View Full Version : Auto scaling issue with larger than medium custom tokens for DND5E

December 10th, 2021, 18:09
Hello there. I'm struggling with my custom token scaling on larger than medium creatures.

The scaling in the options is set to a 100% and if I use the Chasme as an example large creature here: When I put the original token from the CT onto my grid it fills the square and the effect/healthmarkers are at the edge of the squares. But if I use my custom token, which is a square png with a round pog-image on a transparent background (that fills the square to the edges) it only fills about 75% of the squares it should, and the markers, while sticking to the lower gridlines, are slightly truncated towards the middle. If I CTRL+scroll scale the token to fill the squares the markers slide out and are outside the respective squares.

Also, if I select the original token the "selection" ring goes outside of the squares, but on my custom one it is only a slight red sliver..

I've tried numerous different image sizes from 256, 500 and even 5000, but they all come out the same.

I know it's not a huge issue but it's driving me mad, so if anyone can help I'd be most grateful. :)

PS: My medium tokens seem to scale just fine.


December 13th, 2021, 06:45
To clarify: In my image in the original post -> The active Chasme token is what custom "Large" size NPC's look like when I drop them in.

The player characters at the top left are "medium" sized tokens, shown as how they are dropped on the map (They fill their space perfectly). The top right is a default "medium" token for comparison.

The original chasme in the middle right is how the standard chasme is shown by just dropping it in (The only thing I've change between the two are the token). And the lower chasme is how it looks if I scroll-scale it up, with the markers pushing out of the token-space.

The image for the token is a square png image with a transparent background, with the art going right up to the border of the image.

December 13th, 2021, 08:48
How are you creating the tokens? I don't have an answer for you but it sounds like something to do with the way the token is being saved or exported from the program you use to create the tokens. It looks like the border around the token is bigger than you think. It is filling the space correctly in FGU - it's just got more border than image.

December 13th, 2021, 11:54
Hey and thanks for answering.

I drew the image in Procreate on my Ipad. I've exported it as a png to my dropbox, and I've scaled it to the various sizes using Gimp 2.0 on my computer. As stated it's a square png, dimensions 250x250px. The image fills to 2px away from the edges of the image. I'll attach it here:


December 13th, 2021, 12:07
Hm.. I tried making a new version now where the art filled ALL the way to the edge of the image and now it scales properly.. Must be something weird going on with scaling since there's no way the result I see equals the 2px margin I had.

But now it scales well when dropped onto the map:


However there are still an issue when selecting the tokens; the original has a WAY larger ring than my custom one:


December 13th, 2021, 15:16
I believe the selection ring size is based on the resolution of the token image. i.e. it's probably fixed at ~10 pixels, and when you compare your token that is probably at a higher resolution than the default ones, the ring is smaller i.e. if a standard token is 100 pixels and yours in 200 pixels wide, then your rind would appear half the width.

But, that's a couple of assumptions :)

December 13th, 2021, 16:29
I believe the selection ring size is based on the resolution of the token image. i.e. it's probably fixed at ~10 pixels, and when you compare your token that is probably at a higher resolution than the default ones, the ring is smaller i.e. if a standard token is 100 pixels and yours in 200 pixels wide, then your rind would appear half the width.

But, that's a couple of assumptions :)

Ah! I can test that theory out. Thanks for the tip!

December 13th, 2021, 18:59
It also draws the selection ring outside the dimensions of the image. The one image extends outside of the border circle. That means the graphic border is not the edge anymore.