
If you want to automate Sunbeam against undead and ooze you can simply add "IF: TYPE (undead, ooze); DISSAV" at the end of your initial effect, like what I've got going on here:
Sunbeam; STURNRE; SAVEA: CON [SDC] (H) (M); SAVEDMG: 6d8 radiant; SAVEADD: Sunbeam; IF: TYPE (undead, ooze); DISSAV

Hope that helps :)

May 16th, 2022, 22:39
Hi, i have Aura and BCE gold install, and i'm not able to set the following:

'' When the jovoc takes damage, each creature within 10 feet of the jovoc must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 4 (1d8) necrotic damage. Fiends and undead are immune to this effect.''

Aura Of Retribution; AURA: 10 foe; Aura of Retribution; IF: FACTION(foe); NIF: TYPE(undead, fiends); SAVEONDMG: CON 13; SAVEDMG: 1d8 necrotic;

any help will be welcome.


May 17th, 2022, 17:38

With your effect it works when I replace my NPC skeletton.

I think I must have had too much fun with Skeletton that it was no longer considered an Undead and therefore my first attempts with DISSAV didn't work.

Best regards.

May 18th, 2022, 01:25

i have the followings error on the client side:
- [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_effect_bce5E.lua"]:946: attempt to index local 'rTarget' (a nil value)
- [WARNING] window: Unable to locate control (wounds) specified in insertbefore attribute for control (hptemp) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)
- [WARNING] window: Unable to locate control (wounds) specified in insertbefore attribute for control (hptotal) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)

when i test only with the GM, i have no error.

thanks for your help

May 18th, 2022, 05:07

i have the followings error on the client side:
- [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_effect_bce5E.lua"]:946: attempt to index local 'rTarget' (a nil value)
- [WARNING] window: Unable to locate control (wounds) specified in insertbefore attribute for control (hptemp) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)
- [WARNING] window: Unable to locate control (wounds) specified in insertbefore attribute for control (hptotal) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)

when i test only with the GM, i have no error.

thanks for your help

Interesting. Do you have any more information about the circumstances that created this error? It looks like it involves some sort of saving throw.

May 18th, 2022, 06:07
Version update: 3.11
Support for Effect Builder Extension by @SoXMax
Fixed - EXPIREADD still needed additional attention
Fixed - TDMGADDS was not working as intended with IFT

If you wish to use the effect builder you'll need effect builder extension and the effect builder 5E ruleset extension on the forge

May 18th, 2022, 21:26
yes, i have the 2 following effect coding:

- Stench; AURA: 5 all; IF: FACTION(notself); SAVES: CON 13 (D); SAVEADD: POISONED;

and this one:

Cloud of Vermin; AURA: 20 all; IF: FACTION(notself); SAVES: CON 11; SAVEDMG: 1d4 piercing;

as per i said, only error on client side


May 19th, 2022, 01:10
yes, i have the 2 following effect coding:

- Stench; AURA: 5 all; IF: FACTION(notself); SAVES: CON 13 (D); SAVEADD: POISONED;

and this one:

Cloud of Vermin; AURA: 20 all; IF: FACTION(notself); SAVES: CON 11; SAVEDMG: 1d4 piercing;

as per i said, only error on client side


Tried it from the client and I didn't see any error. Are you running any other extensions? If so turn them off. If that fixes it you'll need to figure out what extension is causing the conflict.

May 19th, 2022, 01:12
will do that and let you know

May 20th, 2022, 01:05
after testing, i found the issue is with Request Roll Extension. will disable until a fix.

May 20th, 2022, 18:21
after testing, i found the issue is with Request Roll Extension. will disable until a fix.

I'll take a look and see what is going on.

May 20th, 2022, 19:59
after testing, i found the issue is with Request Roll Extension. will disable until a fix.

I can confirm it is happening as described. Client side error. It rolls the save and determines success but dies before damage is rolled.

Edit: I can get it on the host side as well.

May 22nd, 2022, 01:28
Is there a way to make the effect granted by the Peace Domain Cleric's Emboldening Bond, or automate the Ranger's Favored Foe?
For reference, these abilities each work once per turn (Favored Foe's case only on each of your own turns). I thought (DE) meant it would DEACTIVATE the ability based on use like how expend on action [ACTION] works, except rather than remove the effect like the typical behavior it would deactivate it instead. However (DE) only seems to deactivate the ability when it's first applied.

I'm hoping to just deactivate abilities after use, rather than remove them. Is (DE) suppose to do that but I'm doing something wrong?
This is what I currently have:

Emboldening Bond; (DE); ATK: 1d4; SAVE: 1d4; CHECK: 1d4;TURNAS

May 22nd, 2022, 15:19
Is there a way to make the effect granted by the Peace Domain Cleric's Emboldening Bond, or automate the Ranger's Favored Foe?
For reference, these abilities each work once per turn (Favored Foe's case only on each of your own turns). I thought (DE) meant it would DEACTIVATE the ability based on use like how expend on action [ACTION] works, except rather than remove the effect like the typical behavior it would deactivate it instead. However (DE) only seems to deactivate the ability when it's first applied.

I'm hoping to just deactivate abilities after use, rather than remove them. Is (DE) suppose to do that but I'm doing something wrong?
This is what I currently have:

Emboldening Bond; (DE); ATK: 1d4; SAVE: 1d4; CHECK: 1d4;TURNAS

Try this:

Emboldening Bond; ATK: 1d4; SAVE: 1d4; CHECK: 1d4;ATURN; DUSE

May 22nd, 2022, 16:04
Where is ATURN and DUSE documented? And are there other keywords that aren't documented - or are those keywords from another extension altogether?

May 22nd, 2022, 16:18
Where is ATURN and DUSE documented? And are there other keywords that aren't documented - or are those keywords from another extension altogether?

PDF on the first post of this thread or the documentation module that comes with the extension.

May 22nd, 2022, 16:34
Ah, ok. I was looking at the story entries in the module which doesn't document those two; but the pdf linked to the first post does.

May 23rd, 2022, 11:28
It appears that there might be an issue with: DMGAT and TURNDE
Leather Golem Armor; Aversion of Fire; DISATK; DISCHK; DMGAT: fire; TURNDE (DE)

This is triggering on any damage and not deactivating. This is happening without requested rolls and only BCEG is loaded.

