View Full Version : DM looking for group interested in homebrew pf1 based (Disability friendly)

January 12th, 2022, 07:36

I am Silver, and it seems that my long-time gaming group more or less drifted apart over the past half-year or so (though I have one player still very much interested in gaming). I am west-coast us, but completely nocturnal, looking to perhaps game 2-3 hours every other week in us 'evenings'. I have a campaign I've been designing for some time using pathfinder 1 as the basis, but including several non-paizo supplements (ask if uncertain I have the information). I have an ultimate copy, and most paizo books setup for pf1 in fantasy grounds, as well as supplements from a few other companies in the mix, and am generally openminded on character options. For me, the more creative, the better.

The campaign setup: The campaign I've been playing with is not 'fully developed', and I welcome others helping to design it in tandem with me, but the background follows. This is a gameworld set in a nearly steam-punk era, but certainly an alternate world with multiple races, kingdoms and cultures. There are, however, no firearms in use (and I have a small document explaining exactly *why* they aren't, an interesting 'history lesson', for those curious on it), and the theme, as it were, is rather like an 'agents of shield' set in a world where a strange prophecy is known to some secretive groups that are trying to alter it, change the outcome.

The Gavden Prophecy setting starts with the idea that, a few hundred years past, in a remote mountain monastery, a man claiming to be from the future arrived in the aftermath of a huge snowstorm, delirious and desperate for aid. He died shortly after, but left behind a device that seemed to foretell how the destruction of the world would come about. The device has been copied to some degree, and, as different events become identified, agents of one or another group attempt to alter the events to change the foretold outcome. And, of course, even within a single large organization, there are factions that disagree on exactly what outcome they want to occur. And the pcs are (or rather, will become, as my intended start will introduce them to the Gavden Society) agents trying to thwart the destruction of the world. Of course, as they change the events, other things, including the characters themselves, will be changed by the forces unleashed by altering history. So a fun twist on time-travel and its consequences.

The theme is less going to be one of 'battling hordes of monsters', and much more of attempting to 'change event outcomes' through things like perhaps removing an item from where it is likely to be used disastrously, or, potentially 'reverse robbing' to make sure that something gets back into certain hands. there will be intrigue, clever stratagems, and I very much want the players to be 'outlier characters' themselves to a large extent, so it won't likely all be 'going into a dungeon to kill stuff', but a mix that varies highly upon player actions.

There are a few caveats to my attempts, however. The first is that I am aphantastic, so, as a warning, I may have issues with creating maps and images. I will do my best, but between my dyspraxic lack of coordination and the inability to personally visualize, my visual cues may be lacking. On the other hand, I want to run this via the combination of fgu and discord, and am more than willing to let players who want to add to the world do so. I have an 'intro adventure' planned out, complete with potential pcs of very unusual builds to showcase that it's not all about stats, but how you choose to develop, for those interested. (And, while there are still serious limitations on how well it works, I am using dungeon alchemist to create many of my maps to make it somewhat easier, as those import with vbl and lighting). Anyone interested, please do respond, and I'll see what we can schedule. I myself, and the one player I imagine I can still count on, tend to be fairly adaptable to schedules.

Anyone who has further questions, feel free to contact me at: [email protected] and I'll respond more clearly there.