View Full Version : Windows players cannot load assets

November 7th, 2021, 18:44
Summary: Windows players cannot load assets

Ruleset(s): Starfinder

New Campaign / FGC Migrated Campaign: New Campaign

Extensions/Themes: none

Modules Loaded: Starfinder Core Rulebook, Dead Suns Part 1, Starfinder Armory, Starfinder Characters Operation Manual

Operating System / Language Setting: GM: Linux, Players Win 10/Apple/Linux

Steps to Reproduce:
My players on Linux/Apple computers are able to load modules as expected. My windows players click "Load" but the laptop icon never opens and if they go back into modules the content is back in unloaded state. They cannot load any content this way.

November 7th, 2021, 19:15
It's probably because those players do not have FG installed correctly. Probably a permissions issue. Have them try the Fix Permissions button in the updater. Please see if you can get a copy of the player logs after they attempt to load a module and your host logs and post them all up here.

Moon Wizard
November 7th, 2021, 20:37
Also, it is possible that they have some sort of security software on their machine or router that is blocking files/images being transferred.

There is a wiki troubleshooting article for networking to help walk through possible scenarios:


November 9th, 2021, 15:45
There are two Players having the same issue with mosburn Starfinder game. I am helping him troubleshoot this. We are getting logs together for you. One thing I noticed that network and network-prev are binary? I edited them to remove my public IP and local IP.

November 9th, 2021, 15:47
It's probably because those players do not have FG installed correctly. Probably a permissions issue. Have them try the Fix Permissions button in the updater. Please see if you can get a copy of the player logs after they attempt to load a module and your host logs and post them all up here.


permissions look fine

November 9th, 2021, 15:55
Also, it is possible that they have some sort of security software on their machine or router that is blocking files/images being transferred.

There is a wiki troubleshooting article for networking to help walk through possible scenarios:


I don't want to go into too much detail about what exactly my local network looks like, read through the network troubleshooting and no issues related to this. Both mosburn and I are technical people and good at troubleshooting and resolving networking issues.

We got some of the other Modules to load besides the core rule book, so don't think its related to that. We tried sharing the full files over Discord, putting them into the folder where they go, but when the game loads none of the modules are loaded that previously worked.

November 9th, 2021, 15:56
See logs. Player is attempting to fetch Starfinder Core Rulebook

Moon Wizard
November 9th, 2021, 16:49
Usually, partial logs from only one side of the network conversation are not very useful. In the future, please provide logs from both GM and player side when the error occurs. If you are hesitant to post on forums, please post to our support team via the Contact Us link.

In this case, you can see this occur in the player network log:
[11/9/2021 9:34:55 AM] Noble Connect [1405859]: Socket receive operation timed out

This implies that the socket was closed due to inactivity, which usually means that the socket was closed by something outside the player's machine. (i.e. host machine, host router, player router). It could be something that is closing the connection due to the type of data being sent (images), or the amount of data being sent (burst traffic), or throttling of the connection based on overall throughput (QoS, burst, etc.)


November 9th, 2021, 17:01
I do not see any matching log entry on the other side. The server end shows the operation timed out, the player side does not seem to ack the request at all. In fact I do not see the timestamp all on the player side at 9:34 (which is when i shut off the server to gather the logs)

Moon Wizard
November 9th, 2021, 18:22
Again, full logs are needed from both sides if you want me to review further. It's not really a good use of time to talk in generalities.

As I mentioned, it appears that "something" in the middle of the network interaction is interfering with the transfer or closing the connection. (i.e. something outside of the application) If there was a file saving/displaying issue, it would show up in one of the logs, but that is not usually the case.


November 9th, 2021, 19:23
Attached logs

November 9th, 2021, 19:38
To add to the things we have tried; We both tried hosting and joining from separate machines and it did not resolve the issue. Would it be possible to try and replicate the issue with someone from Smiteworks that has all the Pathfinder stuff setup? I'd be happy to do that as long as, my raw (un sanitized logs) are NOT shared here.

November 9th, 2021, 19:44
The logs.zip above that mosburn attached includes logs from both sides.

Moon Wizard
November 9th, 2021, 23:46
We can try and set up a time to run a test via DM on Discord, if you want.

I saw these in the logs:
(Console Log)
[11/9/2021 8:24:21 AM] NETWORK RECV FILE REQUEST: client.xml@Starfinder Core Rulebook
[11/9/2021 8:24:21 AM] NETWORK SEND FILE: client.xml@Starfinder Core Rulebook (9064442)

(Main Log)
[11/9/2021 8:34:55 AM] Noble Connect [1405859]: Socket receive operation timed out
[11/9/2021 8:34:55 AM] Noble Connect [1405859]: Socket receive operation timed out

[11/9/2021 9:24:36 AM] NETWORK SEND FILE REQUEST: client.xml@Starfinder Core Rulebook
(and nothing more)

Again, all of these point to something killing the connection and/or intercepting the file. This is what the Network Troubleshooting document is exactly for; because those are exactly the steps we would be walking through if I got on a call with you.


P.S. And again, I will say that "filtering" the logs is only making this harder. If you are concerned, please send through PM or to our support queue.

November 10th, 2021, 02:51
Ok sent you a DM and we can help figure time to get this troubleshooted. Not sure what the Smiteworks Discord is? I can DM link to the one we use or we can just use a Zoom. LMK.

November 10th, 2021, 03:44
Not sure what the Smiteworks Discord is?
Linked under the "Help" menu at the top of the page. Which points to here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/home/Discord.php

Moon Wizard
November 10th, 2021, 16:05
We just tested with LLBBL on Discord, and he was able to successfully connect to and download modules from FG hosts run by both Zacchaeus and myself. So, probably worth testing with the GM computer, and looking at their network setup more closely.


November 13th, 2021, 18:19
We got it working when connecting to mosburn, seems his ISP is blocking the files for whatever reason. He put his computer in DMZ and then we tried with and without a VPN. Works with the VPN.