May 25th, 2022, 17:15
Version update: 3.12
Fixed - (E) not working when applied to self
Fixed - Documentation module missing DUSE/ATURN
Fixed - Exhausted conflict when using Advanced Effects
Fixed - Client script error using Requested Rolls with ongoing saves

May 29th, 2022, 10:05
Hope its no bother but I've found that the SAVE effect does not work when using SAVEA, SAVES or SAVEE
For example: if a creature with the effect "SAVE: 10 constitution" has "SAVEA: 13 CON" it will roll a constitution saving throw without adding the additional +10 modifier to the roll from the first effect. Thanks for any help in advance.

May 29th, 2022, 20:24
Hope its no bother but I've found that the SAVE effect does not work when using SAVEA, SAVES or SAVEE
For example: if a creature with the effect "SAVE: 10 constitution" has "SAVEA: 13 CON" it will roll a constitution saving throw without adding the additional +10 modifier to the roll from the first effect. Thanks for any help in advance.

Thanks for letting us know.. Confirmed and logged as an issue.

May 31st, 2022, 02:46
EXPIREADD adds 2 copies of whatever condition I set it to add. Does this in an empty campaign without other extensions.

Edit: It adds two copies if it expires via duration, but only 1 if it is expended via roll or action.

June 9th, 2022, 14:15
I am trying to create an effect that I apply to myself on my turn and the effect should be removed in 1 round at the end of my turn.

I tried this: Lightning Speed;GRANTDISATK; STURNRE

[EFF: Lightning Speed; GRANTDISATK; STURNRE (D:1) (T:SELF)]

This is ending at the beginning of my turn 1 round later not the end.
Am I missing something? Is this working? STURNRE
Or is there another way to accomplish this.


June 11th, 2022, 17:58
I am trying to create an effect that I apply to myself on my turn and the effect should be removed in 1 round at the end of my turn.

I tried this: Lightning Speed;GRANTDISATK; STURNRE

[EFF: Lightning Speed; GRANTDISATK; STURNRE (D:1) (T:SELF)]

This is ending at the beginning of my turn 1 round later not the end.
Am I missing something? Is this working? STURNRE
Or is there another way to accomplish this.


[EFF: Lightning Speed; GRANTDISATK; TURNRE (D:2) (T:SELF)]

You'll need duration 2. The duration will decrement on init and then if the duration remaining is 1 at the end of your turn TURNRE will remove it.

June 11th, 2022, 18:18

June 14th, 2022, 18:39
Version update: 3.14
Feature - Added SDC (as a tag) SDC: (N). (N) will be added or subtracted from the Actors spell save DC
Added - SDC support for new NPC spellcasting DC (MotM)
Fixed - Duplicate effects added on expire
Fixed - Save mods not working for ongoing saves
Fixed - Rest tags not working for NPCs
Fixed - Ongoing Saves incorrectly built with Effects Builder
Documentation update

June 23rd, 2022, 04:52
Would it be possible to add effects that do damage equal to a percentage of max hp and a percentage of current hp of the target (or (less important) the actor)? Something akin to "DMG n%MAX" AND "DMG n%CURRENT"? I have no idea if this is difficult or trivial, but it would add some possibilities to automate some interesting items/spells.

June 23rd, 2022, 14:54
Would it be possible to add effects that do damage equal to a percentage of max hp and a percentage of current hp of the target (or (less important) the actor)? Something akin to "DMG n%MAX" AND "DMG n%CURRENT"? I have no idea if this is difficult or trivial, but it would add some possibilities to automate some interesting items/spells.

It is possible. Do you have an official item/spell in mind with these qualities?

June 23rd, 2022, 15:20
Nothing official. The inspiration is taken from some League of Legends items.

The only one I'm currently using in my game is a custom made "Decimator" great axe that on crits (18,19, or 20 in this case) does an additional 10% of the target's max hp.

I currently have an effect: "DMG: n, critical" and just need to replace the n with the (simply) manually calculated number before rolling damage. Just looking to skip that step.

A new effect could potentially also enable different percentage damage based on what number was rolled for the critical (maybe in conjunction with Theogeek's Nat20 extension).

July 1st, 2022, 17:04
Displacement; GRANTDISATK; TURNAS; DMGDT is not being deactivated when taking damage.

July 1st, 2022, 19:18
Displacement; GRANTDISATK; TURNAS; DMGDT is not being deactivated when taking damage.

Try with DMGDT: all

This came up in a recent discussion on our Discord and that was the resolution.

July 1st, 2022, 21:43
Good afternoon community,
i would like to code the following but it is ahrder then what i expect:
'' Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds you whenever you fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 15-foot radius of you takes a —2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 1 min or until it successfully hits you. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect can't be affected again by your aura for 24 hours.''

How can i had multiple effect with it? this is my code:

'' Aura of menace; AURA: 10 foe; IF: FACTION(foe); SAVES: CHA [SDC]; SAVEADD: ATK: -2; AC: -2; SAVE: -2''

Thanks for your help

July 2nd, 2022, 03:02
Good afternoon community,
i would like to code the following but it is ahrder then what i expect:
'' Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds you whenever you fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 15-foot radius of you takes a —2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 1 min or until it successfully hits you. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect can't be affected again by your aura for 24 hours.''

How can i had multiple effect with it? this is my code:

'' Aura of menace; AURA: 10 foe; IF: FACTION(foe); SAVES: CHA [SDC]; SAVEADD: ATK: -2; AC: -2; SAVE: -2''

Thanks for your help

I think you need Equipped Effects for something like this to work. (Maybe not, but most people have it anyways)

The SAVEADD would need to be an effect name and then have that effect named something in the effects list.

Aura of Menace; AURA: 10 foe; IF: FACTION(foe); SAVES: CHA [SDC]; SAVEADD: AOM

AOM: ATK: -2; AC: -2; SAVE: -2
Make sure to set the duration of the AOM to 1min, I'm not sure exactly how to do the removing once hit "successfully hits you" but there is a tag for it. I'm just working you through the basics I'm sure you can get it after this.

July 2nd, 2022, 11:24
Thanks @MrDDT!!!

July 3rd, 2022, 13:18
after review all of the possible modifier, I think we can't have AOM effect apply on PC removed with something. All of the modifier is mainly for actors or I missed something? It will be manually by the DM to remove it.

