View Full Version : LFG, 1 Player, Avail Wed-Fri 3-10PM CST for PF1E or 5E (New to FG)

November 30th, 2021, 00:50
FG License: Currently Free, but I can be convinced/bribed to buy in to a game license or sub. ;)
Time Zone: Iowa, USA; Central Standard Time
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm currently available on a regular basis Wed-Fri, 3PM to about 10PM CST, weekly.
Term: I'd prefer long-term campaigns, but I'd be open to one-shots if only to get traction and experience on FG!
Voice: Available for voice over Discord or Zoom.

Game System Preferred: I've played Pathfinder 1E and DnD 5E, and I'd like to experience more of 5E.
Game System Experience: See above; several years in DnD 3.5 before PF1E, and about a year for 5E.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Practically a newborn baby, but I'd like to get the experience!

Character Type Preferred: Any and all, though historically, I've had a penchant for blaster casters and support/healers. But I'm a chameleon. I can try anything and everything once.

About me: I'm an AVID player and I'd love to have a chance to bring my numerous character concepts to a table to try. I started playing 3.5, moved to PF, and now I'm a 5E player. I want to get more experience and play with new people. I'm also a digital artist and gamer, and I love to get into immersion with stories the DM unfolds and the character chemistry and interactions with RP, and just generally having a great time with like minded people! Happy gaming!