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January 8th, 2022, 09:45
Time to retire the old thread again. Everything in that one has been noted or already fixed.

Please report bugs that you find in any 5e modules (adventures, reference modules etc) in this thread. It doesn't matter if you are seeing the bug in Classic or Unity report them in this thread. Report bugs which are specific to the Unity client here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...-Healing-Unity (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?107-The-House-of-Healing-Unity)

When reporting give as much information as possible as to where to find the issue.

January 8th, 2022, 22:30
Looking over the 5E version of Lost Laboratory of Kwalish, all of the spells other than Animate Dead have messed up descriptions - both Glader's spells start mid sentence, while Flock starts the description with "Classes:..."

Also while looking over the 5E Mini-Dungeon Tome, a lot of entries have the square character appearing (I noticed this in more than 50 of the adventures as well as the story index page (listing all the adventures). If needed, I can supply a list of all the places I noticed the squares...

And in the details of the Forgotten Dungeon (in the MiniDungeon Tome) has a few more problems (its the only one I've looked in detail at...) - including that the map scale is different than the scale in the area descriptions. For example, one area talks about a 50 foot halway, but on the map it is just 5 squares long. There are several other places implying that the grid should be 10 foot squares and not 5 foot squares (and the whole adventure works better using the 10 foot size - did this by just making the FG grid half the size). But the bodies drawn on the map are scaled as if the grid is 5 foot squares.
It also has one treasure parcel containing an item that all relevant text describes as a short sword, but the item as created in FG is based on a short bow (the parcel in area 15).

January 9th, 2022, 01:00
I’ll let the developers know, thanks for the reports.

January 9th, 2022, 04:04
Looking over the 5E version of Lost Laboratory of Kwalish, all of the spells other than Animate Dead have messed up descriptions - both Glader's spells start mid sentence, while Flock starts the description with "Classes:..."

Fixed in upcoming release...

January 9th, 2022, 23:07
Error in the PHB. Page 114. Section: "Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher".

First sentence should end with: "... choice to your spellbook for free." It's missing the last two words.

This is present in the Basic Rules v1.0 PDF (page 33) and in physical copy of the PHB (13th printing) but is not called out in the errata.

Checked my daughter's 11th printing, and the "for free" is present there too.

January 9th, 2022, 23:22
It is also in the Basic Rules (Nov 2018) version - but not in the SRD data in FGU. (And Nov 2018 coincides with 10th printing of PHB)

January 9th, 2022, 23:23
The "for free" looks to have shown up in the 10th printing in time with the November 2018 releases. It is also present in current D&D Beyond.

January 9th, 2022, 23:51
Thanks, I’ll add that in when I next update the PHB.

January 10th, 2022, 23:05
In the adventure module Princes of the Apocalypse , the Windvane weapon item does not have the "finesse" property assigned. The weapon's text description mentions it.

January 11th, 2022, 10:17
In the adventure module Princes of the Apocalypse , the Windvane weapon item does not have the "finesse" property assigned. The weapon's text description mentions it.

So it has. I'll take a note to fix that.

January 13th, 2022, 15:35
Guildmasters Guide to Ravnika.
Loxodon names in assets are wrong. In the Artwork they are called Loxodon and the tokens are called : Luxodon.

January 13th, 2022, 16:31
Not actually sure why there are tokens for the Loxodon. But I'll take a note to change the name.

January 14th, 2022, 13:34
All the Guild of Ravnica maps have no LOS.

January 14th, 2022, 16:25
Indeed. I'll get the store page changed to reflect that.

January 15th, 2022, 07:54
Well… and I thought you would fix this :D

January 15th, 2022, 07:55
Well… and I thought you would fix this :D

This could take some time to get resolved and best to not sell it under that guise till it's fixed.

January 15th, 2022, 09:03
Well… and I thought you would fix this :D

Someone did volunteer to do it but I never got the files https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50591-FGU-Sharing-LOS-Definitions-for-Maps-Crowd-Project

January 16th, 2022, 01:44
A few really minor things:

Dungeon Master's Guide: Item > Axe of the Dwarvish Lords: In the description there is a link to the spell that is labeled "SPell" (capital P should be lowercase)

In Tomb of Annihilation:

There are two items, Acererak's Scepter and an Iron Scepter that can be found in area 52 and area 53. The text from the adventure uses the American English spelling (scepter) whereas the FG items and links use the British English spelling (sceptre). The difference makes it so you won't find these items if you search the item list for "scepter". The differences are in the following locations:

Story: 05.11.15 52. Throne Room: Has link "Parcel: Sceptre"
Parcel: 05.11.15 52. Throne Room: Contains item "Acererak's Sceptre"
Parcel: 05.11.16 53. Crypt of the Sun Queen - Mace: Contains item "Iron Sceptre"
Item: Acererak's Sceptre
Item: Iron Sceptre

Should "Parcel: 05.11.16 53. Crypt of the Sun Queen - Mace" be named "Sarcophagus" instead of "Mace"? (The link from the story entry, 05.11.16 53) is labeled "Sarcophagus Contents")
In Item: Iron Sceptre: Should this item also be marked as 'magic' (for weapon damage, though not likely needed)? (per Story: 05.11.16 53 under Sarcophagus and Story: 05.12.09 62D. which also indicates it is a magic item). If yes, the item in the parcel likely needs to be updated as well (Parcel: 05.11.16 53).

January 16th, 2022, 09:11
I'll add all of that to my list. And yes, it's difficult sometimes when typing things in to remenber that it needs to be spelled differently :)

January 16th, 2022, 12:34
Lost Mines of Phandelver - Cragmaw Hideout Map, LOS all over the place, can´t get rid of fog of war.

January 16th, 2022, 12:42
Lost Mines of Phandelver - Cragmaw Hideout Map, LOS all over the place, can´t get rid of fog of war.
Try to disable the player view?

January 16th, 2022, 12:51
Doooh, my bad ....
Forgot that the characters have no darkvision. Worked fine with a torch :P

January 17th, 2022, 03:30
In Tomb of Annihilation

NPC: Iron Sphere (Area 44) should also have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks
NPC: Iron Sphere: the Magnetic section should probably also mention that "any attack made against the sphere with a metal weapon automatically hits, though the weapon becomes stuck to the sphere after impact. (From 05.10.23 44B. Inside the Vault under "Black Drape, Iron Sphere"

In the DMG:

Reference Manual > Villainous Class Options: Under Paladin: Oathbreaker, "An Oathbreaker paladin loses previously gained oathspells..." - missing space between "oath" and "spells"

January 17th, 2022, 09:09
All noted

January 17th, 2022, 23:08
Adventurers League 09-14 The Vast Emptiness of Grace
The assassin has different saves/skills/ modifiers than the one from monster manual - even though abilities are the same. They probably should be the same from both sources, guessing that the MM one is the correct one.
AL values: Saves Dex +7, Int +5 - MM has +6, +4
AL Skills: Acrobatics +7, Deception +4, Perception +4, Stealth +11 - MM has +6, +3, +4, +9
AL sense: passive Perception 14 - MM has 13
AL Sneak attack does 13, in MM its 14
AL Attacks +7 to hit, MM +6 to hit.

For both: 11/16/14/13/11/10 ability str/dex/con/int/wis/cha
same CR.

January 18th, 2022, 09:31
I'll pass this on to the developer.

My initail thinking is that since the stats are so different then that's what was published in the adventure module; but only the developer will know for sure.

January 18th, 2022, 15:25
Adventurers League 09-14 The Vast Emptiness of Grace
The assassin has different saves/skills/ modifiers than the one from monster manual - even though abilities are the same. They probably should be the same from both sources, guessing that the MM one is the correct one.
AL values: Saves Dex +7, Int +5 - MM has +6, +4
AL Skills: Acrobatics +7, Deception +4, Perception +4, Stealth +11 - MM has +6, +3, +4, +9
AL sense: passive Perception 14 - MM has 13
AL Sneak attack does 13, in MM its 14
AL Attacks +7 to hit, MM +6 to hit.

For both: 11/16/14/13/11/10 ability str/dex/con/int/wis/cha
same CR.

Hi Axeking,

Thanks for reporting the potential issue but I have gone back and verified with the original materials sent by WotC. They did have a specific stat block for the assassin and for some reason (not explained), they did indeed give the assassin these stats, rather than the stats from the Monster Manual.

January 18th, 2022, 19:36
Wonder if that was the stats at the time the adventure was designed.

All good though, its the only thing I've noticed (so far) where an offical adventure didn't match the MM values. Thanks!

January 21st, 2022, 00:16
In Tome of Beasts, Aboleth, Nihileth is misspelled as "Abolythe Nihilith." This is true for both the normal NPC and the "(Ethereal)" NPC.

January 21st, 2022, 09:40
Thanks I'll add that to my list.

January 23rd, 2022, 22:58
A few issues in 5E SRD classes:
-Barbarian, in the first row of the table it should be "Rage, Unarmored Defense" (comma missing)
-Barbarian, Hit Points section, Hit Points at 1st Level: add "+" before "your Constitution modifier" so it actually adds it
-Barbarian, Hit Points section, Hit Points at Higher Levels: same as above
-Paladin, Hit Points section: remove space from "1d 10" so it parses properly

January 24th, 2022, 06:04
Vampire Spawn are not saving with disadvantage vs Sunbeam.

January 24th, 2022, 09:10
A few issues in 5E SRD classes:
-Barbarian, in the first row of the table it should be "Rage, Unarmored Defense" (comma missing)
-Barbarian, Hit Points section, Hit Points at 1st Level: add "+" before "your Constitution modifier" so it actually adds it
-Barbarian, Hit Points section, Hit Points at Higher Levels: same as above
-Paladin, Hit Points section: remove space from "1d 10" so it parses properly

I'll add those to my list

January 24th, 2022, 09:11
Vampire Spawn are not saving with disadvantage vs Sunbeam.

Welcome to FG.

This isn't automated and there's no real way to do it automatically. You'll need to press the DIS button when a Vampire is in sunlight (FGU can't know what the weather is like).

January 24th, 2022, 09:55
Welcome to FG.

This isn't automated and there's no real way to do it automatically. You'll need to press the DIS button when a Vampire is in sunlight (FGU can't know what the weather is like).

This has nothing to do with the weather.
Sunbeam is a 6th evocation level spell to which all undead save vs with disadvantage.

If you were discussing weather, vampire spawn do not even get a save when in actual sunlight.