Thanks again, the first part working great!

July 3rd, 2022, 17:55
There isn't a trigger to do something on successful attack. You might be able to automate it when it takes damage although just because an attack hits doesn't mean it takes damage.
DMGRT: all

You could also look at trigger me timbers extension, that might get you the last mile.

July 3rd, 2022, 18:34
There isn't a trigger to do something on successful attack. You might be able to automate it when it takes damage although just because an attack hits doesn't mean it takes damage.
DMGRT: all

You could also look at trigger me timbers extension, that might get you the last mile.

What a great community we have!

Working perfectly with trigger me timbers:

Add two conditions and 1 action!


July 3rd, 2022, 19:47
Really niche case, but with the option for "Add Prone when Unconscious" set to ON, reducing a Zombie with Undead Fortitude and the Automatic Death Resistance extension working, the Zombie will make the Undead Fortitude save and have the Unconscious effect removed, but still have the Prone effect added. Anyway to have the automatic Prone effect not added if a creature has Undead Fortitude (or similar feature)? Hopefully this explanation is clear, but let me know if you need further clarification.

July 3rd, 2022, 22:57
Really niche case, but with the option for "Add Prone when Unconscious" set to ON, reducing a Zombie with Undead Fortitude and the Automatic Death Resistance extension working, the Zombie will make the Undead Fortitude save and have the Unconscious effect removed, but still have the Prone effect added. Anyway to have the automatic Prone effect not added if a creature has Undead Fortitude (or similar feature)? Hopefully this explanation is clear, but let me know if you need further clarification.

I know exactly what you are talking about. I'll add an option so games with add prone on can fine tune that a bit further for undead fortitude.

July 3rd, 2022, 23:57
I know exactly what you are talking about. I'll add an option so games with add prone on can fine tune that a bit further for undead fortitude.

That’d be awesome. Thanks!

July 4th, 2022, 23:23
Pulled in the fixes from BCE

Version Update: 3.15
Fixed: EXPIREADD adding twice....again
Fixed: Rare script error with ongoing saves
Fixed: Potential script error with experimental parsing
Added: Save icon for save messages output to chat
Added: (5E) Option to add or not add prone to unconscious NPCs with Undead Fortitude trait
Documentation update

July 4th, 2022, 23:30
Wow thanks man for all the updates and keeping this thing so freaking awesome!

July 5th, 2022, 13:53
Pulled in the fixes from BCE

Version Update: 3.15
Fixed: EXPIREADD adding twice....again
Fixed: Rare script error with ongoing saves
Fixed: Potential script error with experimental parsing
Added: Save icon for save messages output to chat
Added: (5E) Option to add or not add prone to unconscious NPCs with Undead Fortitude trait
Documentation update

Would the Undead Fortitude issue also apply to Death Ward and Relentless Endurance?

July 5th, 2022, 16:38
Would the Undead Fortitude issue also apply to Death Ward and Relentless Endurance?

I'd say yes but depends. The issue is when using Automatic Death Resistance extension, the apply prone when unconscious and dropping to 0 hp is rather annoying for a DM with a horde of zombies because it needs to be manually clicked off each time. Anything automated by that extension will have this issue. If you aren't using it, then no problem. Probably the real solution is for that extension to disable FG from adding unconscious for that split second when Automatic Death Resistance is figuring out if the actor is actually unconscious or not and only apply unconscious if they are.

July 9th, 2022, 21:44
Version update: 3.16
Fixed: Ongoing saves conflicting with BIDI extension
Fixed: Ongoing saves not taking into account save filter
Code Cleanup
Updated README.pdf formatting

July 9th, 2022, 21:52
Thank You for making this awesome!

July 10th, 2022, 18:04
Hey there,

I wonder if there is anyway to fully automate a spell like Enemies Abound from 5E using BCEG. The nuts and bolts of the spell is that the target makes an intelligence saving throw and if they fail they suffer the spell effects, and they can repeat the saving throw every time they take damage. Lastly, the spell doesn't work on creatures who are immune to being frightened.

The first two bits are no trouble to code up with BCEG. I just wrote them like this:

Enemies Abound; (C); SAVEA: INT [SDC] (R)(M); SAVEONDMG: INT [SDC] (R)(M); NOTE: Does not work if immune to frightened, must target creatures at random, must take all available attacks of opportunity

The problem I'm having, as you can see from the syntax above, is that I don't know of any way to code it so that it checks to see if the target is immune to the frightened condition, and just ignores the effects if the target is.
It doesn't look to me, from my limited understanding, that the IF syntax can be used to check for a certain kind of condition immunity.

Is there a way to do this through BCEG?


July 10th, 2022, 18:35
Hey there,

I wonder if there is anyway to fully automate a spell like Enemies Abound from 5E using BCEG. The nuts and bolts of the spell is that the target makes an intelligence saving throw and if they fail they suffer the spell effects, and they can repeat the saving throw every time they take damage. Lastly, the spell doesn't work on creatures who are immune to being frightened.

The first two bits are no trouble to code up with BCEG. I just wrote them like this:

Enemies Abound; (C); SAVEA: INT [SDC] (R)(M); SAVEONDMG: INT [SDC] (R)(M); NOTE: Does not work if immune to frightened, must target creatures at random, must take all available attacks of opportunity

The problem I'm having, as you can see from the syntax above, is that I don't know of any way to code it so that it checks to see if the target is immune to the frightened condition, and just ignores the effects if the target is.
It doesn't look to me, from my limited understanding, that the IF syntax can be used to check for a certain kind of condition immunity.

Is there a way to do this through BCEG?


I haven't tried it but is this something that If not untrue effects extension can help with?

July 10th, 2022, 18:44
Well, I think the problem is that the IF/IFT syntax can only check for conditions (frightened, paralyzed, blinded, etc) and what FG calles conditional operators. Those operators are: alignment, size, creature type, wounded, bloodied and a custom tag.

Checking for whether or not something has immunity to a particular condition does not appear to fall under any of those operators so I suspect that the If Not - Untrue Effects extension, while super handy in other ways, wouldn't solve this issue, since being able to check whether something does or does not have a specified condition or conditional operator isn't my sticking point.

My problem is I don't see a way to check for condition immunity at all.

