View Full Version : LFG - 1 Player - Any night - US Time - prefer 5E

December 29th, 2021, 22:15
FG License: Currently have the free version of FG, but willing to purchase
Time Zone: CST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Willing to play any night other than Wednesdays. Once per week/every other week at the least. If a weeknight works for everyone else, I'd just need to wrap up by midnight or so. Work sucks, right?
Term: Any term is good. I'd love to play through some of WoTC books, but I'm good with homebrew too. One-shots, to 10 month adventures. If there is good content, I'm in. If given a choice however, I do prefer the long game.
Voice: Lets be honest, they're all pretty much the same. Discord is usually the popular choice, but I'm good with whatever. No preference

Game System Preferred: I have the most experience with 5e, but have flirted with PF and Star Wars. I'm very interested in AL or the like.
Game System Experience: 5E
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Literally just downloaded it today. Played a few times on Role 20, but mostly tabletop.

Character Type Preferred: I enjoy combat, so I have often played a fighter or paladin. Lame, I know, until it saves the party. Nothing is quite as gratifying as hitting a monster in the face with a great axe. I've played, and willing to again, several other styles such as sorcerer, cleric and rogue.
About me: Love the lore of D&D, but really, I have a permanent residence in the land of nerdom. This can be anything from TTRPG to Star Wars (and associated canon for both) to high fantasy novels/shows, to board games (Wrath of Ashardalon, Legend of Drizzt) to PC games (currently Solasta has me pretty hooked) to just reading lore. I eat it all up. I'm a network engineer by day and fantasy geek by night. I'd love to join any group that can finds themselves in the same arena.

I appreciate your consideration!

January 3rd, 2022, 05:49

Are you still looking to join a campaign? Cheers Mike

January 3rd, 2022, 17:55
Yes sir! What are you running/thinking about?

January 13th, 2022, 00:54
I have a game that would be 6pm-9pm cST for you Thursdays 5e unity more information below you must have std lic.

January 14th, 2022, 03:45
At this point I've got a good group and not looking for further adventure/campaigns. I appreciate the offer