View Full Version : BRP Rome

January 4th, 2022, 09:54
In a burst of optimism I bought the above expansion. However there's no Reference copy of the book in the module, and on opening the introduction I read "the library only contains an excerpt from BRP Rules; please refer to complete publication for the complete rules.

Does that mean "buy the pdf on Drivethru"? Or is it buried somewhere in the module? Very... strange

January 4th, 2022, 10:34
The BRP Rome is a setting with an extension to run BRP within that setting. The main core rulebook is what I believe it is referring to within the text in the library. This would be the product they are referring to:

January 4th, 2022, 10:37
Thanks. Does the extension involve the four scenarios or is there more (effecting the character sheet)

Not quite sure if its loaded or not

January 4th, 2022, 10:43
The extension changes the ruleset to provide the options the setting uses to play within the material. It should change how it functions with the data. The product I listed is just the base setup and the rules to play. It would be like buying the Savage Worlds core rulebook to understand how to play the system as a whole, but loading and using Savage Worlds Deadlands changes things within that ruleset to operate within that setting for that system.

January 4th, 2022, 10:45
I do grasp that. I'm just struggling to see the differences between the Game X with and without the extension. Ill poke it a bit more

January 4th, 2022, 10:49
One prime example would be the skill list for a character under the BRP Rome would be different from the skill list for a BRP generic character. Just one off the top of my head.

January 4th, 2022, 11:02
I can see items (weapons.shields etc) but no skill set. The chat window says the extension is loaded fwiw. I have the Gamemaster/System x/Rome modules loadeds

January 4th, 2022, 11:04
Just a quick snip to compare

BRP Rome

Default (no extension)

Many of the changes might be slight, but it does change the core code to fit the setting.

January 4th, 2022, 23:41
Can see it now