July 10th, 2022, 19:58
Well, I think the problem is that the IF/IFT syntax can only check for conditions (frightened, paralyzed, blinded, etc) and what FG calles conditional operators. Those operators are: alignment, size, creature type, wounded, bloodied and a custom tag.

Checking for whether or not something has immunity to a particular condition does not appear to fall under any of those operators so I suspect that the If Not - Untrue Effects extension, while super handy in other ways, wouldn't solve this issue, since being able to check whether something does or does not have a specified condition or conditional operator isn't my sticking point.

My problem is I don't see a way to check for condition immunity at all.

Yeah I understand the problem and I can't think of an extension that does what you want. It might be a opportunity for something like if not true or trigger me timbers if those authors wanted to support something like that.

July 11th, 2022, 00:58
Oh I'll have a look at trigger me timbers and see if that's something it can do.

July 12th, 2022, 21:52
Does INT:19-X still not work? Doesn't seem to be working on my end. I noticed in the changelog it broke a while back but it seemed based on the comments in this thread that it was fixed.

July 12th, 2022, 22:04
Does INT:19-X still not work? Doesn't seem to be working on my end. I noticed in the changelog it broke a while back but it seemed based on the comments in this thread that it was fixed.

Yes I just double checked it. It needs to be applied such as dragged from the custom effect list or applied from a power. If you just type it into the CT then it won't translate it.

July 12th, 2022, 22:10
Ah, interesting. Thank you for the quick reply and work-around!

July 18th, 2022, 15:43
I saw this was updated on the forge, but didn't see anything listed here for update notes.

July 18th, 2022, 15:45
I saw this was updated on the forge, but didn't see anything listed here for update notes.

That was about 1 minute ago, you are too quick

Version Update 3.17
Fixed - Support for Advanced Effects not working as intended
Support - for Untrue Effects

July 20th, 2022, 00:27
Version Update: 3.17.1
Hotfix: ActionDamage.applyDamage header change in 5E Ruleset

July 20th, 2022, 22:06
When loaded with Advanced Effects, I have an issue where whenever I deal damage to something I get the following console error, and no damage is dealt to the target.

[7/20/2022 2:02:31 PM] s'ActionDamage.applyDamage - DEPRECATED - 2022-07-19 - Use ActionDamage.applyDamage(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)'
[7/20/2022 2:02:31 PM] s'ActionDamage.applyDamage - DEPRECATED - 2022-07-19 - Use ActionDamage.applyDamage(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)'
[7/20/2022 2:02:31 PM] [ERROR] Handler error: [string "scripts/manager_action_damage.lua"]:1022: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
EDIT: Apparently, this doesn't just happen with Advanced Effects. I'll try to figure out which specific extensions this happens with.
EDIT2: Nevermind the previous edit, the other extensions I'm having a problem with do this regardless of whether or not BCEG is loaded.

July 20th, 2022, 22:34
I'm having that error as well, and isolated it down to something happening between 5E - Advanced Effects & BCEG, as the damage is dealt and the extension works fine when BCEG is run in isolation.

July 21st, 2022, 02:07
I have a fix in for this. Hopefully it will be up shortly. Sorry for the errors as I was caught off guard.

July 21st, 2022, 03:06
Version Update: 3.18
Fixed: script error when using advanced effects from ruleset change

July 21st, 2022, 05:40
Unfortunately, I've also found an error in how BCEG is interacting with Constitutional Amendments.

The saving throw and the damage both roll like they're supposed to, but when the damage needs to be applied, I get this error message, and no wounds are applied.

July 21st, 2022, 05:56
Unfortunately, I've also found an error in how BCEG is interacting with Constitutional Amendments.

The saving throw and the damage both roll like they're supposed to, but when the damage needs to be applied, I get this error message, and no wounds are applied.

Pretty sure this is because of CA has not been updated. CA is causing issues. M&U is on holiday, I expect him to get it fixed soon as he can once he is back.

July 21st, 2022, 14:32
Yes CA is currently known broken. I posted a link to a fix, although I haven't tired it myself, in the CA thread. Once CA is fixed and if it is still happening I'll revisit.

July 21st, 2022, 14:38
Thanks very much.

July 22nd, 2022, 01:20
Hey there, during some recent testing I came across something:

Evasion doesn't seem to work with any of the saving throw syntax of Better Combat Effects Gold.

For example, if I give an NPC the Evasion effect, and then use normal Fantasy Grounds code to give them first, a dexterity saving throw, and then a damage roll ... they will take no damage on success or half on a fail.

But if I use BCEG to roll the saving throw and the damage into one effect such as something like:

Lightning Bolt; SAVEA: DEX [SDC] (H)(M); SAVEDMG: 8d6 lightning, spell; STURNRE

Then the Evasion effect is basically ignored, and the NPC will take full damage on a fail, and half on a success.

July 22nd, 2022, 21:00
I'll take a look. Have an idea what is going on.

July 22nd, 2022, 21:05
I'll take a look. Have an idea what is going on.

Much appreciated. I really love this extension!

July 25th, 2022, 04:16
Hey there, during some recent testing I came across something:

Evasion doesn't seem to work with any of the saving throw syntax of Better Combat Effects Gold.

For example, if I give an NPC the Evasion effect, and then use normal Fantasy Grounds code to give them first, a dexterity saving throw, and then a damage roll ... they will take no damage on success or half on a fail.

But if I use BCEG to roll the saving throw and the damage into one effect such as something like:

Then the Evasion effect is basically ignored, and the NPC will take full damage on a fail, and half on a success.

Looked at this and while there are a number of ways I could make this work, there is a fundamental change that needs to happen which is more involved and will avoid future similar issues. For now evasion and avoidance are considered broken with ongoing saves in bec and bceg. Sorry for the bad news.

July 25th, 2022, 04:17
Looked at this and while there are a number of ways I could make this work, there is a fundamental change that needs to happen which is more involved and will avoid future similar issues. For now evasion and avoidance are considered broken with ongoing saves in bec and bceg. Sorry for the bad news.

Thanks for the info and feedback.

Look forward to maybe getting this later if things change.

July 25th, 2022, 15:35
Looked at this and while there are a number of ways I could make this work, there is a fundamental change that needs to happen which is more involved and will avoid future similar issues. For now evasion and avoidance are considered broken with ongoing saves in bec and bceg. Sorry for the bad news.

