View Full Version : Modules crash

September 3rd, 2007, 14:36
Hy, first, sorry for my bad english

i test how to use modules to creat a very big campaign.
so i creat a small scenario with 2 little maps, 2 bad guys and a little story.
i write /export and to the small wizard i export all what i need and 2 tokens.
it work
i erase all what i do and then, i creat a new scenario with an other map, 1good guy and a bad guy, i export all and i ad 2 tokens.
it work again.

Well, i creat a new campain an then i activate the first module. i can see the map but not the story and npc. i must shutdown FG2 and restart it to see all what i need. Then i activate the second module, all is working fine.
i can close one module, all is working, but if i close all the modules, the FG2 hang with error 'fantasyground.exe is shuting down .....microsoft.....)

So i thing there is a problem
thank you

September 3rd, 2007, 15:05
This is a known bug with Fantasy Grounds 2.

If you create a new campaign, before you open a module containing a story/NPC/etc. entry you need to create one yourself. It can be blank and you can delete if after you create it but it needs to be initialized first before activitating the module.

September 3rd, 2007, 15:55
thank you , it work now