View Full Version : FG as hosted cloud service?

January 7th, 2022, 12:06
Does anyone know if there are plans to make FG available as a cloud service?

January 7th, 2022, 12:11
No plans are announced so far. To do that they have to modify the current architecture and this is time consuming and major endeavor.

January 9th, 2022, 02:40
Plus associated costs. Running a server somewhere costs a non-trivial amount of $$$. Including support costs of should the cloud fail for some reason, they would get a whole lot of grief.

I'd like to see https://fgapp.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=135371 implemented so that users who would like to run their own cloud instance (say, in AWS). Or there is some information somewhere where one could install FGU into an AWS instance and use remote desktop (of some form) to control the GM side.

January 9th, 2022, 02:51
Or there is some information somewhere where one could install FGU into an AWS instance and use remote desktop (of some form) to control the GM side.
I haven't tried with FGU, so maybe AWS has some port or firewall issues that could not be overcome, but we do similar all the time with different applications. Install them on an AWS instance and then remote in and work/run it like we are local. Pretty sure there are posts/comments around here from people who have done just that.

For those technically competent to run a server, this shouldn't be much of a challenge. Am I wrong?

January 9th, 2022, 02:58
If you launch it as a LAN/Local game, then there's just the one port that you'd have to port-forward in AWS. It shouldn't be a challenge. Just that in my experience, I find that using a remote desktop introduces way too much lag for my liking. Which is why I'd like the separate server vs. gm interface. The network demands tends to be much lower with that sort of separation.