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View Full Version : Max H.P. Extension (needs update)

January 3rd, 2022, 21:58

The following Extension allows for manual Maximum Hit Point entry - but it does not save that value in the character sheet; it at the moment only records the Current Hit Point value.


This was tested on Unity using COC 7e + Down Darker Trails

A. Have the character sheet record the Maximum HP value as a static value that doesn't zero out after reload
B. Manual Keeper (GM) Value entry for the Max HP field / keeps things legit (especially if you as a GM 'reward' +1 HP here and there during long campaigns)

Please Advise / Thank You


March 13th, 2022, 06:49
Its discouraging that after using FG for years having graduated to Unity I cant get support nor HIRE anyone towards editing / customizing something like this; granted maybe I dont understand what is actually involved in making this tweak. All I know is that as soon as I can jump ship and run my games on another platform that isn't so difficult to customize I'm gone - just one drop in a bucket Im sure...


March 13th, 2022, 13:05
Did you mention this paid work on the Discord server? There is channel there where people seem interested in paid coding projects.
I'm don't own the CoC ruleset or I'd take a look myself.

March 13th, 2022, 14:03
Its discouraging that after using FG for years having graduated to Unity I cant get support nor HIRE anyone towards editing / customizing something like this; granted maybe I dont understand what is actually involved in making this tweak. All I know is that as soon as I can jump ship and run my games on another platform that isn't so difficult to customize I'm gone - just one drop in a bucket Im sure...


Did you try asking damned about an update for the free extension he made?

March 13th, 2022, 15:54
Its discouraging that after using FG for years having graduated to Unity I cant get support nor HIRE anyone towards editing / customizing something like this; granted maybe I dont understand what is actually involved in making this tweak. All I know is that as soon as I can jump ship and run my games on another platform that isn't so difficult to customize I'm gone - just one drop in a bucket Im sure...

Advice 1: state your request in the first line of your post.
Advice 2: have you tried the FGU discord?

I think part of the problem is that you needed to say in the FIRST line: Hey, can I get some help on this?
A casual read of the first post doesn't really get me the message you're trying to send. Be direct.

I would have started with:
Can someone help me work on this extension? I'm not sure how to get what I want.

The other problem is that not a lot of people play CoC. This is actually NOT a problem with FGU but with CoC, and this is not a criticism of CoC. It's a wonderful system. But having GMd for both D&D and CoC, it's a LOT easier to get players for D&D. This may be an issue of not having a lot of people active on CoC, and not a lot of people interested in modding CoC.

I understand you're discouraged though. Have you tried the Fantasy Grounds Discord? Maybe ask for help in the CoC area, or maybe there's an area for modding? Have you tried The Workshop subforum? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?42-The-Workshop

I hope you get the answers you're looking for.

March 16th, 2022, 01:25
thank you for your insight I will adjust

March 16th, 2022, 03:31
Its discouraging that after using FG for years having graduated to Unity I cant get support nor HIRE anyone towards editing / customizing something like this; granted maybe I dont understand what is actually involved in making this tweak. All I know is that as soon as I can jump ship and run my games on another platform that isn't so difficult to customize I'm gone - just one drop in a bucket Im sure...


If you had replied on the original thread at least I would have seen your message.
I cant and dont read every single post on the forums.