January 24th, 2022, 10:37
This has nothing to do with the weather.
Sunbeam is a 6th evocation level spell to which all undead save vs with disadvantage.

If you were discussing weather, vampire spawn do not even get a save when in actual sunlight.

Sorry, misread what you said. Still not automated I'm afraid. You can set up an effect (DISSAV) and apply to the target just before the saving throw is rolled or press the DIS button. Vampire isn't a recognised creature type so you can't set up an IFT: TYPE (although undead is recognised) and DISSAV isn't a targeted effect anyway.

January 24th, 2022, 16:02
Please ignore my comments about these actually affecting character creation/parsing, it's just the reference text that's wrong.

January 24th, 2022, 17:33
Please ignore my comments about these actually affecting character creation/parsing, it's just the reference text that's wrong.

Yeah, I did wonder about that. I'll fix up the reference when I next update the SRD.

January 25th, 2022, 04:26
Sorry, misread what you said. Still not automated I'm afraid. You can set up an effect (DISSAV) and apply to the target just before the saving throw is rolled or press the DIS button. Vampire isn't a recognised creature type so you can't set up an IFT: TYPE (although undead is recognised) and DISSAV isn't a targeted effect anyway.

Vampire may not be recognised but undead is, isn't it?
I can work around this, it's not an end of the world issue for me. Fantasy Grounds greatest claim to fame in the VTT world is its automation. Just doing my part to help point out where that fails to hopefully give newbies a better experience.

January 25th, 2022, 10:05
Yes, as I noted undead is a recognised type. But the main problem is DISSAV is not a targetable effect. There's probably an extension which will allow you to add this kind of effect somewhere on the Forge. Do note that not every aspect of the ruleset is fully automated. 90% of Sunbeam is automated; the only aspect that isn't is that undead get disadvantage on the save.

January 27th, 2022, 14:58
Parsing for spell atk/DC broken for a number of casters in Hoard of the Dragon Queen, resulting in DC10 or +2 atk bonuses for level 11 casters.

The required fix is "His/Her/It's spellcasting ability modifier is [ability]"

The NPCs that needed fixing were:
- Azbara Jos
- Blagothkus
- Dralmorrer Borngray
- Jamna Gleamsilver
- Pharblex Spattergoo
- Rath Modar
- Talis the White

NOTE: I have checked the Rise of Tiamat NPCs and all are fine there.

January 27th, 2022, 16:02
Noted. That's a legacy issue that I thought I cleared up ages ago but apparently missed this one.

January 27th, 2022, 16:34

The creature has this in the resistance box:"piercing and slashing from magic weapons". I think it is bugged. It seems to resist all magical damage types not just piercing and slashing. Can anyone confirm the functionality or help getting it fixed?

Moderator: Moved to bugs thread

January 27th, 2022, 21:37
That's a strange resistance - it suggests that it is only resistant to magic weapons and not to non magical ones. Normally it would be piercing, slashing from nonmagical weapons. I'll pass this on to the developer.

January 28th, 2022, 17:10
Attached is a picture of the a few monsters from the Monster Manual. The various entries have a ranges declared as 150/60 0 ft. and not 150/600 ft. for example
Hoping to see this get fixed so my extension works properly.

MOD: Moved to 5e bug report thread for better visibility with DLC devs.

January 28th, 2022, 18:23
I'll add that to my list.

February 4th, 2022, 02:33
The Gelatinous Cube entry in the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish has Damage Immunities and condition immunities that are not on the GC from the Monster Manual (nor are they in the LLoK source material...)

Also, the NPC "Garret Levistusson" has an image of a sphinx attached as the character image on the Other tab. Given he is a tiefling... :-)

February 4th, 2022, 02:47
The Gelatinous Cube entry in the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish has Damage Immunities and condition immunities that are not on the GC from the Monster Manual (nor are they in the LLoK source material...)

Also, the NPC "Garret Levistusson" has an image of a sphinx attached as the character image on the Other tab. Given he is a tiefling... :-)

Fixed for next update push.

February 6th, 2022, 01:19
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons / Spell / Summon Draconic Spirit

The DM's version of the spell properly links to the Draconic Spirit Template. The Player's version does not.. It's pointing to a <<New Personality>> record that got saved with it and not categorized.

February 6th, 2022, 10:53
Oops, yes, That link should have been removed from the players module. I'll add that to my list.

February 7th, 2022, 09:27
Rime of the Frost Maiden - Oarus Masthew - says veteran - but the NPC statblock is not that.

February 7th, 2022, 09:44
Rime of the Frost Maiden - Oarus Masthew - says veteran - but the NPC statblock is not that.

Thanks for the report. I will take a look at this and may take some time to get resolved.

February 8th, 2022, 03:08
There is a bad image link in the "Quiver of Ehlonna" item in the Rime of the Frostmaiden module. Clicking on the image link returns "Unable to open window using wildcard link, because no module containing that link is open. Check your active Library modules." The same item in the Dungeon Masters Guide works fine, so it appears to just be the item in the Rime of the Frostmaiden.

February 8th, 2022, 11:33
Rime of the Frost Maiden - Oarus Masthew - says veteran - but the NPC statblock is not that.

So I looked this over and there is a typo from the publisher in regards to what the character is. The nutshell portion of the text lists them as a scout and the Blue Clam section lists them as a veteran. I am also unable to find any errata. My inclination is to use the scout stat block as it's the first listed. I'll try and get more information but it will remain the scout stat block for the time being. You can always copy over a veteran stat block if you prefer to use that stat block instead.

February 8th, 2022, 11:34
There is a bad image link in the "Quiver of Ehlonna" item in the Rime of the Frostmaiden module. Clicking on the image link returns "Unable to open window using wildcard link, because no module containing that link is open. Check your active Library modules." The same item in the Dungeon Masters Guide works fine, so it appears to just be the item in the Rime of the Frostmaiden.

Which link are you pressing that receives this response by FG?

February 8th, 2022, 13:10
Which link are you pressing that receives this response by FG?


February 9th, 2022, 10:50
Hello, just found that in Hoard of the Dragon Queen LoS is misaligned with the map in Carnath Roadhouse as if the picture of the map was too big.

February 9th, 2022, 12:07

Thanks! I'll get that link fixed up.

February 9th, 2022, 13:18
Tasha circle spells (wildfire), incorrect level for spells. Shown as 1st but should be 2nd.


February 9th, 2022, 13:24
warlock 5th level should only have 2x 3rd level slots. ( level 1 and 2 should have been removed. )

Created with the wizard, direct at 5th level. ( But same if made by hand, character ends up with some extra slots of lower level. )


February 9th, 2022, 13:26
The pregenerated characters for Lost Mine of P have 2 empty <<name>> characters with nothing else on them, all 10 stats etc, so there are 7 total instead of just 5.

While you're there, maybe consider changing the name on the second fighter which doesn't identity them as a fighter (all the others have their class in the name), and potentially a starting portrait instead of blank so that they are ready to play out of the box. Yes, players can change them, but start with something, IMO.

February 9th, 2022, 15:08
I'm only seeing 5 characters - no blank ones. Portraits can't be exported and besides I have no artwork from WotC even if I could export portraits. The Human should probably be named as a fighter. I'll change that next time I update LMoP.

February 9th, 2022, 15:47
I'm only seeing 5 characters - no blank ones. Portraits can't be exported and besides I have no artwork from WotC even if I could export portraits. The Human should probably be named as a fighter. I'll change that next time I update LMoP.

That's weird. I went and verified and checked the link within the reference manual for good measure.
I went ahead and deleted it from my vault and let it redownload and it's gone. So, we're good to go. :) sorry for the false alarm.

February 10th, 2022, 02:57
A few minor issues with some of the 5E decal names:

dnd5_dmg_terrasque_decal.png -> terrasque should be tarrasque (From Dungeon Master's Guide Assets Decals)
dnd5_toa_Acerak_decal.png -> Acerak should be Acererak (From Tomb of Annihilation Assets Decals)
dnd5_wdh_Beholder_decal.png -> Says Beholder, but the decal is of a Gazer (From Waterdeep Dragon Heist Assets Decals)

February 10th, 2022, 09:24
I'll add that to my list

February 11th, 2022, 18:56
For Kobold Press's Vault of Magic, the image link for the art of the item "Spirit Honey" is missing and just yields the red question mark.

February 11th, 2022, 19:47
I'll alert the developer

February 13th, 2022, 23:42
Exhaustion is being decreased on short rests when it should only do so on long rests. Even manually setting the duration of the effect to 8 hours it decreases when the GM clicks on short rest.

February 14th, 2022, 10:53
Exhaustion is being decreased on short rests when it should only do so on long rests. Even manually setting the duration of the effect to 8 hours it decreases when the GM clicks on short rest.

Welcome to FG.

I can replicate this and I'll let the developers know.

February 14th, 2022, 16:01
In Tomb of Annihilation:
Encounter 05.11.21 55. Unkh's Tomb - two of the Minotaur Skeletons (1 and 8) are placed incorrectly (outside of their respective chambers in area 05.11.21 55).

February 14th, 2022, 17:31
Thanks Ecks; I'll add that to my list.

February 15th, 2022, 23:14
In Tomb of Annihilation, Item: Naval of the Moon: Naval should be Navel.

February 18th, 2022, 09:25

February 19th, 2022, 07:08
In Kingdoms & Warfare, none of the military units exist. There's encounters where the names appear but no icons and the shields don't link to anything when you click them. The images, story, and NPC sections don't have them misnamed they're just not in there at all. True in all three books (DM, Player, and Adventure)

February 19th, 2022, 09:05
DO you have the extension loaded?

February 19th, 2022, 18:03
Sign, nope, didn't know there was one. Thanks as always!

For anyone searching this information in the future: Link to the extension and instructions are in both the DM's and Players' Reference Guide; bottom of the page in the "introduction" subsection "How to use this book". As I write the version that ship from the FG store is 2 versions behind current (release date of product is Feb 9, 2022 v2.0, latest version of extension released Feb 18, 2022 v2.02) and the extension does NOT use the Fantasy Grounds Forge to stay updated you must get it from github manually. Link direct to latest release: https://github.com/MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare/releases You do NOT need a github account to download it.

February 22nd, 2022, 01:16
Kobold Press has released an Errata for Deep Magic. The FG module should be updated with this info. https://koboldpress.com/kpstore/product/deep-magic-for-5th-edition-errata-sheet/

February 22nd, 2022, 10:48
I'm sure the developer will be all over that idc.