Bummer! But thank you for the feedback. Thankfully avoidance and evasion aren't super common traits that pop up.

July 28th, 2022, 02:15
Version Update: 3.19
Fixed: Changed ongoing saves to fall within the pipeline. Fixes Evasion/Avoidance issue. Should also prevent/solve other corner case issues. This is how I wanted to originally implement ongoing saves but at the time I didn't know enough to do it correctly.
Fixed: (E) not working as intended
Removed: Add Prone on unconscious as now native in ruleset
Documentation update: SAVE tags format changed from SAVE: ABILITY (N) to SAVE: (N) ABILITY

On the last point, you can write the Ongoing Save tags either way and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future The new format falls more in line with how FG works so it is highly recommended that the SaveDC be placed before the ability rather than after to avoid any unforeseen issues, which the chance of which I think is small

July 28th, 2022, 04:27
Absolutely awesome.

July 28th, 2022, 15:50
Version Update: 3.19
Fixed: Changed ongoing saves to fall within the pipeline. Fixes Evasion/Avoidance issue. Should also prevent/solve other corner case issues. This is how I wanted to originally implement ongoing saves but at the time I didn't know enough to do it correctly.
Fixed: (E) not working as intended
Removed: Add Prone on unconscious as now native in ruleset
Documentation update: SAVE tags format changed from SAVE: ABILITY (N) to SAVE: (N) ABILITY

On the last point, you can write the Ongoing Save tags either way and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future The new format falls more in line with how FG works so it is highly recommended that the SaveDC be placed before the ability rather than after to avoid any unforeseen issues, which the chance of which I think is small

Just a heads up but when I was briefly looking at this last night it seemed to be not applying damage on failed saving throws to creatures with evasion, as if they had succeeded. I have quite a few other extensions running though so when I get home from work tonight I'll test it in isolation to make sure it's actually an issue localized to BCEG, and if it isn't I'll find which extension it's experiencing the incompatibility with.

July 29th, 2022, 00:41
Alright I tested BCEG in isolation and the evasion interaction worked fine. So then I started testing it with other extensions and isolated the compatibility issue down to something not jiving between BCEG and 5E Indicators, by John Waite & Rob Twohy. I reached out to those guys to see if they can patch it. Thanks and great work.

July 29th, 2022, 01:28
Alright I tested BCEG in isolation and the evasion interaction worked fine. So then I started testing it with other extensions and isolated the compatibility issue down to something not jiving between BCEG and 5E Indicators, by John Waite & Rob Twohy. I reached out to those guys to see if they can patch it. Thanks and great work.

I have a hunch this is me. But I actually own 5E Indicators so I'll test it out. Thanks!

Confirmed its me. I'll get a fix in...

July 29th, 2022, 01:52
I have a hunch this is me. But I actually own 5E Indicators so I'll test it out. Thanks!

Confirmed its me. I'll get a fix in...

Cool thank you. Ummm ... also I hate to be sending you more bugs but-

I have a simple ADVSAV: wisdom effect on a character; now it was originally a TREGENA: 5; ADVSAV: wisdom effect so that it gives them the 5 temp points when you add it but that part disappears and you're left with only the advantage to wisdom saves remaining (so that part is working as intended) ... but when I try to make the character roll a wisdom save to test that, I get the error message that you see in the attachment image I included. I disabled all other extensions except for BCEG and still have this error.

Just to be sure I also loaded up the game with no extensions at all, and the ADVSAV: wisdom syntax started working, so I'm pretty sure this is also a BCEG issue.

July 29th, 2022, 04:33
No problem. Thanks for the report and I’ll roll it in the same update

July 29th, 2022, 18:11
EDIT: Just saw that the poster before me has the same problem, so this is just another instance of the same error.

Hey, I just got BCEG but unfortunately encountered an issue when I attempted to roll a saving throw manually from both the PC character sheet or an NPC sheet:
If I double-click on the save field, nothing happens except for this message. With Drag&Drop into the chat window, the save is rolled but the message is still popping up. No other extensions are enabled.

Any idea what could be the issue? Anyway, thanks for looking into this!

July 29th, 2022, 19:55
Version Update: 3.20
Fixed: Script error when rolling save from character sheet
Fixed: Save handler not overridden just registered for

July 31st, 2022, 01:48

switching from the requested rolls forum

August 1st, 2022, 03:12
I have an issue with the DMGAT effect, it works fine when using it for all damage but when i specify a specific damage type like "DMGAT: fire" or "DMGAT: piercing" then I get the following error and the effect does not activate
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager_effect_bce.lua"]:409: attempt to index field 'aDamageTypes' (a nil value)

Thanks for any help in advance.

August 1st, 2022, 03:17
I'll take a look. Thanks!

August 1st, 2022, 13:52
SDMGADDT is not working for the player but does work for the DM.

August 2nd, 2022, 19:12
SDMGADDT is not working for the player but does work for the DM.

Can you be more descriptive? I tried it and I didn't see an issue.


August 2nd, 2022, 21:30

The first one is of the dm making all the inputs. the second image is the player making the inputs from the localhost thingy. I think I may have made a mistake on which part isn't working it might be the SAVEA, but to be honest I'm not technically savvy enough to say for sure. It used to add the custom effect and make the creature roll a save then keep the effect if they fail. And then on subsequent rounds it would apply damage and roll a save at the end of the creatures turn.

DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;
FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

August 2nd, 2022, 21:51

The first one is of the dm making all the inputs. the second image is the player making the inputs from the localhost thingy. I think I may have made a mistake on which part isn't working it might be the SAVEA, but to be honest I'm not technically savvy enough to say for sure. It used to add the custom effect and make the creature roll a save then keep the effect if they fail. And then on subsequent rounds it would apply damage and roll a save at the end of the creatures turn.

DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;
FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

From the second images it looks like it doesn't know who the source is. I'll look at it, this was good info

August 2nd, 2022, 21:51

The first one is of the dm making all the inputs. the second image is the player making the inputs from the localhost thingy. I think I may have made a mistake on which part isn't working it might be the SAVEA, but to be honest I'm not technically savvy enough to say for sure. It used to add the custom effect and make the creature roll a save then keep the effect if they fail. And then on subsequent rounds it would apply damage and roll a save at the end of the creatures turn.

DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;
FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

Working for me.

August 2nd, 2022, 22:02

The first one is of the dm making all the inputs. the second image is the player making the inputs from the localhost thingy. I think I may have made a mistake on which part isn't working it might be the SAVEA, but to be honest I'm not technically savvy enough to say for sure. It used to add the custom effect and make the creature roll a save then keep the effect if they fail. And then on subsequent rounds it would apply damage and roll a save at the end of the creatures turn.

DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;
FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

Can you do me a favor and give the PCs names so it will keep my sanity looking at the chat output or maybe that is the issue?

August 2nd, 2022, 22:04

The first one is of the dm making all the inputs. the second image is the player making the inputs from the localhost thingy. I think I may have made a mistake on which part isn't working it might be the SAVEA, but to be honest I'm not technically savvy enough to say for sure. It used to add the custom effect and make the creature roll a save then keep the effect if they fail. And then on subsequent rounds it would apply damage and roll a save at the end of the creatures turn.

DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;
FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

From the second images it looks like it doesn't know who the source is. I'll look at it, this was good info

It's working for Alvaconkin also.

The blank you see Rhagelstrom is the char name.

Why the player can't see the effect is because the DM has DM rolls hidden from the players. The monster saved, and removed the effect.

It's working perfectly for them, and us.

August 3rd, 2022, 23:12
Version Update 3.22
Fixed: DMGAT script error from ruleset change
Fixed: DUSE not working with damage filters
Fixed: More guards around delayed expire for EXPIREADD support
Fixed: Adjustment for [SDC] as first option in ongoing saves

Think I also never announced 3.21
Fixed: SAVEADD not working with requested rolls and rolled from a client

August 4th, 2022, 13:21
Working for me.

When you rolled that is that from the localhost instance as the player or in the main instance as the DM? The issue I am having and am still having is that, when the player rolls the damage on the creature it stops at the point shown in the player instance image and never rolls any save. I can see it from both instances that it stops. It doesn't continue the string.

The images I provided are of two different attempts at the effect. The first one is rolling in the DM client instance as the DM from the character sheet. The second image is from the localhost instance as the player rolling the character sheet. If it is functioning correctly for you this way then I am really at a loss as to what is going on for me. It is the only extension I have running so it isn't that kind of conflict.

August 4th, 2022, 15:42
I'll take a look at it again and see if I can reproduce.

August 4th, 2022, 21:05
When you rolled that is that from the localhost instance as the player or in the main instance as the DM? The issue I am having and am still having is that, when the player rolls the damage on the creature it stops at the point shown in the player instance image and never rolls any save. I can see it from both instances that it stops. It doesn't continue the string.

The images I provided are of two different attempts at the effect. The first one is rolling in the DM client instance as the DM from the character sheet. The second image is from the localhost instance as the player rolling the character sheet. If it is functioning correctly for you this way then I am really at a loss as to what is going on for me. It is the only extension I have running so it isn't that kind of conflict.

I'll take a look at it again and see if I can reproduce.

I can confirm, player side is not adding the effects from the SDMGADDT.

August 8th, 2022, 22:29
I'd like to setup the 5e, Monk's Agile Parry. This is how the ability reads...

"If you make an unarmed strike as part of the Attack action on your turn and are holding a kensei weapon, you can use it to defend yourself if it is a melee weapon. You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, while the weapon is in your hand and you aren’t incapacitated."

I believe this can be accomplished with the combination of 5eAE and BCEG. This is what I have setup so far. A custom melee weapon to represent the unarmed attack with this syntax in the Effect Features of the custom weapon... ATKA: AC:2; TURNDS.

Two things that are not acting they way I want. The activation on attack seems to apply no matter which weapon I attack with, and the effect is "on" when the character is first added to the combat tracker. Thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

August 8th, 2022, 22:33
I'd like to setup the 5e, Monk's Agile Parry. This is how the ability reads...

"If you make an unarmed strike as part of the Attack action on your turn and are holding a kensei weapon, you can use it to defend yourself if it is a melee weapon. You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, while the weapon is in your hand and you aren’t incapacitated."

I believe this can be accomplished with the combination of 5eAE and BCEG. This is what I have setup so far. A custom melee weapon to represent the unarmed attack with this syntax in the Effect Features of the custom weapon... ATKA: AC:2; TURNDS.

Two things that are not acting they way I want. The activation on attack seems to apply no matter which weapon I attack with, and the effect is "on" when the character is first added to the combat tracker. Thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

Do you have the ext Advanced Effects?
If so you need to check off the "ACTION ONLY"
If not get Advanced Effects ext (not to be confused with 5eAE).

August 9th, 2022, 01:28
Version Update: 3.23
Fixed: DMGADD tag family not working from client

August 9th, 2022, 01:30
Do you have the ext Advanced Effects?
If so you need to check off the "ACTION ONLY"
If not get Advanced Effects ext (not to be confused with 5eAE).

Yes this. There is also something weird going on with Untrue Effects with Advanced Effects so that might the the issue as well

August 9th, 2022, 01:53
Do you have the ext Advanced Effects?
If so you need to check off the "ACTION ONLY"
If not get Advanced Effects ext (not to be confused with 5eAE).

I do have Advanced Effects. I mistakenly noted 5eAE above. Applying the AE, Action Only feature doesn't help. Nothing changes in terms of any weapon attack triggering the effect to activate. It also does not cause the effect to enter into the combat tracker as deactivated. Lastly the AC does not properly apply when it is checked on.

August 9th, 2022, 02:36
I do have Advanced Effects. I mistakenly noted 5eAE above. Applying the AE, Action Only feature doesn't help. Nothing changes in terms of any weapon attack triggering the effect to activate. It also does not cause the effect to enter into the combat tracker as deactivated. Lastly the AC does not properly apply when it is checked on.

So there is no "action only" for AC, doesn't even make sense.

What you can do is trigger an effect to be applied when you use an action.

The coding for this is

"If you make an unarmed strike as part of the Attack action on your turn and are holding a kensei weapon, you can use it to defend yourself if it is a melee weapon. You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, while the weapon is in your hand and you aren’t incapacitated."

So what you want it to do is apply an effect any time you use this weapon making an attack with this weapon, that lasts 1 round.

So you would want first the weapon to apply an effect so you can use an IF statement.

