View Full Version : Failure installing to drive other than C; how do I clean up?

December 16th, 2021, 15:25
The installer allows you to choose a location other than C on Windows. However, when I tried to launch the game through steam, it just kept prompting to reinstall.
Now I can't uninstall because it doesn't recognize the install. It left behind a bunch of folders.

Now, I could delete the folders, but I'm more wondering about registry entries.

How do I fix this?

December 16th, 2021, 16:42
Did you install FGU via Steam in the first place? If you didn't then Steam won't recognise FGU unless you have activated your license in Steam.

You can just delete any folders that are on your disk.

And welcome to FG.

December 16th, 2021, 17:56
Unless you feel a need to launch through Steam, just make a shortcut to wherever your fantasygrounds.exe is installed.

Otherwise you can try uninstalling via Windows and then reinstalling, either through Steam or more easily just through the website here.