February 22nd, 2022, 17:29
I'll absolutely get the errata corrected in the next few weeks. I'm neck deep in another project at the moment though.


February 22nd, 2022, 23:45
In Empire of the Ghouls (KP), the Black Shield of Grisal from The Holy Robes of Adelind chapter is miscoded as Type Shield instead of Type Armor, Sub-Type Shield. This prevents actual coding - should be AC 2, Bonus +1, and then some additional effects in text (text already present).

February 22nd, 2022, 23:54
Added to the corrections list that I do once a month. Cheers!

February 28th, 2022, 21:51
Ghosts of Saltmarsh. In the NPC lists, the "Blood Hawk" is missing a token image. A "B" token is used for encounters. So I'm not sure if the missing image is by design.

February 28th, 2022, 22:02
Ghosts of Saltmarsh. In the NPC lists, the "Blood Hawk" is missing a token image. A "B" token is used for encounters. So I'm not sure if the missing image is by design.
Token images are only available if the module itself has artwork for the creature or the Monster Manual does (in this case, not a MM creature). If no such artwork is provided in the module, then a letter token based on the first letter is assigned automatically.

Though I don't have this module, it's probably safe to assume no such artwork is included in the module.

March 1st, 2022, 03:55
Token images are only available if the module itself has artwork for the creature or the Monster Manual does (in this case, not a MM creature). If no such artwork is provided in the module, then a letter token based on the first letter is assigned automatically.

Though I don't have this module, it's probably safe to assume no such artwork is included in the module.

Entry not understood, please try again :D See attached. I don't have an issue with the letter B token that is used in the encounters. My issue is that the NPC entry doesn't have any token attached to it. I've also compared that to the Acolyte which uses a letter A token and has it set in the NPC entry.

March 1st, 2022, 04:43
Entry not understood, please try again :D See attached. I don't have an issue with the letter B token that is used in the encounters. My issue is that the NPC entry doesn't have any token attached to it. I've also compared that to the Acolyte which uses a letter A token and has it set in the NPC entry.
Hmm. strange. Does the letter get added when you add it to the CT? Either way, will have to get Mr. Z to get the developer to fix.

March 1st, 2022, 05:51
So it looks like the rule set (or other back end mechanism) handles the case of missing token image by assigned a default based on name (I assume). You can see in attached that the NPC version pulled into the tracker has a different icon image than the one assigned to the critters in the encounter setup. So a very minor nitpick at best.

March 1st, 2022, 17:19
I'm not entirely sure why the Blood Hawk hasn't been assigned a token on the NPC. It should have the same one as in the encounter. I'll add it to my list to look at.

March 3rd, 2022, 19:04
I found an issue with the arrow of slaying being displayed as a weapon on the actions tab section of the character sheets. This is due to the fact the subtype = "arrow" instead of "ammunition". Also it could be resolved by making the update in ManagerItem2:

function isWeapon(vRecord)
local bIsWeapon = false;

local nodeItem;
if type(vRecord) == "string" then
nodeItem = DB.findNode(vRecord);
elseif type(vRecord) == "databasenode" then
nodeItem = vRecord;
if not nodeItem then
return false, "", "";

local sTypeLower = StringManager.trim(DB.getValue(nodeItem, "type", "")):lower();
local sSubtypeLower = StringManager.trim(DB.getValue(nodeItem, "subtype", "")):lower();

if (sTypeLower == "weapon") or (sSubtypeLower == "weapon") then
bIsWeapon = true;
if sSubtypeLower == "ammunition" or sSubtypeLower == "arrow" then
bIsWeapon = false;

return bIsWeapon, sTypeLower, sSubtypeLower;

March 3rd, 2022, 19:07
I tried both solutions and both will correct this issue.

Moon Wizard
March 3rd, 2022, 19:12
The data should be updated to ammunition, not the code.


March 4th, 2022, 00:46
I’ll have a look.

March 7th, 2022, 16:20
After the latest round of updates last week, the tick boxes available to 'prepare spells' are no longer there, and in other modes, ALL spells are showing as selected. Am I doing something wrong? It worked fine two weeks ago.


March 7th, 2022, 17:27
This is (was) a known issue with the Character Wizard. I believe the fix will be issued soon (if it hasn't already). Meantime you can add a number (any one will do) to the 'prepared' box in any spell data box. Click the magnifying glass at the end of any spell line header to get at the box.

March 8th, 2022, 00:12
SRD, Warlock - the three archtypes provided have a typo in their Expanded Spell List feature. Where it says "Warlock Level" it should be "Spell Level"51912

March 8th, 2022, 14:42
This is (was) a known issue with the Character Wizard. I believe the fix will be issued soon (if it hasn't already). Meantime you can add a number (any one will do) to the 'prepared' box in any spell data box. Click the magnifying glass at the end of any spell line header to get at the box.
If I recreate the character without the wizard, this should not occur, correct?

March 8th, 2022, 14:44
You can place the number of prepared spells in the power group heading without recreating your character to add the prepared dots again.

March 8th, 2022, 15:04
You can place the number of prepared spells in the power group heading without recreating your character to add the prepared dots again.

It worked! Yay!

March 9th, 2022, 00:43
Rise of the Drow's "Drow Acolyte" NPC has a messed up stat block. It is missing Cure Wounds and a module unique spell, Shadow Mote. Looks like they were pasted into Sunlight Sensitivity trait or something

March 9th, 2022, 19:54
I was playing Sleeping Dragon's Wake (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=WOTC5ESDW last night, and it appears that the map of the town of Leilon does not match the intended map as shown on D&D Beyond. (https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/sdw) The town is intended to evolve as time passes from the previous module (Storm Lord's Wrath) and the residents continue working on rebuilding, but the maps in Unity appear to be identical between the two modules. There are locations that should be labeled on the DM version that are not (Umber Hulk's Shell Inn, Torver's Post, etc.), and the graphics between the two modules are identical, even though they should not be.

Here is the map from the D&D Beyond Module:

Here is the map from the Fantasy Grounds store preview, which matches what I saw in my session last night:

A quick hunt through the Divine Contention module, which follows Sleeping Dragon's Wake, suggests the town maps in that module might not be correct either. I was diligent about making sure I was filtering to the correct module when checking maps, but it may be possible I made a mistake, so please let me know if there are any hints on something I may be doing wrong.

March 9th, 2022, 21:44
The maps in the modules will be the ones provided by WotC. I don't know if they have updated the paper copies or not and I don't know where DnDBeyond get there's from either.

March 9th, 2022, 21:44
Rise of the Drow's "Drow Acolyte" NPC has a messed up stat block. It is missing Cure Wounds and a module unique spell, Shadow Mote. Looks like they were pasted into Sunlight Sensitivity trait or something

I'll alert the developer.

March 9th, 2022, 21:49
I don't believe these modules have paper copies. They are the digital-only follow-up modules to The Dragon of Icespire Peak. My understanding is that D&D Beyond is WotC's official digital repository, so I would expect that the maps there are the correct maps. I was wondering if the maps in the later two modules were accidentally copied forward from the assets created for the first module, rather than utilizing the modified versions WotC created for the two newer modules?

Edit: Also, the new information shown on the maps aligns with new information in the module description, and the description is in alignment between D&D Beyond and Fantasy Grounds. So it seems that the designer's intent was for the map to update in each module.

March 9th, 2022, 21:52
No, all of the products would have used whatever material was provided by WotC. I've asked the developer to have a look. It's certainly possible that they've updated the maps and we just don't have copies of them.

March 9th, 2022, 21:54
Thanks, Zacchaeus. If I can be of help pointing the developer to the specific information that raised my concern, please let me know. I'm on the Discord with the same username as well.

March 10th, 2022, 19:25
Module, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Reference Manual, Level 18, the "Entrance" (2nd item under heading 18) page is for level 21.
The map pins are correct, so you only hit this reading through the Reference Manual.

March 10th, 2022, 20:43
Ah the old pages having the same name problem. I'll take a note to fix that.

March 12th, 2022, 07:37
The Wild beyond the witchlight , all scabatha nightshade spells are set to level 1 , she can cast 6 finger of deaths , niiice , also in the first tower of loomlurch the to doors have walls running right through them so they wont allow players or line of sight through.

March 12th, 2022, 09:42
The problem with the spells is that the coven spells are actions (and so basically innate spells) and she already has an innate spellcasting trait. FG can't handle two different innate spellcasting traits so I added them as spellcasting with just one entry so that the spells would appear on her list.

I'll take a note to fix the door occluders.

March 12th, 2022, 22:03
Small problem but Burglar's Pack in SRD is the only pack that does not itemize pack contents into inventory (it just drops the pack itself into inventory).
All other packs from SRD do in fact put the listed items into inventory upon drag n drop. FYI, I am not mistaking it for its Basic Rules counterpart which does NOT give the itemized contents.

Here is an exert from the "DD5E SRD Data.mod/client.xml" file where Burglar's Pack is missing the "<subitems></subitems>" section entirely while the Diplomat's Pack (underneath it) does have that section

<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">Burglar's Pack</name>
<type type="string">Adventuring Gear</type>
<subtype type="string">Equipment Packs</subtype>
<cost type="string">16 gp</cost>
<weight type="number">50.0</weight>
<description type="formattedtext"><p>Includes a backpack, a bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days of rations, a tinderbox, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.</p></description>
<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">Diplomat's Pack</name>
<type type="string">Adventuring Gear</type>
<subtype type="string">Equipment Packs</subtype>
<cost type="string">39 gp</cost>
<weight type="number">20.0</weight>
<description type="formattedtext"><p>Includes a chest, 2 cases for maps and scrolls, a set of fine clothes, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, a lamp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, a vial of perfume, sealing wax, and soap.</p></description>
<name type="string">Chest</name>
<count type="number">1</count>
<link type="windowreference">
... [truncated for posting purposes]

March 12th, 2022, 22:07
Yes, an old one this which I haven't got around to fixing.

I'm going to make some time next week to catch up on some stuff. So I'll take a note to look at this one.

March 12th, 2022, 22:07
I've run three adventures from the "Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold" module, and it has quite a few errors in it. Here are some examples:

Two Heads are Better than One
In the story and reference for Albern's Cave (008.001) the link for the player's map actually points to the DMs map.
All of the pins on the player's map and all of the pins on the DMs map point to the wrong stories.

Race for the Crown
In the reference manual for Area 1: Entrance, and in the story 010.005 the DC for the final clue should be 18, not 8.
The image titled "Pillar Puzzle Diagram" is really low quality and pixelated.