So something very simple. "Kensei Weapon" but this on the weapon as you normally would for AE (wont be Action ONLY).

Next you apply an effect to yourself when you attack with this weapon.

IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2
This would be set up for a duration of 1 round.

August 9th, 2022, 06:22
I do have Advanced Effects. I mistakenly noted 5eAE above. Applying the AE, Action Only feature doesn't help. Nothing changes in terms of any weapon attack triggering the effect to activate. It also does not cause the effect to enter into the combat tracker as deactivated. Lastly the AC does not properly apply when it is checked on.

I'm going to give it a try. If there is a problem I'll get a fix in.

August 9th, 2022, 14:45

EFFECT ADDED TO CHARACTER -- Fire Rune; DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;

CUSTOM EFFECT -- FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

The part of this effect STR 8,[CON],[PRF], doesn't seem to be working any longer. I don't know if this syntax is no longer valid or not. The save DC regardless of proficiency bonus and constitution modifier is always equal to 8.

See attached image with save outlined in red rectangle.

August 10th, 2022, 22:32
So there is no "action only" for AC, doesn't even make sense.

What you can do is trigger an effect to be applied when you use an action.

The coding for this is

So what you want it to do is apply an effect any time you use this weapon making an attack with this weapon, that lasts 1 round.

So you would want first the weapon to apply an effect so you can use an IF statement.

So something very simple. "Kensei Weapon" but this on the weapon as you normally would for AE (wont be Action ONLY).

Next you apply an effect to yourself when you attack with this weapon.

IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2
This would be set up for a duration of 1 round.

It should be until the start of the next turn.

I've been applying a custom power/effect of AC: 2; TURNDS when recognizing the appropriate conditions to accomplish my request but it felt like the enhanced BCEG combined with AE would enable this to be accomplished by associating it with a specific weapon attack. One less click the user has to remember to make.

August 10th, 2022, 23:05
It should be until the start of the next turn.

I've been applying a custom power/effect of AC: 2; TURNDS when recognizing the appropriate conditions to accomplish my request but it felt like the enhanced BCEG combined with AE would enable this to be accomplished by associating it with a specific weapon attack. One less click the user has to remember to make.

Yeah, I don't think it can do it how you wanting to do it as it is now. BCEG does have some ACTION ONLY adjustments but I know Ryan already said he doesn't like having to mess with it, the ones like DMGADD ones, are issues for Ryan all the time and he made the be respected by ACTION ONLY from AE. So would have to ask him to change ATK (ADR) ones in there too.
Without having them be respected by ACTION ONLY, you can't do what you talking about. Currently if it was active on dmg, you could do it, but these are active on attacks (which means it doesn't even have to hit).

Setting something to 1 round will cause it to drop at the start of the THEIR next turn by default. So when you said "Should be until the start of their next turn" that's what 1 round duration by default means.

Using TURNDS will disable it but not remove it at the start of their next turn, which IMO I like better because then the player can just click the active button in the CT to apply it again on oneself. However, it will also always be in the CT showing even if they not using that weapon or attacking with like that.
So really depends on playstyle. If the using it pretty much every round, I would do TURNDS, but it's likely best to do it like most skills/spells/attack effects where after you do the action that has an effect, you apply the effect.

August 10th, 2022, 23:13

EFFECT ADDED TO CHARACTER -- Fire Rune; DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;

CUSTOM EFFECT -- FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

The part of this effect STR 8,[CON],[PRF], doesn't seem to be working any longer. I don't know if this syntax is no longer valid or not. The save DC regardless of proficiency bonus and constitution modifier is always equal to 8.

See attached image with save outlined in red rectangle.

I think this has to do with the updates lately that he is changing it over to be SAVE: [DC+MODS] [SAVETYPE] instead of the older way of SAVE: [SAVETYPE] [DC+MODS].

Currently he is trying to support both old way and the newer way, so I think that's why this error is there, so sure he is going to have to fix this or just change over to one way or the other.

August 11th, 2022, 00:49

EFFECT ADDED TO CHARACTER -- Fire Rune; DMG: 2d6 fire; SDMGADDT: FireRune;

CUSTOM EFFECT -- FireRune; Restrained; DMGO: 2d6 fire; SAVEE: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R); SAVEA: STR 8,[CON],[PRF], (M) (R)

The part of this effect STR 8,[CON],[PRF], doesn't seem to be working any longer. I don't know if this syntax is no longer valid or not. The save DC regardless of proficiency bonus and constitution modifier is always equal to 8.

See attached image with save outlined in red rectangle.

I have a fix for this.. I messed this up I see. Sorry for the inconvenience.

August 11th, 2022, 00:57
Yeah, I don't think it can do it how you wanting to do it as it is now. BCEG does have some ACTION ONLY adjustments but I know Ryan already said he doesn't like having to mess with it, the ones like DMGADD ones, are issues for Ryan all the time and he made the be respected by ACTION ONLY from AE. So would have to ask him to change ATK (ADR) ones in there too.
Without having them be respected by ACTION ONLY, you can't do what you talking about. Currently if it was active on dmg, you could do it, but these are active on attacks (which means it doesn't even have to hit).

Setting something to 1 round will cause it to drop at the start of the THEIR next turn by default. So when you said "Should be until the start of their next turn" that's what 1 round duration by default means.

Using TURNDS will disable it but not remove it at the start of their next turn, which IMO I like better because then the player can just click the active button in the CT to apply it again on oneself. However, it will also always be in the CT showing even if they not using that weapon or attacking with like that.
So really depends on playstyle. If the using it pretty much every round, I would do TURNDS, but it's likely best to do it like most skills/spells/attack effects where after you do the action that has an effect, you apply the effect.

If we're talking about the Fantasy Grounds built in Duration field when talking about the how "round" is working, the round is expiring for me when the round advances to the top of the initiative order.

Thank you MrDDT for your time and patients.

August 11th, 2022, 01:04
It should be until the start of the next turn.

I've been applying a custom power/effect of AC: 2; TURNDS when recognizing the appropriate conditions to accomplish my request but it felt like the enhanced BCEG combined with AE would enable this to be accomplished by associating it with a specific weapon attack. One less click the user has to remember to make.

Might be able to get this to work in some convoluted way. Let me think about it for a bit and try some things

August 11th, 2022, 01:09
I have a fix for this.. I messed this up I see. Sorry for the inconvenience.

