View Full Version : Candlekeep Mysteries Campaign...

November 9th, 2021, 01:56
For the last month I have been making a campaign out of the Candlekeep Mysteries. There must have been an update for it in the last week or so (I haven't been in it for a week) and suddenly when I went into it today, a bunch of the changes I have made are no longer there. This TOTALLY SUCKS!!!

Is there anything I can do to get the changes I made back?
If not, what do I need to do to not have them overwritten again?

Thank You,

Mike LaPointe

November 9th, 2021, 03:08
First Backup your campaign(s).

Then go to the following article, and give those a try.

Restore campaign to an earlier state (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1207304196/Restore+Campaign+to+an+Earlier+Save).

Backup your campaigns first.

November 9th, 2021, 03:09
FG makes regular backups of the campaign database, as well, if it doesn't exit properly it will usually give you a message when it starts up.

Before you do anything else, start by making a secure backup of your development campaign folder. Keep this so you have a safe backup.
Now take a look at your campaign folder. Lok at the date and file size of your db.xml file. Compare that to the various db.session and db.backup (if they exist) files.

Now, rename your db.xml file to something like db.xml.original. And then copy and rename the other various db files, starting with the most recent file that is larger than the db.xml file, to db.xml. Then start FG and open your campaign. Do you have your work back?

November 9th, 2021, 13:39
Thank you to both Sulimo and LordEntrails! I ended up doing what Sulimo suggested and it worked, but I'm happy that I may have had another option (from what LordEntrails said). :D

November 9th, 2021, 15:05
They both advised the same thing. That is replacing the db.xml with a session file. Session files are backups of your db.xml file. Each different new day that you log into the campaign FGU copies the existing db.xml and makes it a session file. Thus replacing the db with a session file restores the campaign to what it would have been at the start of whatever the last day you opened the campaign. There will be some data loss if you added things during the session but it will restore the majority of the campaign.

Always back up you campaign folders every so often.