Tick Tock
The map grid for the "Image: Clock" map is misaligned. Set the grid size to 78.5 and re-align.

I checked a handful of other maps and none of them had their grids set properly. Some maps don't have a grid drawn on them, but most of them do and it is just not configured right. I found a number of other errors with parcels and encounters, but I reached the limit of my "prep less and play more" ratio. I have the physical book, so I just used that instead.

March 13th, 2022, 00:16
Yes, an old one this which I haven't got around to fixing.

I'm going to make some time next week to catch up on some stuff. So I'll take a note to look at this one.

I was still poking around and it seems that the subitems tag got put under "Wyvern Poison", so I guess the poison needs to be fixed too XD

March 13th, 2022, 00:52
I've run three adventures from the "Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold" module, and it has quite a few errors in it. Here are some examples:

Two Heads are Better than One
In the story and reference for Albern's Cave (008.001) the link for the player's map actually points to the DMs map.
All of the pins on the player's map and all of the pins on the DMs map point to the wrong stories.

Race for the Crown
In the reference manual for Area 1: Entrance, and in the story 010.005 the DC for the final clue should be 18, not 8.
The image titled "Pillar Puzzle Diagram" is really low quality and pixelated.

Tick Tock
The map grid for the "Image: Clock" map is misaligned. Set the grid size to 78.5 and re-align.

I checked a handful of other maps and none of them had their grids set properly. Some maps don't have a grid drawn on them, but most of them do and it is just not configured right. I found a number of other errors with parcels and encounters, but I reached the limit of my "prep less and play more" ratio. I have the physical book, so I just used that instead.
Developer has been alerted.

March 21st, 2022, 06:29
Duergar (and several variants spanning Monster Manual, Mad Mage, and Mordenkainen's) have a really annoying Resilience trait that probably won't automate, but any help is appreciated.

"The duergar has advantage on saving throws against poison, spells, and illusions, as well as to resist being charmed or paralyzed."

During game I tried "ADVSAV: spells", but that's not right. "Magic Resistance" is probably the closest.

March 21st, 2022, 10:47
Duergar (and several variants spanning Monster Manual, Mad Mage, and Mordenkainen's) have a really annoying Resilience trait that probably won't automate, but any help is appreciated.

"The duergar has advantage on saving throws against poison, spells, and illusions, as well as to resist being charmed or paralyzed."

During game I tried "ADVSAV: spells", but that's not right. "Magic Resistance" is probably the closest.

This isn't a bug report.

Magic Resistance will get you the resistance to spells after a fashion. There's not a way to code advantage on saving throws against conditions such as poison, charmed or paralyzed. There may be extensions that'll help. Check the Forge.

March 21st, 2022, 14:58
... and here is an extension that does EXACTLY that... https://www.dmsguild.com/product/314134/?affiliate_id=878507

March 23rd, 2022, 16:26
Some encounter links broke example 4.08.01 B1. Gargoyle Chasm.

The monster information is missing no CR no XP and if you load them into the combat tracker you don't have info to make attacks hit points etc.

Moderator: Moved to the 5E bug reporting thread.

March 23rd, 2022, 16:47
I just fixed that based on another report I got.

March 24th, 2022, 17:44
I'm encountering an issue and I am curious if it is a bug or something on my end. When I advance a rogue to 7th level who has picked Arcane Trickster for their specialization I do not get a 2nd lvl spell slot or option to pick a 2nd level spell. Is anyone else encountering this?
In case it matters I have every 5e book in the Essentials bundle minus Tasha's.
Are you dragging or dropping or using the character wizard?
I don't know how the CW handles it, but drag and drop you will have to manually add the spell, just drop it onto your actions tab.

March 24th, 2022, 18:26
I moved the post to the Character Wizard bugs thread since it only happens when using the Character Wizard.

March 25th, 2022, 00:29
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

There are several maps where a wall crosses through a door so that even if the door is open, the character tokens cannot go through and it blocks line-of-sight.

March 25th, 2022, 10:24
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

There are several maps where a wall crosses through a door so that even if the door is open, the character tokens cannot go through and it blocks line-of-sight.

Yes, I got a report about that and fixed the issue reported (the revised module was released on Tuesday). You may need to revert changes on the map to see the changes if need be. If you are still seeing it let me know which maps.

March 29th, 2022, 15:09
After the last patch or so, all the monster entries for Tales From The Old Margreve seem to have their attacks broken. They have a dash "-" after melee attack or ranged attack and therefore are not clickable. If I manually remove the "-" it works again but it has to be done every single creature. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks!

March 29th, 2022, 17:34
I'll alert the developer

March 29th, 2022, 21:55
I'll get this fixed asap. Thanks for letting me know. Minx

March 29th, 2022, 23:47
I'll get this fixed asap. Thanks for letting me know. Minx

Thank you! It's just the little dash on each attack that is messing it up. And it only seems to be Tales from the Old Margreve, not any of the other monster/NPC entries.

March 31st, 2022, 00:14
A few things from the Curse of Strahd errata (https://media.wizards.com/2021/dnd/downloads/CoS-Errata.pdf) that might've been missed (and a few things not from the errata):

In both Curse of Strahd and Curse of Strahd - Players:

In the Reference Manual for each, The Haunted One background needs to be updated (Skill Proficiencies, Languages, and Equipment). These are already updated in the Background record. (Errata Appendix A)

In Curse of Strahd:

Reference Manual > COS 07 > N9 > N9a. Kasimir's Hovel: In the treasure section, Ray of Frost should be removed from Kasimir's spellbook (Errata Chapter 5 > Kasimir's Hovel)
Reference Manual > COS 17 > Gothic Trinkets: In the table, the entry for 67-68 should say "ferrule" instead of "ferule". This is already correct in the linked table record. (Errata Appendix A)
Tree Blight (Errata Appendix D)

NPC: Wintersplinter (linked from COS 14 > Special Events Yester Hill) is missing a token (probably should be the tree blight token)
NPC: Wintersplinter and NPC: Tree Blight hit points should now be 92 (8d12 + 40).

NPC: Ezmerelda d'Avenir (Errata Appendix D)

On the Other tab, "Ezmerelda's Secret" should be "Ezmerelda's Prosthetic". This is already correct in the Reference Manual.
In both Reference Manual and the NPC Other tab, "She has since adapted well to the false appendage" looks like it needs to also be updated to say "prosthetic appendage"

Encounter: 14.01.Y4 Gulthias Tree - there is no token for the Gulthias Tree, but the NPC: Gulthias Tree does have a token (tree blight).
Encounter: 12.04 Wintersplinter - Wintersplinter is missing a token
Reference Manual > COS 12 > Areas of the Winery > W19: "Parcel: Rocking Hosre" should be horse. Also in Story: 12.03.19 W19. Sleeping Quarters.

March 31st, 2022, 09:39
Thanks Ecks. I've updated all of this in the module. Should be in next weeks updates.

April 3rd, 2022, 12:27
Empire of the Ghouls - Kobold Press

The two maps:
Map - DM Shrine of the Herald
Map - PC Shrine of the Herald

Have been rotated 180 degrees from the original version in the printed book. So now when you read the story entries, the directions don't correspond.

April 3rd, 2022, 12:54
I'll alert the developer.

April 3rd, 2022, 16:34
In Tomb of Annihilation:

Encounter 05.12.01 58. Cog of Rot: One of the Shambling Mounds is not placed.
NPC: Erinyes: On the Other tab, the text "Variant: Rope of Entanglement..." is all in bold. The entry in the Monster Manual only has "Rope of Entanglement." In bold+italics.

In the Monster Manual (and probably others, incl. Tomb of Annihilation)

On the Other tab for Devil NPCs there is a table listing the Layers and Lords of the Nine Hells. The first column title is missing (it's on the heading line) and the remaining column headers are misaligned. For example, NPC: Erinyes: Capture.JPG (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=52279)

I originally saw this with the Devil NPCs in Tomb of Annihilation, but I haven't checked any other modules to see if they have the same typo.

April 3rd, 2022, 17:24
Thanks Ecks, I'll line them up for fixes.

April 4th, 2022, 00:47
In Rime of the Frostmaiden, the link to encounter 08.07.12.Y12 Wellspring of Answers that should be on the reference manual page for Y12 is malformed. The link is correct in the popup from the Y12 map pin, however, and the encounter is fine -- just the link. Thanks!

April 4th, 2022, 02:31
In Tomb of Annihilation, NPC: Acererak doesn't have any of his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spells populated on his NPC sheet or in the spells list on the combat tracker. It might be because his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells are all "at-will" (instead of specifying a set number of spell slots). Deleting all of the spells from the NPC and then re-opening him does seem to populate all of the spells though, so the NPC might just need to be updated.

April 4th, 2022, 15:22
In Rime of the Frostmaiden, the link to encounter 08.07.12.Y12 Wellspring of Answers that should be on the reference manual page for Y12 is malformed. The link is correct in the popup from the Y12 map pin, however, and the encounter is fine -- just the link. Thanks!

Thanks for the report, I will add it to my list.

April 4th, 2022, 19:47
In Tomb of Annihilation, NPC: Acererak doesn't have any of his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spells populated on his NPC sheet or in the spells list on the combat tracker. It might be because his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells are all "at-will" (instead of specifying a set number of spell slots). Deleting all of the spells from the NPC and then re-opening him does seem to populate all of the spells though, so the NPC might just need to be updated.

You are correct it's because of the at will thing. I think the solution would be to move those spells into a new Innate Spellcasting action. I'll add it to my list.

April 5th, 2022, 18:53
The Planetar in the SRD module has a strength of 0 instead of 24 (+7).


Moderator: Moved to bug reports

April 5th, 2022, 19:26
I'll add to my list

April 5th, 2022, 20:16
The following are issues in the Tome of Beasts module:

Issue with dexterity in entry Ychen Bannog
Issue with intelligence in entry Clockwork Myrmidon
Issue with dexterity in entry Drake, Coral
Issue with constitution in entry Zmey Headling
Issue with strength in entry Chronalmental
Issue with charisma in entry Treacle
Issue with constitution in entry Fext


April 5th, 2022, 20:38
I'll alert the developer.

April 6th, 2022, 00:36
Issue with traits in entry Yumerai

First trait is empty, no description or name.

