View Full Version : For the first time I'm building a multi layered map and it keeps getting corrupted

January 8th, 2022, 06:52
I noticed I had put some graphics in wrong layer. I was unable to delete it. Then I noticed the layer dots used to move and scale had gone missing. Isn't a map layer always supposed to preserve its ability to be moved and scaled for a given layer (far right window lists them)? Shouldn't I always be able to remove graphics I don't want? This was tile placement from assets (SW art subscription in most cases).

I turned the layers visibility on and off and could never recover the way they worked when I first created them.

I need to know what I need to work around this stuff (things I should not do) - because this is pretty frustrating.

Right now I'm thinking - never use folders - never move layers around - never turn visibility off and on. I would not have even noticed the last bug if I had not gone in to remove a tile that had been placed in the wrong layer. And could not remove it - no matter what I tried - so I went into layers mode and it did not even show me the layer dots to manipulate it with.

I've also completely corrupted it (had to abandon image) by using folders and moving them around and changing their contents then undoing those changes.

January 8th, 2022, 07:23
This is a simple empty 5E project (no extensions) I created in the following way leading to this corruption.

Created Layer 1
Created round stone wall

Created Layer 2
Created round stone wall

Created Layer 3
Created round stone wall

Created doors in Layer 1 (added extra one at Layer 2 mimicking my mistake)

Created door in Layer 2

Created door in Layer 3

Reordered layers to go 1,2,3 in list

Created Layer 1a
Create circle sand floor tiles inside wall
Create one square sand floor tile to fill center of floor

Created Layer 2a
Create circle sand floor tiles inside wall
Create one square sand floor tile to fill center of floor

Created Layer 3a
Create circle sand floor tiles inside wall
Create one square sand floor tile to fill center of floor

Made sure floor layers were ordered to appear under their wall counterparts

Created Layer 1b
Moved 1b to be on top of wall
Create a dome tile over wall outline

Created Layer 2b
Moved 2b to be on top of wall
Create a dome tile over wall outline

OOPS there is a door sitting on top of my dome in the Layer 2b graphics... I turn off all layers to find out it is in Layer 1 with the door in Layer 2 area (mistake). I attempt to delete it - won't let me. I come up in layers view for Layer 1 and the dots are no longer there for movement and outline.

Bug duplicates easy. Not sure what in that sequence does it - but for sure it happens.

If you want the total corrupted image - just put the 3 layer sets into 3 folders - start moving the folders around - move some of the layers into different folders - the ctrl Z undo them until you die a horrible death.

Moon Wizard
January 8th, 2022, 15:37
Is it possible to provide a quick video that you can share via YouTube or DropBox?
Your steps are fairly long and involve specific actions we may not be following exactly without setting them.


January 8th, 2022, 15:56
Is it possible to provide a quick video that you can share via YouTube or DropBox?
Your steps are fairly long and involve specific actions we may not be following exactly without setting them.


I’ll have to see - was pretty easy to duplicate and you have the actual campaign I did it in which should show you the current issue. Use it and try to delete that door. Should be able to debug why that is not working and why layer dots are not showing - as it’s in that state as you come up in it.

January 8th, 2022, 16:35
Check the xml and see if the parent and child IDs for the folder content is correct. I had a map become corrupt because it it parent/child entities for a folder that were wrong. I can get that thread with the details if you need.

January 8th, 2022, 16:48
Check the xml and see if the parent and child IDs for the folder content is correct. I had a map become corrupt because it it parent/child entities for a folder that were wrong. I can get that thread with the details if you need.

No folders in this campaign example (as if I'd ever use one again if it can wipe my image with undo's) - I'm merely mentioning how you can probably use this campaign to completely corrupt it by creating folders for it - shifting stuff around in them then using ctrl Z to corrupt your image.

January 9th, 2022, 05:45
And now - I come up in my project having deleted some of the layers and I can delete the door and see the layered dots again. I have no idea what is going on but I'll try and continue with my map making.

January 9th, 2022, 06:03
Ok here is what I think happened. You can be in paint and switch to an active layer to work in but it will not really be switched as far as erase is concerned. You have to actually go into layering mode - then reselect the active layer you want (then dots will appear) then switch back to paint and THEN erase will work.

So as I was in paint 90% of the time going between active layers - and then trying to erase that door - it would never do it. But if I go back into layer mode - then reselect the active layer - then go into paint - the delete will work. Reselecting the layer while in layer mode will also show the dots. At least after I've been in and out of the app.

Now that I know this "trick" I think I can continue (without folders of course for the reasons I stated).