View Full Version : How do I customize my campaign with homebrew for character creation?

November 30th, 2021, 21:17

I have been trying to search for information on how to create custom Races/Subraces, Classes/Subclasses, and Backgrounds in FGU.

I've tried searching, reading several forum threads (such as How Do I ????? in Unity (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity)), the User Manual, the Wiki, Youtube, and more.

Various threads have referred to a "Downloads" page at the top of the Forums, which I can't find. They've mentioned .xml files. They've mentioned exporting from your existing campaign to a module that you can use in other adventures. Many of these threads are older threads and may refer to "now extinct" versions.

No where can I find the steps for how to create a Race/Subrace, Class/Subclass, or Background from scratch.

I would very much like to create them in my current campaign, and then later export them to my own Homebrew Character Creation module.

Any help for this newbie is most appreciated! Thank you! <3

P.S. Eventually I may also want to homebrew Spells, Magic Items, and Monsters too.

November 30th, 2021, 21:32
For what system, D&D 5E?

If so, Zacchaeus has an older video "Creating a Class in Fantasy Grounds" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV0vH1eeUZM&list=PLvtWYj3HpGj6aninQHnV7ZYH4fHpLg42I). He has several different ones in one of his YouTube playlist.

It also appears to be a newer one on YouTube (about 6 months ago) at "Fantasy Grounds - Homebrew Class and Race" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE5WvSzn2JE).

November 30th, 2021, 22:00
In addition to the class video linked above you'll find links to creating races and backgrounds here as well https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27296-Guides-videos-and-other-helpful-information

December 1st, 2021, 02:09
Thank you GunnarGreybeard and Zacchaeus. I will be using D&D 5e. Off to check the resources you've suggested!

December 2nd, 2021, 02:44
@GunnarGreybeard and @Zacchaeus,

From the Adventure Module Creation Best Practices forum thread by LordEntrails, I’ve learned that when creating Homebrew, you want to set up a separate “development” campaign, so that you can later export your Homebrew as a module, to use in one or more other (separate) campaigns.

Then, I had a look at two of the video tutorials you both suggested.

Notes for Creating a Background in Fantasy Grounds – a video by Zacchaeus

Here are the times that I got lost, while trying to follow this video from 2017.

0:40 – My Library screen does not look like this. When I first go to the Library screen, my screen shows two panes, not three. When I first access my Library screen, in the left pane, I see my pre-purchased Modules, and the right pane is blank. Then, I have to click on a Module, before I see the categories like Backgrounds displayed in the right pane of the Library screen.


0:49 – I have no option in my right navigation for Backgrounds, so I guess I’ll have to start from a pre-existing module to get to the Backgrounds screen. I’m personally adding Backgrounds homebrew for D&D 5e, so I only selected ONE minimal module to open – 5E SRD Data – so I can open Backgrounds to add my homebrew.

0:54 - Zacchaeus says to click on the Edit button (a red circle with a forward slash in it). My Backgrounds screen has an X at the top to close the screen, and a +, -, and search bar at the bottom. The + stands for Expand All and the – for Collapse All. I have no “Edit” option.

0:57 – At this point, I’m completely stuck, since I’m not finding a way to add a new Background.

NEW Q.1: Where exactly do I go in FGU v4.1.12 Standard to add a Background?

Notes for Fantasy Grounds – Homebrew Class and Race – a video by Matt Cavy

1:59 – Matt selects “Races” from his right navigation sidebar, and there is also an option on the sidebar for “Classes.” He opens those screens, and selects the “Edit” button (the same red circle with a forward slash in it).

NEW Q.2: Where exactly do I go in FGU v4.1.12 Standard to add a Race or a Class? a Feat? a Spell? a Magic Item?

December 2nd, 2021, 03:29
Hopefully you will be able to follow my thrown together RED notes on your original screenshot.

December 2nd, 2021, 03:46
Once you have all the SideBar menu showing, click the Backgrounds button in that sidebar. On the next popup screen (tilted Backgrounds), click the Green + sign button in the bottom right corner. That opens the screen to set up/create your new background. You would do the same for the other sidebar menu's where you want to create homebrew content. Open that menu, click the Green + sign button in the bottom right corner and create your homebrew content as needed.

December 2nd, 2021, 03:56
Something else that may be helpful. Without knowing what voice chat program, if any you may be using, I would recommend Discord (should have a browser and download option) and I would then join the Fantasy Grounds Academy community. (https://discordapp.com/invite/Ew6nYyw) They can answer a lot of your questions there and even do a voice chat in one of the classrooms rather than just text via the forums here.

December 2nd, 2021, 05:46
@GunnarGreybeard: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Now I can access all the areas that I may wish to homebrew, and I can continue on with the videos.
I appreciate all your hints and tips, too! <3

December 3rd, 2021, 02:16
You are certainly welcome!

Something to note, when doing homebrew stuff, you will want to check your phrases to make sure they get identified and parsed by the 5E Ruleset (so you can maximize the automating/auto-filling of PC/NPC sheets).

You can find examples of phrasing at the 2 links below;

5E Effects (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects#Automating_Effects_on_NPCs)
5e Class, Background, Race, Feat interpreted strings (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects#Automating_Effects_on_NPCs)

Probably a bunch more out there, and videos too, I just haven't spent time searching them out.