Issue with actions in entry Deathspeaker

Rake attack is split over two actions

Issue with traits in entry Faceless Wanderer

Regeneration trait is split over two traits

April 6th, 2022, 05:11
The following are issues in the Tome of Beasts module:

Issue with dexterity in entry Ychen Bannog
Issue with intelligence in entry Clockwork Myrmidon
Issue with dexterity in entry Drake, Coral
Issue with constitution in entry Zmey Headling
Issue with strength in entry Chronalmental
Issue with charisma in entry Treacle
Issue with constitution in entry Fext


I’m the dev on this one. Can you be a bit more specific please?

April 6th, 2022, 16:20
I’m the dev on this one. Can you be a bit more specific please?

They are zero value instead of whatever they are supposed to be. That said, if they were recently corrected already then I just have an old version.


April 13th, 2022, 05:36
Minor issues in Storm King's Thunder (I haven't played through the entire mod, these are just things I noticed while running it):

A lot of the random encounter tables (and some of the other tables) seem to be missing the closing range in the final entry, so for example a d100 table shows up as d81.
Story small typo at bottom of entry, "Nightsone Inn"
Story Treasure text inadvertently bolded.
Story 02.16.01: Xolkin carries five gemstones, the parcel has four.
NPC Zephyros (Story 02.19.00) is missing some of his spells.
Story some of the text from the first paragraph reappears at the end of the entry.
In the yakfolk village, encounters and don't have the slaves set to neutral like all of the others, so they appear hostile by default when activated.

April 13th, 2022, 08:12
Thanks for the report. I've fixed all of that (but see below) and the revised module should be released next Tuesday.

I can't find any missing spells from Zephyros. If you are referring to those cast via his staff those can't really be added since they are neither innate spells nor spells in his spellbook.

April 13th, 2022, 16:45
Perhaps it's an issue in whatever digital version you built this from. Under his Spellcasting feature, he has one first level spell listed (Magic Missile). In the hardcover (p. 33), it lists charm person, comprehend languages, and shield as well. A few cantrips and higher-level spells are also missing.

EDIT: here's the full spell list from the hardcover book:

Cantrips: mending, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost, shocking grasp
1st level: charm person, comprehend languages, magic missile, shield
2nd level: crown of madness, gust of wind, levitate
3rd level: nondetection, protection from energy, tongues
4th level: conjure minor elementals, greater invisibility, Otiluke's resilient sphere
5th level: cone of cold, contact other plane
6th level: mass suggestion

April 13th, 2022, 21:50
Zephyros' spells were changed in errata in 2021 sometime (see attached image). Since he already has an Innate Spellcasting trait I just changed the spells in the spellcasting trait. It's only very recently that FGU was updated to this new spell format; but unfortunately this module was created in Classic so I can't update that since it hasn't been updated in some time.

April 17th, 2022, 23:10
In Curse of Strahd:

Story 01.02.04 Strahd's Enemy and Reference Manual COS 01 > Fortunes of Ravenloft > Strahd's Enemy: At the bottom in the section titled "A. Tempter (Queen of Diamonds)" - the link text "Lake Zarovish" should be "Lake Zarovich"
Story 01.03.02 Mysterious Visitors and Reference Manual COS 01 > Adventure Hooks > Mysterious Visitors:

In the Dancing Fire section, Stanimir's story (starting below the "Image: The Dancing Fire" link) is split into multiple chat sections instead of all in one chat section
In the Dancing Fire section, in the 5th paragraph of Stanimir's story, a single quotation mark should be added (in red) in the line "He said, 'I owe you my life. Stay as long as you wish, leave when you choose, and know that you will always be safe here.'"
In the Dancing Fire section, the last entry in Stanimir's story (starting with "These Vistani refuse...") should not be part of the chat section (it is not read aloud text).

Story 03.00 The Village of Barovia and Reference Manual COS 03 > Chapter 3 The Village of Barovia: The 'i' in "image" in "image: Village of Barovia" link should be capitalized.
Story 08.02.S13. Main Hall and Reference Manual COS 08 > COS 08 > Areas of the Abbey > S13 Main Hall: In the Treasure section, "Parcel: Sun DIsk" the "I" in "DIsk" should be lowercase.
Story DM's Crib Sheet and Reference Manual COS 23 > DM's Crib Sheet: In the Card Reading section, in "Dummy linbks are provided..." there is an extraneous 'b'.
Encounter: 12.04 Wintersplinter: Wintersplinter is missing a token, should use the token of NPC: Tree Blight from the same module
NPC: Wintersplinter: token missing, should use the token of NPC: Tree Blight from the same module

In Tomb of Annihilation:

Encounter: 02.02.01 BLue Mist Fever, the 'L' in "BLue" in the encounter title should be lowercase.
Story: 05.13.04 74. Trial of the Pentagon and Reference Manual > Chapter 5 > Level 6 > 74. Trial of the Pentagon: The start of the chat bubble "The door to this area has a pentagon carved into it. When the characters open the door, read:" should be before the chat bubble instead of in it (similar to the other Trial areas)

April 18th, 2022, 09:39
Thanks Ecks; I'll add these to my list. The only thing I can't fix is having paragraphs in chat bubbles. FG doesn't allow that.

Tel Arin
April 20th, 2022, 23:51
In AWW Rise of the Drow Collectos Edition (5e)
A lot of images apear to be missing since the last Update i guess. The links are broken.
I have tried it in a new fresh campaign, without installing anything, just opening the module.

Moon Wizard
April 21st, 2022, 05:35
The content of the module hasn't changed at all in about 7 months according to the source control logs; could you provide some examples?


April 21st, 2022, 07:38
Image in the ref. manual section "Approaching the Care" in IWD - Rime of the Frostmaiden is missing. Screenshot attached.

April 21st, 2022, 09:58
This came up in a support ticket yesterday. I believe that it's being looked at. Not sure what the actual issue is but it seems to be reproducible.

April 21st, 2022, 11:07
Image in the ref. manual section "Approaching the Care" in IWD - Rime of the Frostmaiden is missing. Screenshot attached.

Yes, it's being looked into. Thank you for the report.

Tel Arin
April 21st, 2022, 13:42

It has happened to me from one week to another, in the other campaigns that I have (also 5e), it has not happened.

Moon Wizard
April 21st, 2022, 17:51
@Tel Arin,

First, try reverting that module in the FG UI by right clicking on the module entry in the Modules window, and selecting the Revert menu option.

Next, try going to FG launch screen, clicking folder button, renaming modules subfolder in Explorer window (to modules.backup), closing FG, restarting FG, and reopening campaign.


April 23rd, 2022, 06:36
Half-Orcs in the 5e SRD grant the language 'Orcish' and not 'Orc' which means the Language in chat does not work.

April 23rd, 2022, 09:03
Half-Orcs in the 5e SRD grant the language 'Orcish' and not 'Orc' which means the Language in chat does not work.

Welcome to FG. I'll add that to my list.

April 24th, 2022, 00:21
In Curse of Strahd:

Quest: Bridal Gown for the Bride: "THe Abbot..." - the 'H' in "THe" shouldn't be capitalized
Quest: Escort the Wagon: "...requests that we excort the wagon on its damgerous journey", "excort" should be "escort" and "damgerous" should be "dangerous"
Quest: Find St Andral's Bones Update: "We've discovered that Millivoj..." - "Millivoj" should be "Milivoj" (one L)
Quest: FInd the Werewolf Den: the "I" in "FInd" shouldn't be capitalized
Quest: Kill Kiril: "Kiril Stoyanovish" should be "Kiril Stoyanovich"
Quest: Return My Skull: "The silver dragon, Argynvost, appeared out of a pictur..." typo in "picture"
Quest: Save the Knights: There is a period missing at the end of the last sentence in the quest description
Story: 03.02.04 E4. Burgomaster's Mansion and Reference Manual > Chapter 3 > Areas of the Village > E4: The "Quest: Help Irrena bury her father" link towards the bottom, Ireena is spelled incorrectly.
Not a bug, but a little confusing, in the Reference Manual, Chapter 3, the subchapter "Areas of the Village" contains E1, E2, E3, E4, but then E5, E6, and E7 have their own subchapter. Seems like E1 through E4 could each be broken out into subchapters the same way to be consistent with the rest of the chapter.

April 24th, 2022, 01:35
In Curse of Strahd:
There is a typo "Elixer" in multiple locations:

Parcel: 06.02.O1 Three Elixers: The parcel name and each item in the parcel (and in each item's description)
Item: Laughter Elixer (in the name and description)
Item: Mother's Milk Elixer (in the name and description)
Item: Youth Elixer (in the name and description)
Story: 06.02.O1. Ground Floor: in "Parcel: Three Elixers"
Reference Manual > Chapter 6 > Areas of the Windmill > O1. Ground Floor in "Parcel: Three Elixers"

April 24th, 2022, 08:07
Thanks Ecks; I'll add all those to my list.

As for the subchapters in Chapter three; it reflects how its sort of laid out in the book. The church has rooms so it sort of deserves a separate subchapter so areas E6 and E7 need to not be part of that. Whilst E1 -E4 are part of the village. All of the subchapters apart from areas of the village could probably be removed.

April 28th, 2022, 22:49
In LMoP Adventure module > Reference Manual > 2.Goblin Blind (Under Part 1 : Goblin Arrows).
Clicking on the "Rulebook: Cover" link, will open for me the D&D Mordenkainen Tome of Foes (if activated).
If I inactivate MToF, it will open the "Cover" rules BUT in the Player's Handbook... if I inactivate the PHB, it will open Tasha's Cauldron of Everything... clearly a wildcard link that needs fixed?

MOD: moved to 5E bug report thread.

April 29th, 2022, 09:23
The link is deliberately anonymous so that it will pick up on whatever volume the user has open. I don't want to change it so that it points only to the Basic Rules (which is where it's supposed to point in the original written adventure). This does mean it might pick up on stray reference pages headed 'cover'. Without making sure every single reference manual page has a completely unique name there's not really much I can do to prevent it.

May 2nd, 2022, 01:10
I found that the Knights' Quarters (x4) on the Second Floor of Feathergale Spire in Princes of the Apocalypse were missing linked parcels.


Each of the Knights' Quarters has:
- a feathered cloak
- 1d100 gp of valuables

May 2nd, 2022, 09:55
Ah, looks like it's there in the reference manual entry but not in the story entry. I'll add that to my fix list.

May 16th, 2022, 18:59
Monster of the Multiverse - races need languages added for creation. It lists Common +1 in the reference but doesn't populate for the character wizard.

May 16th, 2022, 19:28
I'll look into that now; I'm currently creating a players module with the races in it.

May 16th, 2022, 20:16
I'll look into that now; I'm currently creating a players module with the races in it.

