View Full Version : LFG 1 Player, Free Version(For Now), Anytime Mon or Fri, EST US

December 8th, 2021, 17:23
FG License: I'm currently using the free version of FG, just to get used to the application and see if it's a good fit for me. Will most likely upgrade to the standard version unless I decide to DM, then will go with Ultimate.
Time Zone: EST, US.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Monday(any), Friday(any), or Sunday(9:30pm or later). Hoping for weekly or twice a week, but can do bi-weekly or whatever works with the group.
Term: Hoping for long term. Open to one shots or anything else to gain some experience with the game.
Voice: Using Discord currently, I'm open to other means of communication if more convenient for the group.

Game System Preferred: 5e, but I'm open to try other systems if you're willing to teach a bit.
Game System Experience: 5e, only played a small family one shot that got cut short. I've been watching CR and a few other DnD streams/videos for years. I've also spend a good amount of time on DnD Beyond, walking myself through combat and familiarizing myself with the systems.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Just joined, had someone show me the basics, I've been exploring the app myself.

Character Type Preferred: I currently have 2 characters with basic backstories. I'm willing to try anything though if they don't fit the campaign.
About me: I'm a Critical Role baby when it comes to DnD, so I love the roleplay aspect of the game, and will try to create a full personality/voice for my character. I have no expectations for others to do the same though, it's just for me. I'm willing to try out any style of game, and open to filling any spaces that the party may need. At the end of the day I'm here to learn and gain experience with DnD.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me