View Full Version : Adding power effect, magnifying glass not showing up on right side

November 18th, 2021, 04:30
Just started a fresh clean campaign of Wild beyond the Witchlight, no addons or any strangeness and had a character playing a barbarian. Went to add the rage power but when I added the power I wasn't able to see the magnifying glass and thus alter the name and other details of the power. In old campaigns it worked, confused as to what has happened. Is there some update that makes it that you have to go about this a completely different way to allow the magnifying glass to show up?

Just so we're all clear...

If I follow this from the wiki....


The final group which can appear on the Actions tab is powers. These are generally everything which is not a weapon or a spell; it could include Traits from the character's race or class, feats, class features, magic items and a great deal more. Powers can also be set up to keep track of such items as a Monk's Ki points, a Sorcerer's sorcery points or a fighters Superiority dice.

To set up a new power group click on the edit list button at the bottom right hand side of the tab and select 'Add Power', or if there are already powers right click and select 'Create Item'
This will create a new line; in the left hand box type in a name for the power. In the right hand box type in a name for the Power Group.
Once a Power Group has been added then new traits or powers can be added to that group, either by using the edit list button and then clicking on the green 'Add Item' button on the Power Group line, or by right clicking and selecting Create item.
Click on the magnifying glass at the end of the Power Group line to bring up the editing dialog.

That last one..., Click on the magnifying glass isn't working as there is none. I've created a test campaign with nothing in it and created a new character tried to add power and again the magnifying glass isn't there.

November 18th, 2021, 14:01
It might help if you could provide some screenshots, please

November 18th, 2021, 14:05
Have you changed the group name? I was able to get the magnifying glass for the helper window after I changed it from default


November 18th, 2021, 14:13
The magnifying glass only appears after you type in a name for the power group in the right hand box and tab out of it.

November 18th, 2021, 15:07
MOD: moved to House of Healing

November 18th, 2021, 15:13

@superteddy57, I can't change the name as there is no way to interact with the "POWERS" label, all I can do is add new items.

I thought I found a workaround by bringing in a spell, and then changing the power name to 'Barbarian Features'...however, when adding new items, those items didn't have a magnifying glass.


Lastly, a screenshot of a sample 20th level barbarian I downloaded awhile ago with all the features and such coded in, and you can see how it has the proper magnifying glass icons and such working.


November 18th, 2021, 15:18
You won't get a magnifying glass next to an item until there is at least one action on that item - right-click -> add action and add which action type you want to add.

November 18th, 2021, 15:29
They wont have a magnifying glass until you right click on them and add a power, etc.

- Add Power (from bottom right icon)
- Give it a name and a group
- Right Click > Add Action
- Add Effect (or Heal, or...)
- Enter your effects etc. Notice you will now have a magnifying glass.

OR, the better way;
Drag the Rage feature info window to the Actions tab. Then right click Add Action etc as above. By doing it tis way, some features will auto populate with action(s), but all of them the shield icon will now link to the text of the action.

November 18th, 2021, 16:00
LordEntrails, Trenloe, Zacchaeus, and superteddy57

Gotcha, thanks all, working now. Appreciate the help.