That was my question as to when we could expect the player version

May 16th, 2022, 20:48
Soon. I've finished it and it should go live very soon once it gets through the processes.

EDIT: It's live now.

May 17th, 2022, 01:36
MotM: The NPCs with Spellcasting do not have the spells autoloaded into the statblocks. Is this on purpose?
Also, lots of missing images (links but no images)

May 17th, 2022, 02:01
You’ll need to have the PHB open when you add the spellcaster to the combat tracker for spells to populate. Can you be more specific as to missing images.

May 17th, 2022, 02:45
I can make a list, but it looks like many images in the Reference Manual "Chapter 1" are missing. The links are there, but no images.
Starting with:
Page: "Fantastical Races" missing image "Chapter-1-Fantasy-Races"
"Aarakocra" missing image "Aarakoca"
No Aasimar image
No Bug Bear image
No Centaur image
No Changeling image
No Deep Gnome image
No Duegar image

until Eladrin, the image of Autumn Eladrin is there.

No Firbolg image
No Genasi images
Githyanki is there
Githzerai is there
Goblin is linked to image, image is there, but it looks like the image was intended to be inserted, but it is a link.
The next couple are image links, images are in module
then at Kenu, no image.

I could go on, if needed.

Looking through the Asserts, under Portraits, it looks like the missing image file names I listed above all match the Portrait image names. Perhaps it is an import error or something got overwritten.

May 17th, 2022, 03:00
I’ll have a look tomorrow. I know Doug updated the module and pulled the whole of chapter one from the DM module since the races are now all in a players module. Perhaps there’s been a slip up somewhere and the links were left.

Just to be clear all the images you mention are in the players module and I know the links work in that one since I just did it a few hours ago.

May 17th, 2022, 03:35
I removed Chapter 1 and the images to avoid duplication with Players version. Have you tried closing and reopening the module?

It’s also possible that the update of the db.xml didn’t get committed properly, so I can check that as well.

Moon Wizard
May 17th, 2022, 03:57
You could also try right clicking and reverting the module in the Modules window to get to the new base state.


May 17th, 2022, 08:59
I can make a list, but it looks like many images in the Reference Manual "Chapter 1" are missing. The links are there, but no images.
Starting with:
Page: "Fantastical Races" missing image "Chapter-1-Fantasy-Races"
"Aarakocra" missing image "Aarakoca"
No Aasimar image
No Bug Bear image
No Centaur image
No Changeling image
No Deep Gnome image
No Duegar image

until Eladrin, the image of Autumn Eladrin is there.

No Firbolg image
No Genasi images
Githyanki is there
Githzerai is there
Goblin is linked to image, image is there, but it looks like the image was intended to be inserted, but it is a link.
The next couple are image links, images are in module
then at Kenu, no image.

I could go on, if needed.

Looking through the Asserts, under Portraits, it looks like the missing image file names I listed above all match the Portrait image names. Perhaps it is an import error or something got overwritten.

I can see your issue. I'll make sure that this gets fixed. Thanks for the report.

May 17th, 2022, 13:07
This should be fixed now. Sorry for the issue.

May 17th, 2022, 14:25
I can see your issue. I'll make sure that this gets fixed. Thanks for the report.

This should be fixed now. Sorry for the issue.

No worries. I view it as troubleshooting and you have 1,000s of troubleshoooters!

You’ll need to have the PHB open when you add the spellcaster to the combat tracker for spells to populate.

Regarding the unpopulated spells in NPC statblocks, are they all from PHB? or SRD? or XGtoE? or other sourcebooks? Should the sales page state that you need to own the PHB or other WotC sourcebooks to get the spells? This is different than how NPCs in other source books were handled by Smiteworks.

May 17th, 2022, 16:06
Regarding the unpopulated spells in NPC statblocks, are they all from PHB? or SRD? or XGtoE? or other sourcebooks? Should the sales page state that you need to own the PHB or other WotC sourcebooks to get the spells? This is different than how NPCs in other source books were handled by Smiteworks.

This comes down, I think, to a different methodology in how modules are created. I'll find out what the definitive answer is.

May 17th, 2022, 16:32
Monsters of the Multiverse:
NPC: Shadar-kai Soul Monger - I think the Wisdom score should be 16 (+3) based on D&D Beyond. The stat block in the Reference Manual (Chapter 2 > Shadar-Kai), incorrectly shows WIS 15 (+3).

I also noticed that the stat blocks in the reference manual don't include the Proficiency Bonus listed after the Challenge Rating (the NPCs have them, just not the Reference Manual).

May 17th, 2022, 16:47
Monsters of the Multiverse:

NPC: Cloud Giant Smiling One is missing the Challenge Rating (I think it should be CR 11)
NPC: Retriever - there are two copies of this in the module, and one is missing it's token art

May 18th, 2022, 14:11
Monsters of the Multiverse:
NPC: Shadar-kai Soul Monger - I think the Wisdom score should be 16 (+3) based on D&D Beyond. The stat block in the Reference Manual (Chapter 2 > Shadar-Kai), incorrectly shows WIS 15 (+3).

I also noticed that the stat blocks in the reference manual don't include the Proficiency Bonus listed after the Challenge Rating (the NPCs have them, just not the Reference Manual).

This is how it is listed in the book, but I believe you are correct and it should be 16. I will forward this to Wizards of the Coast so they can include it in errata and confirm that it should be 16.

Proficiency bonuses were dropped because they were calculated.

May 18th, 2022, 16:49
I have fixed the reported issues and added some additional Errata that Wizards of the Coast provided to us. Spells are now going to be using the lookup method to pull the most recent versions from opened modules (SRD, PHB, etc.). The chat log will display a list of any spells that were not located during auto lookup.

NPC Cloud Giant Stat Block fixed
Retriever Duplicate Removed
Monster: Drow Inquisitor (p 102). Strength score set to 12.
Monster: Drow Inquisitor (p 102). changed “The drow’s casts …” to “The drow casts …”
Monster: Hydroloth (p 158). The Claw & Bite attacks are now 9 (2d8) psychic damage
Monster: Duergar Soulblade (p 109). In the Soulblade action, changed "Melee Spell Attack …" to "Melee Weapon Attack …" Also, changed "13 (3d6 + 3) force …" to "17 (4d6 + 3) force …"
Bheur Hag (p 62): Removed the “Hag Covens” subsection from the “Bheur Hag” section and the “Annis Hag” section. The subsection is incorrect and will be removed from future printings of the book. The bheur hag’s CR isn’t affected by being in a coven.
WATER ELEMENTAL MYRMIDON (p 123): The CON Ability Score is now 16
Shadar-kai Soul Monger (p 214): The WIS Ability Score is now 16.
Warlock of the Fiend (p 255): Under actions, Scimitar attack now says "slashing" instead of "bludgeoning"
Yeenoghu (p 270): The CON Ability Score is now 26 and the INT is 16.
Yeth Hound (p 271): Cut the parenthesis, “(all appear in the Monster Manual)”. It will removed from future printings.
Yeth Hound (p 271): Yeth hound changed Damage Immunity to read "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered"

May 19th, 2022, 03:29
Monsters of the Multiverse - Players module:

Reference Manual > Chapter 1:


In the first paragraph, there is a missing space between "Elemental" and "Plane" in "...on the ElementalPlane of Air..."
In the first paragraph, there is a missing space between "the" and "Wind" in ...served theWind Dukes of Aaqa..."
Above two items also in NPC: Aarakocra


The ability "Astral Knowledge" has an inadvertent line break before the end of the sentence. The section "Astral Plane" should be the remainder of the Astral Knowledge paragraph (and Astral Plane should not be bold).
Also in NPC: Githyanki


In the first paragraph, there is an extraneous hyphen character in Maglubiyet, probably from wrapping across lines in the physical book.
Also in NPC: Goblin


The paragraph for the ability "Passage" is duplicated - once at the bottom of the left column and then again at the top of the right column.

May 19th, 2022, 08:52
Thanks. Ecks. All fixed and lined up for release.

May 19th, 2022, 20:22
I suspect there's some errata not applied to the Monster's Manual;

In the section "Player Characters as Lycanthropes" for the entry for Werewolf, the second paragraph starts with:

"A non-humanoid humanoid hit by an attack ..."

This sentence should read

"A non-lycanthrope humanoid hit by an attack ..."

I've checked an older version of the MM and it just has "humanoid" and the new version has the same information as what is available in DDB: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/mm/monsters-l#Lycanthropes

I realize this is incredibly minor, but it left me scratching my head for a hot minute.

May 19th, 2022, 20:54
I'll take a note to update that.

May 20th, 2022, 01:54
Survivalist's Guide to Spelunking

Minor edit:
Table "14-9 Corrosive Bulbs" result "The hunting party and the Quarry both lose [1d6] units of stock, but gain 1d6 fungal bulbs." I believe the 2nd 1d6 should have brackets [1d6].

May 20th, 2022, 09:03
I'll pass this on to the developer

May 21st, 2022, 01:23
Item: Sphere of Annihilation:

At the start of the description there is a link to a table titled "Sphere of Annihilation" that details what happens if the sphere comes in contact with a planar portal. This link should probably be removed since the link to the table is at the bottom of the description as well.
In the second link "Table: Spere of Annihilation" - "Spere" should be "Sphere"

May 21st, 2022, 09:00

May 21st, 2022, 21:54
Various Yuan-ti in MOTM don't load spells when added to tracker. Maybe because of (text) after where it says Spellcasting.

May 21st, 2022, 21:57
Not sure if bug or request for feature, but not having spell slots is hard on DM keeping track of which monsters have done what. Is it possible to get o circles, like what is done for reaction, next to each 1/day or 2/day entry?

Overall I like MOTM.

May 21st, 2022, 23:31
Various Yuan-ti in MOTM don't load spells when added to tracker. Maybe because of (text) after where it says Spellcasting.
You will need to have the spell source (PHB typically) open when you add the creature to the CT.

May 22nd, 2022, 08:08
Not sure if bug or request for feature, but not having spell slots is hard on DM keeping track of which monsters have done what. Is it possible to get o circles, like what is done for reaction, next to each 1/day or 2/day entry?

Overall I like MOTM.

It's not a bug report. Please use the wish list for feature requests. Link in my signature.

May 22nd, 2022, 08:10
Various Yuan-ti in MOTM don't load spells when added to tracker. Maybe because of (text) after where it says Spellcasting.