All good, thanks for the quick response.

August 11th, 2022, 01:15
It should be until the start of the next turn.

I've been applying a custom power/effect of AC: 2; TURNDS when recognizing the appropriate conditions to accomplish my request but it felt like the enhanced BCEG combined with AE would enable this to be accomplished by associating it with a specific weapon attack. One less click the user has to remember to make.

I went down this rabbit hole and what it needs is an ATKADD tag to add effect on attack. That is a reasonable thing to add that should have limited performance hit. I'll see what I can do

August 11th, 2022, 01:15
Might be able to get this to work in some convoluted way. Let me think about it for a bit and try some things

The very first thing that came to mind when attempting to apply an effect when attacking was using something like the SDMGADDS/T feature except for attacks instead of damage. The ATKA feature was promising except it's not limited to a specific weapon, not even when used in combination with AE.

August 11th, 2022, 01:54
This is going to be a little complicated but here it is.

On your Kensi Weapon add the advanced effect


You'll need to make a Weapon for your unarmed strike so you can attach an advanced effect to it. Once you do attach the following and set it to action only

IF CUSTOM(Kensi); ATKADD: KensiAdd

Then finally you'll need the custom effect in your effect list. You can get rid of the IFTN if you aren't using untrue effects

KensiAdd; TURNRS; IFN: Incapacitated; AC: 2 melee

Seems to be working for me but I want to do some more testing with the other changes and then this should all work next update.

August 11th, 2022, 02:39
If we're talking about the Fantasy Grounds built in Duration field when talking about the how "round" is working, the round is expiring for me when the round advances to the top of the initiative order.

Thank you MrDDT for your time and patients.

So standard FGU 1 duration is you apply an effect, and when it gets to the sources start of a turn who applied the effect, it will be removed.

[ROUND 13]
[TURN] Blink Dog
[TURN] 1
[TURN] T1Test
Effect ['FS; IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2'] -> [to Blink Dog] [by T1Test]
Effect ['FS; IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2'] -> [to 1] [by T1Test]
Effect ['FS; IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2'] -> [to T1Test]
[ROUND 14]
[TURN] Blink Dog
[TURN] 1
Effect ['FS; IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Blink Dog]
Effect ['FS; IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2'] -> [EXPIRED] [on 1]
Effect ['FS; IF: custom(Kensei Weapon); AC: 2'] -> [EXPIRED] [on T1Test]
[TURN] T1Test

Here you can see Blink Dog with INIT of 3 goes first.
Then 1 with INIT of 2 goes second.
Then T1Test with INIT 1 goes 3rd.
On T1Test's turn they apply an effect to all 3 at the same time.
Next turn (and round next round), it is now Blink Dog's turn (effect is still on them)
Blink Dog passes turn (effect still on them)
1's turn, effects still on everyone, then passes turn.
All effects are removed from everyone, it's now the start of T1Test's turn.

This is normal FGU 1 round duration of an effect.

August 11th, 2022, 02:40
This is going to be a little complicated but here it is.

On your Kensi Weapon add the advanced effect


You'll need to make a Weapon for your unarmed strike so you can attach an advanced effect to it. Once you do attach the following and set it to action only

IF CUSTOM(Kensi); ATKADD: KensiAdd

Then finally you'll need the custom effect in your effect list. You can get rid of the IFTN if you aren't using untrue effects

KensiAdd; TURNRS; IFN: Incapacitated; AC: 2 melee

Seems to be working for me but I want to do some more testing with the other changes and then this should all work next update.

Wow nice work dude, this is going to be cool.

So for this coding you use Untrue Effects for the IFN: coding and also Advanced Effects for the ACTION only coding for the IF CUSTOM and ATKADD. Thanks this is going to be useful.

August 11th, 2022, 02:43
Some nerdy info on effect duration that many of you might already know:

Effects duration is decremented on initiative count. You might ask, why do we need TURNRS when FG just removes it on my turn anyhow? Ties! if you have two actors with the same init, the effect will expire on the first actor to act on that initiative. TURNRS ensures that it stays on the actor until it is actually that actors turn.

August 11th, 2022, 20:18
Version Update 3.24:
Feature: ATKADD - Add custom effect when the attack action is taken
Changed: Forced ongoing saves to use new mod format. Will re-write effects with old format as new format
Fixed: Conflict with Constitutional Amendments on string contains
Added: Guard to protect against malformed effects

August 17th, 2022, 05:25
I found a bug with the DUR syntax.

Whenever I attempt to create an effect with a duration that gets set via the DUR syntax ... it's actually damaging the NPC or PC the effect is applied to for the same amount as the duration generated. See the image attached.

August 19th, 2022, 00:30
Some nerdy info on effect duration that many of you might already know:

Effects duration is decremented on initiative count. You might ask, why do we need TURNRS when FG just removes it on my turn anyhow? Ties! if you have two actors with the same init, the effect will expire on the first actor to act on that initiative. TURNRS ensures that it stays on the actor until it is actually that actors turn.

This explains why my tests led me astray. I didn't bother applying initiative rolls in my test. Thank you MrDDT and rhagelstrom for setting me straight. Again.

August 19th, 2022, 00:51
This is going to be a little complicated but here it is.

On your Kensi Weapon add the advanced effect


You'll need to make a Weapon for your unarmed strike so you can attach an advanced effect to it. Once you do attach the following and set it to action only

IF CUSTOM(Kensi); ATKADD: KensiAdd

Then finally you'll need the custom effect in your effect list. You can get rid of the IFTN if you aren't using untrue effects

KensiAdd; TURNRS; IFN: Incapacitated; AC: 2 melee

Seems to be working for me but I want to do some more testing with the other changes and then this should all work next update.

This is awesome. Thank you rhagelstrom. FYI, with the new addition of ATKADD, my testing shows you do not need to apply the Action Only option.

August 20th, 2022, 20:10
Version Update: 3.25
Feature: Tag SDC now does damage filters. damagetype or all
Feature: ADV/DIS Saves against magicial spells and effects with ADVCOND: magic and DISCOND: magic
Changed: Toned down the save icon color to fit more in with default theme
Fixed: DUR applying ongoing damage, bad BCE merge
Fixed: FROMAURA applying multiple times