You are correct - the text after the spellcasting trait is indeed preventing spell population. This is something which will need to be updated in the ruleset and Moon Wizard is aware of the issue. In the meantime you can remove the text and the spells should then update when you close and reopen the NPC.

May 22nd, 2022, 21:08
Alhoon does not load spell list

May 22nd, 2022, 21:37
Alhoon does not load spell list

Welcome to FG.

I'm going to assume that you mean the Alhoon that is detailed in Monsters of the Multiverse? If so then it's working for me. Make sure that you have the Player's Handbook open before you open the NPC sheet or place it on the Combat Tracker.

Eru the One
May 23rd, 2022, 00:59
This should be fixed now. Sorry for the issue.

As a player connecting to my DM who does not have the module, I'm still having this issue with the images displaying for a split second then disappearing. Closing and re-opening is not working. (MOTM)

May 23rd, 2022, 07:00
Welcome to FG.

I'm going to assume that you mean the Alhoon that is detailed in Monsters of the Multiverse? If so then it's working for me. Make sure that you have the Player's Handbook open before you open the NPC sheet or place it on the Combat Tracker.

You're right, I mean MOTM Alhoon. And it is concerned every monster in this book with spellcasting ability. Monster sheet doesn't load spells that listed in this ability. PHB was loaded. I think there is a problem with wording. Spellcasting in the MOTM book looks different.

May 23rd, 2022, 09:30
You're right, I mean MOTM Alhoon. And it is concerned every monster in this book with spellcasting ability. Monster sheet doesn't load spells that listed in this ability. PHB was loaded. I think there is a problem with wording. Spellcasting in the MOTM book looks different.

As I said I cannot reproduce this problem. In the first image below I don't have the PHB loaded and as you see I get an error in chat and the spells don't populate when the NPC sheet is opened. In the second image I have now loaded the PHB; closed and reopened the NPC sheet and I no longer get the chat message and the spells have populated in the NPC sheet. So you must load the PHB before opening the NPC sheet or placing the NPC on the combat tracker. Also if you load the PHB after opening the NPC sheet you must close the NPC sheet and reopen it in order for the spell parsing to work.

There is an issue with certain casters such as the Yuan-ti reported above which have additional text; namely (psionics) after the spellcasting trait name and that is preventing the spells from populating. That is on Moon Wizards list of things to fix in the next ruleset update. In the meantime you can remove the (psionics) bit from the trait name and then close and reopen the NPC sheet to have the spells populate.

If there are other specific instances of spells not populating (and the reason isn't to do with additional text after the spellcasting trait name) then if you can specify which monsters and I'll have a look.

May 23rd, 2022, 09:31
As a player connecting to my DM who does not have the module, I'm still having this issue with the images displaying for a split second then disappearing. Closing and re-opening is not working. (MOTM)

Try clearing your cache or reverting the module.

May 23rd, 2022, 13:38
You're right, I mean MOTM Alhoon. And it is concerned every monster in this book with spellcasting ability. Monster sheet doesn't load spells that listed in this ability. PHB was loaded. I think there is a problem with wording. Spellcasting in the MOTM book looks different.

Hello Sherockii,

There was indeed a wording syntax change with the Spellcasting trait for MOTM. To accommodate this, we updated the 5E ruleset to handle the new language. If it is not being recognized for you, then can you check to see if you have an unpacked folder called "5E" in your rulesets folder? If so, then this would be an older version of the ruleset and it would override the newest, official version.


May 25th, 2022, 15:52
Monsters of the Multiverse module:
It looks like spellcasting (psionics) trait (eg. Elder Oblex and Elder Brain) doesn't generate the spells from PHB to the combat tracker. While the normal spellcasting trait (eg. Evoker Wizard) generates the spells as intended. (see screenshot).
I have new 5E campaign, no extensions and MotM and PHB loaded the moment I add the NPCs to the combat tracker.


May 25th, 2022, 15:55
See post #201 just above yours.

May 25th, 2022, 15:58
You are correct - the text after the spellcasting trait is indeed preventing spell population. This is something which will need to be updated in the ruleset and Moon Wizard is aware of the issue. In the meantime you can remove the text and the spells should then update when you close and reopen the NPC.

Wasn't aware this was already noted.
(psionics) after Spellcasting is similar issue.
My apologies.

Moon Wizard
May 25th, 2022, 16:25
I just pushed a hot fix to the 5E ruleset that should address the "Spellcasting (Psionics)" issue from MotM. Can someone other than me verify that it is working for them now?


May 25th, 2022, 17:08
I just pushed a hot fix to the 5E ruleset that should address the "Spellcasting (Psionics)" issue from MotM. Can someone other than me verify that it is working for them now?


Works for me. Thx for the quick update.

May 25th, 2022, 21:15
As I said I cannot reproduce this problem. In the first image below I don't have the PHB loaded and as you see I get an error in chat and the spells don't populate when the NPC sheet is opened. In the second image I have now loaded the PHB; closed and reopened the NPC sheet and I no longer get the chat message and the spells have populated in the NPC sheet. So you must load the PHB before opening the NPC sheet or placing the NPC on the combat tracker. Also if you load the PHB after opening the NPC sheet you must close the NPC sheet and reopen it in order for the spell parsing to work.

There is an issue with certain casters such as the Yuan-ti reported above which have additional text; namely (psionics) after the spellcasting trait name and that is preventing the spells from populating. That is on Moon Wizards list of things to fix in the next ruleset update. In the meantime you can remove the (psionics) bit from the trait name and then close and reopen the NPC sheet to have the spells populate.

If there are other specific instances of spells not populating (and the reason isn't to do with additional text after the spellcasting trait name) then if you can specify which monsters and I'll have a look.

Previously the spells would get added to the NPC when was created and closed and there wasn't a dependency on the CT. Has that changed? Is the old way not longer valid, or can they both be used?

Asking since it will be impact conversions. Right now you can just copy/paste the spell list from the stat block and have it auto-populate your spells.

Moon Wizard
May 25th, 2022, 21:20
For creatures with spellcasting trait, the spells are not auto-populated in the NPC by default, since the books technically do not contain the spell information. So, the spells are looked up and added to the NPC when they are added to the combat tracker.

As a side benefit, any errata to spell information will get correctly propagated when that happens (with the alternative being that every spell on every NPC would have to be reviewed.)


May 25th, 2022, 23:08
For creatures with spellcasting trait, the spells are not auto-populated in the NPC by default, since the books technically do not contain the spell information. So, the spells are looked up and added to the NPC when they are added to the combat tracker.

As a side benefit, any errata to spell information will get correctly propagated when that happens (with the alternative being that every spell on every NPC would have to be reviewed.)


So I just did a little test and didn't use the Combat Tracker at all.

I made a copy of the Acolyte. I unloaded all modules. I edited the NPC and I deleted all the spells from the NPC sheet and I closed the NPC asset.
The I opened the NPC again and I got the message unable to load the spells.

I closed the NPC, and I loaded up the SRD. This time when I opened the asset, the spells were loaded onto the NPC sheet.

I then closed the NPC asset, unloaded the SRD, and opened it again.. I didn't get the message about missing spells, and the ones which were already on the sheet stayed there.

This is similar to the behavior as before where they get loaded onto the NPC asset directly and stored with it.

The Combat tracker was never used and it looks like it's storing the spell information with the NPC as it had in the past, as opposed to loading it only on-demand when added to the CT which is what it sounds like you were saying it was supposed to do.

Further testing shows that if I put the Acolyte (without spells on it) onto the CT without opening the asset from NPCs first, it will then either a) give the error about missing or b) populate the spells properly with you have a book loaded.

This would seem to imply that it does the spell add at both the opening of the asset from NPCs as well as the combat tracker. I would believe that in "b" above it was only parsing the copy on the CT and not the original, but the only way to test that would be to look at the XML - since as soon as open the original asset in game, it populates (as per the first test).

Bottom line is that I'm happy that it still populates without having to go the CT and it shouldn't affect our conversions at all.

However, if it's still storing it with the original NPC asset and not reparsing it each time, then I don't think the comment about getting the latest PHB version (errata) would hold true. Unless it's a full reparse/replace,

May 26th, 2022, 00:12
edit: misunderstood

May 26th, 2022, 05:45

Very new, about to run my first dungeon as DM, so I don't know how much of this is inexperience or if it is really an error. I recently purchased MOTM, but I noticed I cannot access the races in the character wizard unless I have the player version of the module loaded, the non-player version won't populate race selections. My understanding is the player version was a stripped down version of the full book. Is this normal? Do I need to have the player version of everything also loaded?

May 26th, 2022, 06:16

Very new, about to run my first dungeon as DM, so I don't know how much of this is inexperience or if it is really an error. I recently purchased MOTM, but I noticed I cannot access the races in the character wizard unless I have the player version of the module loaded, the non-player version won't populate race selections. My understanding is the player version was a stripped down version of the full book. Is this normal? Do I need to have the player version of everything also loaded?

Yes,you will want to load the player version as well. This method prevents having duplicates of races and images.

May 26th, 2022, 06:52
Monsters of the Multiverse, Players
Race: Githyanki

Astral Knowledge trait is incomplete. It only mentions:
"You can mystically access a reservoir of experiences of entities connected to the"

I think your 5eParcer made a second trait called Astral Plain with the remaining part of the Astral Knowledge trait:
"Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and with one weapon or tool of your choice, selected from the Player's Handbook, as you momentarily project your consciousness into the Astral Plane. These proficiencies last until the end of your next long rest."

May 26th, 2022, 08:48
Monsters of the Multiverse, Players
Race: Githyanki

Astral Knowledge trait is incomplete. It only mentions:
"You can mystically access a reservoir of experiences of entities connected to the"

I think your 5eParcer made a second trait called Astral Plain with the remaining part of the Astral Knowledge trait:
"Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and with one weapon or tool of your choice, selected from the Player's Handbook, as you momentarily project your consciousness into the Astral Plane. These proficiencies last until the end of your next long rest."

This was reported before and fixed (see posts #184 and #185 above). I believe that the intention was to release the update earlier this week but that doesn't seem to have happened. I'll chase it up.

May 27th, 2022, 08:50
(hope this wasn't reported before, but my thread search for Lizardfolk was empty)
When adding Lizardfolk race (from MotM) to the character sheet (by drag/drop), I get following error (see attached logs)
I noticed the abilities: Hungry Jaws and Natural Armor aren't added, so probably the issue has something to do with those abilities.

May 27th, 2022, 11:08
Monsters of the Multiverse
The Tabaxi's climbing speed should be equal to it's walking speed, which is 30 ft.
In VGtM this was set to 20 ft, while in the MotM this is updated to being equal to the walking speed.
If you drag/drop the Tabaxi race from MotM it mentions 20 ft under special move.

May 27th, 2022, 13:16
(hope this wasn't reported before, but my thread search for Lizardfolk was empty)
When adding Lizardfolk race (from MotM) to the character sheet (by drag/drop), I get following error (see attached logs)
I noticed the abilities: Hungry Jaws and Natural Armor aren't added, so probably the issue has something to do with those abilities.

Indeed. I don't think any other race has natural armour so that's probably what is causing the issue. It works fine in the Character Wizard although it doesn't process the trait; it just adds it. This would require a change in the ruleset; I'll alert Moon Wizard but don't hold your breath at this time; he has other things on his plate :)

May 27th, 2022, 13:23
Monsters of the Multiverse
The Tabaxi's climbing speed should be equal to it's walking speed, which is 30 ft.
In VGtM this was set to 20 ft, while in the MotM this is updated to being equal to the walking speed.
If you drag/drop the Tabaxi race from MotM it mentions 20 ft under special move.

Indeed. I think that may be hard coded; again I'll need to alert Moon Wizard since that would require a change in the ruleset.

May 27th, 2022, 13:49
Indeed. I don't think any other race has natural armour so that's probably what is causing the issue. It works fine in the Character Wizard although it doesn't process the trait; it just adds it. This would require a change in the ruleset; I'll alert Moon Wizard but don't hold your breath at this time; he has other things on his plate :)

Tell Moon Wizard to take his time. I'm only reporting while working my way through the module.
Fyi: Tortle also has natural armor, but in that case it's a hardcode AC of 17, which doesn't generate an error, while Lizardfolk has 13+dex.

May 27th, 2022, 14:01
Tell Moon Wizard to take his time. I'm only reporting while working my way through the module.
Fyi: Tortle also has natural armor, but in that case it's a hardcode AC of 17, which doesn't generate an error, while Lizardfolk has 13+dex.

Ah, I knew some other race had natural armour but I couldn't remember which. That'll be the reason for the error I suspect.

May 29th, 2022, 23:43
on the Ring of Winter I found the following:
It should be listed in this manner

in the Quest: Seek Wisdom at Orolunga I found a few errors
where a few pieces of text need to be ommited.

Moderator: Moved to 5e bugs.

Eru the One
May 29th, 2022, 23:52
Try clearing your cache or reverting the module.

In my Friday & Sunday games I cleared my cache and had the same issue. They are different DMs and both do not own the module, just myself.

May 30th, 2022, 10:22
In my Friday & Sunday games I cleared my cache and had the same issue. They are different DMs and both do not own the module, just myself.

Can you compile your and your DM log files and report in the House of Healing Unity forum. Sounds like this is not something that I can fix.

May 30th, 2022, 10:25
on the Ring of Winter I found the following:
It should be listed in this manner

in the Quest: Seek Wisdom at Orolunga I found a few errors
where a few pieces of text need to be ommited.

Moderator: Moved to 5e bugs.

Thanks for the report; I've taken a note to fix these

May 30th, 2022, 13:56
With monsters of the multiverse WotC is giving a renewed effort into keeping 5th edition around for a good while.

I think this is an excellent time to point out that the fantasy grounds ruleset has never been complete. Things like bardic inspiration, druid wildshapes, eldritch invocations, and exhaustion as a condition are just not built-in and require extensions.

Not to mention SRD spells like Bless are programmed incorrectly where the concentration goes on the target rather than the spellcaster and other minor inconsistencies with spell actions.

Its really nice that the community has put band-aids on these features to make 5th edition functional, but for people who don't understand how to modify the game or would rather have these features built-in for homogeneity across all the games they play/DM these would be welcome additions to the ruleset.

It really doesn't make much sense to avoid programming them with 5th edition being so popular and that it is guaranteed to continue into the future.

Thank you to Minty23185Fresh, SilentRuin, Rob2E, rhagelstrom, and Aridhro for creating powerful tools to help fill in the 5e ruleset gaps.

May 30th, 2022, 15:35
With monsters of the multiverse WotC is giving a renewed effort into keeping 5th edition around for a good while.

I think this is an excellent time to point out that the fantasy grounds ruleset has never been complete. Things like bardic inspiration, druid wildshapes, eldritch invocations, and exhaustion as a condition are just not built-in and require extensions.

Not to mention SRD spells like Bless are programmed incorrectly where the concentration goes on the target rather than the spellcaster and other minor inconsistencies with spell actions.

Its really nice that the community has put band-aids on these features to make 5th edition functional, but for people who don't understand how to modify the game or would rather have these features built-in for homogeneity across all the games they play/DM these would be welcome additions to the ruleset.

It really doesn't make much sense to avoid programming them with 5th edition being so popular and that it is guaranteed to continue into the future.

Thank you to Minty23185Fresh, SilentRuin, Rob2E, rhagelstrom, and Aridhro for creating powerful tools to help fill in the 5e ruleset gaps.

This isn't a bug report. Exhaustion is built into the ruleset. For the other things I'd suggest that you add your requests to the wish list (or vote if they are already there). Link in my signature

May 30th, 2022, 16:17
In Tomb of Annihilation:
The 3 pirate captains at Jahaka Anchorage (Story: 02.22.00) are each using generic art when the module has specific tokens for each in Assets folder:

NPC: Captain Laskilar should use token laskilar.png. He's also in Encounter 02.21.00 Jahaka Anchorage - The Stirge.
NPC: Captain Zaroum Al-Saryak should use token zaroumalsaryak.png. He's also in Encounter 02.21.00 Jahaka Anchorage - Emerald Eye.
NPC: Captain Elok Jaharwon should use token elokjaharwon.png. He's also in Encounter 02.21.00 Jahaka Anchorage - Dragonfang.

The art they are currently using is the generic art for their type (either Bandit Captain or Wereboar). These generic tokens are included in the module (found in Assets) as duplicates that might be able to be removed?

captainelokjaharwon.png is the generic Wereboar token
captainlaskilar.png is the generic Bandit Captain token
captainzaroumal_saryak.png is the generic Bandit Captain token

Since each of the above NPCs also has their own artwork under Images, it might be good to link to those in the description of each captain.

May 30th, 2022, 16:28
In the Monster Manual:
In the Reference Manual > Monsters > C: The 3rd entry in the side panel is blank and should likely say Centaur (at least, clicking the empty space opens the Centaur page).

May 30th, 2022, 16:43
Hmm, not sure why the tokens aren't matching up. I'll need to look into that. You're quite correct in that the images should link to their respective images. I'll note all that for fixing.

May 30th, 2022, 19:05
This isn't a bug report. Exhaustion is built into the ruleset. For the other things I'd suggest that you add your requests to the wish list (or vote if they are already there). Link in my signature

That's semantics. I consider it a bug that 5e rules aren't working and SRD spells aren't coded correctly.

May 30th, 2022, 19:55
As far as I can see Bless is coded correctly. If my character applies the spell to another character; when my character takes damage they automatically make a concentration saving throw.

Not all of the rules in the ruleset are automated; the devs have limited time and a lot of irons in the fire besides rulesets. There has always been a thriving community of extension developers who fill the gaps in with such things.

June 1st, 2022, 08:31
Monsters of the Multiverse - NPC - Red Abishai:
The action Power of the Dragon Queen has been badly parsed into the Incite Fanaticism action.

June 1st, 2022, 09:59
I'll let the developer know :)

June 1st, 2022, 10:30
Monsters of the Multiverse - NPC - Archer
The "Archer's Eye" bonus action is missing.

June 1st, 2022, 17:31

Tooting Dog
June 2nd, 2022, 05:49
Lots of "<<New Personality>>" from Monsters of the Multiverse in the NPC list.

Moon Wizard
June 2nd, 2022, 06:28
Can you please right click the module in the Modules window, and select the Revert option?

The module was accidentally released as editable records last week, rather than read-only. We use editable for adventures, and read-only for core rulebooks.


Tooting Dog
June 2nd, 2022, 07:00
I had done that and saw no change. But after I deactivated and then reactivated the module it cleared things up.

June 2nd, 2022, 14:50
Can you please right click the module in the Modules window, and select the Revert option?

The module was accidentally released as editable records last week, rather than read-only. We use editable for adventures, and read-only for core rulebooks.


Oh, not cool. Now I have to redo all my links. But that is life :-)

June 3rd, 2022, 20:49
Monster of the Multiverse - NPC - Berbalang
Spectral Duplicate is spelled as Spectral Dulicate (missing the p)

June 3rd, 2022, 21:58
Noted, thanks for the report.

June 10th, 2022, 18:39
Curse of Strahd:
In the Reference Manual, COS 05. Chapter 5: In the navigation sidebar, area N6. Coffin Maker's Shop (and it's associated areas) should be it's own "sub-chapter" instead of being under the N5. Arasek Stockyard sub-chapter.

June 10th, 2022, 19:24
So it should. I'll get that fixed.

June 11th, 2022, 20:28
In Curse of Strahd:

Image: The Martinov Family should be "The Martikov Family"
Story: 05.03.N2c. Taproom: The link to "Image: The Martinov Family" should be "Image: The Martikov Family"

June 11th, 2022, 20:36
Got it, thanks.

June 11th, 2022, 20:45
Minor annoyance
PHB - Potion Of Healing
while all other potions everywhere else including Potion of Healing DMG are Potion of XXX

June 11th, 2022, 20:55
I think this is a historical thing. In the PHB the potion is an item whereas everywhere else they are magic items (there is a difference). For whatever reason items automatically capitalize words like Of And etc (there is a good reason, but I can't remember what it is now - it's been like this for a long while).

June 12th, 2022, 23:49
In Curse of Strahd:

The token for NPC: Bray Martikov is missing. It should be using Bray.png from the module assets.
There appears to be a piece of artwork missing for Vladimir Horngaard (Ref Man > Appendix D). It appears on page 241 of the physical book.

If the artwork is available, an added bonus would be creating a token for the NPC record.

NPC: Vladimir Horngaard: On the Other tab, his Ideal text is all in bold.
Related to previously reported item, just wanted to add the image file in Assets for "The Martikov Family" is also misspelled as Martinov.

This isn't a bug, but it'd be nice to have tokens for NPC: Dimitri Krezkov and NPC: Anna Krezkov. They have artwork included in the module (Image: Baron Krezkov and Baroness Krezkova), but no tokens created for them.